How to organize an apiary

March 25. Useful advice, Repair and construction work Views 2761. Comments to record how to organize an apiary No

It is difficult to find someone who does not like honey and bee products, not to mention their benefit to human health. Such an unusually delicious and fragrant product love almost everything from Mala to Great. Therefore, beekeeping at all times was, there is a rather profitable business that does not require large capital investments at first. Moreover, the apiary is not so difficult to organize, as it may seem at first glance. The main thing is to own certain knowledge. So, you finally decided, then why should you start?

Place for apiary

The location of the apiary is called point. From where it will be located, much depends, and, first of all, the performance of bees. To begin with, it is important to determine what an apiary should be: mobile or stationary.

  • Mobile apiary is convenient because it is not tied to a specific place. At the same time, the performance of bees increases, as it does not depend on the nature whims and the time of the honey.
  • To the question of choosing a place for stationary apiary is to approach with special attention. It can be a land plot located near your home, for example, in the garden or nearby forests where trees and herbs grow, which can become good sources for nectar (acacia, linden, clover, raspberry, honeysuckle, rosehip, etc. .).

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The main thing is that it was a warm, dry and quiet place located on a long distance from a large accumulation of people (large highways, industrial enterprises, multi-depleted housing arrays, etc.), sowing fields, where regular chemical treatment of cultivated crops occurs, etc. d.

  • Also, it is also impossible to equip an apartment in an open area either on a hill, where everything is blocked by winds, in lowlands, where cold air is constantly present.
  • The hives must be protected from direct sunlight, so the southern or south-west side of the house in a garden shadow is best for them. You can land the living fence around them in the form of tall shrubs up to two meters to protect your neighbors from unwanted contact with bees.
  • To save space, some are equipping an apicker and sheds. In this case, the evidence put the wall close to the wall in which the openings are made outside the bee departure.

How much should be bees and where to buy them

  • Bees for the apiary can be purchased bought in the hives or swarms of amateur beekeepers, in special farms or in large beekeeping.
  • For long distances, they are sent by mail on cells or no cells in specially intended for these purposes.

Experts in this area believe that at first, novice beekeepers are worthwhile to breed no more than 3-4 bees families. This will be enough to acquire the necessary experience. Over time, with a great desire, the apiary can be expanded without any problems.

  • It is best to buy bees at the end of spring, so that this season will have time to get the first honey. And it is worth doing this in the company with an experienced beekeeper.
  • If the bees are purchased in autumn, it is best to do that before the onset of cold weather, for example, in September.

Hives and necessary inventory of the beekeeper

Before buying bees, it is important to prepare everything in advance to accommodate them, that is, buy hives for them, as well as all the necessary equipment and equipment.

  • This includes a framework for the hives, a beekeeper box, a mouse mesh, a sweater, a wax, a honeymill, a refractometer, cap and much more.
  • Beehive is the main equipment without which the apiary and its existence is impossible. Such an artificial housing for bees can be made with your own hands or buy in a specialized store.


The main criterion for choosing the right hive is its durability, as well as the possibility of protecting the bee family from any natural conditions, such as strong wind or cold.

  • Therefore, first of all, it is important to pay attention to the thickness of the Donia and the walls. It is usually no more than 40 millimeters. This is enough that bees can inside maintain the temperature they need.
  • The hives are made of wood. Most often it is the willow, fir, linden, carefully dried pine, etc. There are various types of hives, the choice of each of them depends on the operating conditions.
  • The main thing is that all the hives at the apiary are one type to simplify the process of servicing them.


Proper placement of hives

This is an equally important aspect that should be taken into account when arranging their own apiary.

  • Uli can not be placed on one stand next to each other.
  • The distance between them should be at least 4 meters. Each such house should be free access bees on all sides.
  • In order to save the Space Space, in pairs, so that the letters are towards the North and the Northeast with a small bias of up to 5 degrees.
  • Each such house for bee family is installed on wooden pegs or special stands at a height of 30-40 cm from the surface of the Earth.
  • Outside, each hive is painted in bright tones and it is desirable that each of them is different color and has its own number.



In more detail about the organization of their own apiary, you can learn from the video:


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