Landscaping of the country area do it yourself

January 12. Plot. Views 2430. 2 comments to records landscaping of the country area with their own hands

Not always, after the purchase of the summer cottage, his new owners get a well-groomed and well-maintained territory. As a rule, after the acquisition of land, it is necessary to put it in order and properly maintained. By investing in such an arrangement of your strength, over time you will get a well-groomed and comfortable living area.

Inspection of the site

Surely the inspection of this territory was carried out more than once before buying. Nevertheless, it is worth doing this again, but it is already more carefully to determine the scale of the work that will be necessary to produce in order to improve the country's dacha. To do this, it is necessary to inspect the entire land, as well as the construction available on it, and it should be peaked inside them. In addition, it is necessary to study the composition of the soil, and also find out where the boundaries of the site are run, is there a cellar, cesspool, etc. on it. It will be necessary to take into account all the moments where there is a need for repair or restoration work. Having done these work quite carefully, based on the information received, it will be necessary to compile a detailed action plan.


Such planning should be taken seriously and thoughtfully. In the preparation of the project of landscaping of the country area, including the garden and the garden, should take into account many details. The more detailed planning, the greater the excessive costs of labor and time, as well as finances will be avoided in the future.

Planning the landscaping area

Planning where to start the landscaping of the country area should be carried out in conjunction with households that will be accommodated in the country. Having gathered together and armed with writing subject and paper, you can proceed to the discussion.

In the process of planning the arrangement of the country area, the following steps can be distinguished:

  1. Development of a strategic plan - discussed who and how himself poses pastime in the country, will need to determine which objects you want to build, equip and arrange on the site. Most families are inclined to the next. For convenient use, the country area will need to be equipped:
  • residential building in which all family members will be able to accommodate. Such construction should be placed at least three-meter distance from the road to avoid dust in the room;
  • economic buildings - they are required to arrange away from the planned place of rest for your family, as well as neighbors;
  • parking for the car - it is recommended to be placed from the north side of the house;
  • the garden from which it is planned to get a plentiful harvest in the future, as well as a fruitful garden. While the trees will not grow up, these objects can be combined together. In the absence of particularly strong shading, the trunks of large trees in the presence of desire can also be located a bed with greens;
  • gazons, barbecue area, garden pergolas, as well as benches for easy holiday.

  1. At the next planning stage, it will be necessary to proceed to specifics - make a list of trees, shrubs and plants that you want to place in the country area. It should be noted that the trees planted too thick trees can shadow each other, as well as beds, as a result of which they still have to cut forward. It is believed that on one weaving of the useful area, it is possible to grow no more than 6-7 full-fledged fruit trees. When planning the improvement of the territory of the country area, the relief of the territory should be taken into account. In places where the soil waters are close to the surface, and the soil is rejected either is a wetlands, the moisture trees and plants will be comfortable. For those of their species that prefer dry parts of the soil, it may be necessary to equip drainage or make a small embankment. In addition, it is necessary to remove the stones that will interfere with the arrangement, torture the stumps, as well as align the surface of the soil, falling asleep the holes and removing the tubercles.
  1. Next, it will be necessary to determine the places that will be shaded on the territory of the country area. Fruit trees and yields of plants should not be planted in the shade. To consider the optimal way of landscaping and landscaping the country area, you will need to take a sheet of paper and, designating the outlines of the site and placed on it buildings, trees, fences, as well as the sides of the world, present the movement of the sun. It will be necessary to calculate the approximate height of everything that can give the shadow, and determine the width of the shaded zones, based on the rule that it is twice the height of the objects. In places that will remain shaded for more than half of the day, the plant varieties should not be improved. In fully shaded zones, you can plan an improvement of the Alpine slide on the summer site, as well as the placement of paths and paths, flower beds, flower beds, arbors and benches.
  2. Plan the placement of trees and beds on the site is necessary given the following information:
  • trees on the site can be given any form through the molding of the crown. All of them are well tolerated, therefore, you can adjust the height of trees, ranging from natural dimensions and up to dwarf sizes. The same can be said about the crown width, as well as its geometrical form. Trees can step on the ground, as well as grow in the form of a wall of different heights. The rows of fruit shrubs and trees should be placed on the site in the north-south direction, in this case the total yield of the shadow will be minimal, and it will be possible to most effectively use aide;
  • thick fruit shrubs (for example, gooseberry) should be placed in a checker, like trees with a spherical crown;
  • red currant is best feeling, growing on elevations in places with dry soil and good illumination, while black currant - in areas with high humidity;
  • the root root system will grow significantly, so it is recommended to plant a raspberry in isolated places to make it easier to control the area it occupy.


  1. Next, it will be necessary to start planning the arrangement of the garden, greenhouses, flower beds and flower beds. Someone for the improvement of the summer cottage of 6 acres with their own hands will be sufficiently small beds for growing early vegetables and greenery, the other dacms will fit to the arrangement of the garden with all the maximum possible foundation. The remaining place can be left under the flowerbeds and lawns, and the illumination and relief of the selected area should be taken into account, as well as the presence of watering. It should be noted that in places of the lawn grass, weeds are not growing - unlike herbal cover, they do not tolerate.
  2. In order to comfortably move between different objects located on the territory of the site, it is necessary to schedule the location of the tracks on it. It is not recommended to apply in the country the movement scheme with straight corners, when driving tracks it is worth a preference to more complex forms to obtain triangular, rounded, beveled areas of the territory.


Stages of landscaping of the country area

Before starting work on the arrangement of the country area, it will be necessary to make it clean. Household and construction trash, accumulated fallen branches and leaves, as well as unnecessary stones should be collected. The garbage that can be burned, is assembled into a large bunch and is condensed accordingly. Everything else that it is not possible to somehow use, it should be removed from the territory.


Locking communications

From the presence of communications in the form of power supply, water supply and sewage, willing to largely depend on the convenience of finding in the country area. To provide suitable working conditions and accommodation in the country, it will be necessary to provide for water supply of the area for household needs, as well as for watering plants. To do this, it is not enough to bring water to the hose, it is also desirable to organize its feed to the washbasin and the summer soul, as well as a greenhouse, etc. At the same time, it is also necessary to take care of the organization of the drainage system - for this it is necessary to take drain pipes to sewage, or in a special reservoir or a pit. In addition, a branched wiring system can be paved in the cottage territory in order to provide power for various needs.

Improvement of buildings

If there are no buildings in the country area, they will need to be erected as money is allocated for construction. Available buildings should be repaired to lengthen their service life. It will be necessary to inspect the house for cracks. In addition, if necessary, replace windows and doors. It may be needed to repair the base part of the house, as well as cosmetic repairs in the rooms. In addition, economic buildings should be brought to the optimal state - for example, the shed, cellar, summer kitchen. It is not possible to work for the benefit of crop growing, but also to fully rest is easy - for this it is necessary to landscap the places for recreation in the form of a gazebo, benches, barbecue area.

Breakdown of beds

Newcomers in Gardening will need to become familiar with the recommendations for the optimal placement of plants and crop growing, you can also consult with more experienced dacifices.


On the beds it is easy to equip the so-called "choplars" or pyramids consisting of a central support with ropes attached to them. On such vertical structures, the curly plants like cucumbers or beans will be scented with convenience. Trelliers can be connected to overlaps and create pretty alleys on the site. Most successfully spread the garden along the southern and eastern walls of the house, as well as not far from the economic buildings.


Registration of landscape design

To get a well-kept country area to which it will be pleasant to be, it will be necessary to pay due attention to the design of the landscape design of the territory. To do this, it will be necessary to work hard, but the result of the effort spent themselves, no doubt, will justify. After preparing at the planning stage with the location of the lawns, Alpine slides, flower beds and flower beds, then it will be necessary to proceed directly to the design of these areas of the territory. At this stage, it will also be necessary to engage in the construction of small architectural forms, including arbors, garden pergol. In addition, you can creatively decorate the country area, placing a small decorative reservoir on it. For a comfortable family holiday, you can consider and equip a patio, as well as a barbecue area.

It should be noted that a universal suitable formula for the improvement of the treasury does not exist - in any case, it will be necessary to apply an individual approach. However, this process is exciting and allows you to fully show their creative and creative abilities.

Improvement of the territory of the country area - Photo








Landscaping of the country area - video

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2 answers to the improvement of the country area do it yourself

  1. Misha.:

    Friends That such a Nirvana model bought a triple, durable, withstand and four))) It looks great, complements the scenery of the courtyard, was pretty pretty, delivered quickly, did not have to wait long. Already a year, probably, the third pleasing to us. Top from the sun and rain. Go, there and other models are, but this is the most successful, as for me. And what do you think and have there anyone?

  2. Peter:

    Good advice! Partially assumed, but the tracks tried to do themselves - it did not work ... In the end, they turned to the country's comfort plus here http: // finache.rf/ And we did everything quickly and efficiently and at the same time we made us a potent plot for parking. The engineering is not big and therefore we would not fit the garage there, and so it turned out very compact and practical.

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