How to choose sockets and switches

August 29. Useful advice Views 6413. 2 comments to record how to choose outlets and switches

Sockets and switches - integral satellites for use of amenities that gives electricity. They are completely different form, destination and configuration. You can choose exactly the product that best will fit into the interior and will make the most appropriate as possible. In addition, a wide range of prices for electric machines will allow you to choose what is perfect to your pocket. Make it will be very simple if you read the proposed purchase rules and will follow them.

What are the types of outlets and switches?

Both sockets and switches have a variety of functions depending on the types of product. Rozetka 01.

Types of sockets

Before choosing a socket, first of all determine the appropriate type of product, taking into account that they are following:

Types of switches

To more clearly imagine how to select a circuit breaker or manual, also initially familiarize yourself with the existing varieties provided by modern manufacturers:

  • Light switches. Convenient in dark rooms where you need to look for a switch in a pitch darkness. Ideal for installation in corridors, in the kitchen and in the hallway. In the bedroom, this light may interfere. 454_Zoom
  • Switches without backlight. Universal in use. 977578
  • Lighting regulators. Used in conjunction with incandescent lamps for smooth change in the level of lighting. There are sensory and mechanical. Applicable with halogen, luminescent and LED lamps. dimmer
  • Passing switches. Apply where it is necessary to manage different lighting groups. May have several keys. Examples of such premises are rooms with chandeliers, in which several groups of lamps or in large audiences. B14678_C06006.

Important! All sockets and switches are also divided into two types, depending on the type of wiring:

  • external wiring;
  • hidden wiring.

When choosing a device, pay attention to it, as they are not interchangeable, and you may have to go to the store to make a replacement if you select which outlets to choose, you prefer the wrong option. z14163876Q-SCIEMNIACZ-DOTYKOWY-Z-RAMKA-ZE-SZKLA

How to choose a design switch in design?

As already mentioned, switches can have several design options:

  • classmate;
  • two-block;
  • three-block. vykl.-Nakl.-2

    Important! The latter are not very reliable in operation, so it is not particularly recommended to apply them.

Considering the sockets and switches that choose, decide, based on the criterion of maximum convenience and network layout features. Also take into account the number of lamps in the lighting device. Natur.

How to distinguish high-quality products from fakes?

To be able to determine the quality of the product yourself, do the following:

  1. Examine the switch parameters. They are indicated on the inner surface of the device.
  2. Pay attention to the availability of a quality mark from the manufacturer.

    Important! Imported products should be a sign of growth. This means that this manufacturer is certified in the territory of the Russian Federation and has been inspected by the public service. rozetki.

  3. Inspect the product carefully. The product of improper quality is characteristic visual signs in the form of surface irregularities, lack of clear lines and other characteristic features of poor-quality assembly. bticino_b.

    Important! Buying a cheap product with low quality will force you soon to replace the product, as it simply fails. In addition, the crafts are extremely unsafe to use. Take care of your money and property. Therefore, making a decision to better choose switches and sockets, prefer solid companies that have proven themselves in the electricity market.                       

Which contact system is better?

There are two types of systems:

  • quick-sighted contacts;
  • screw contacts. bFF914D83646FF2C8FB2E785A1E4EB1E.

    Important! Screw contacts were popular for a long time until the second type appeared. The feature of the uninterrupted operation of the screw clamp is that it requires prevention at least once every 3 months. This procedure is regularly tightening the screw stigs to the electrical conductory, which over time sits under the pressure of the screw, did not lose contact with the network. If the contact is weakening, then over time it will start overheating and burns.                                1512

Considering all of the above, the following benefits have the following advantages:

  • spring self presses addicted contacts;
  • regular prevention is not required;
  • the human factor is excluded - some electricians can simply forget to tighten the screws on time;
  • the service life of such a system is at least 15 years. sEDNA11

    Important! It is worth noting that domestic electricians are not very trusted by newly minted quick-mode systems. Perhaps this is due to the fact that they lose part of their work, thanks to this modern technology. Therefore, by solving the task, how to choose the right socket or switch, consider your work skills with power grid, financial capabilities and the required level of security. The optimal solution for arranging your own house, for example, will be the purchase of products with a quick-over contact system.sEDNA12

What material is better?

Since the switch and socket is a device that is regularly exposed to mechanical force, it is important to choose the product from high strength materials:

  • metal (not applicable to sockets);
  • shockproof and fire-resistant plastic;
  • for premises with a high level of humidity, switches are made with protective "rubber" plastic, which prevents moisture penetration into the device. 1380223469_PRAVILNYY-VYBOR-ROZETOK

To understand why it is better to give preference to such options, we note some advantages:

  • devices from such materials are almost impossible to damage the random blow;
  • high temperatures resistance reliably protect your home from a fire in the event of a short circuit or other disorders in the maintenance of the power grid. 1356890218_Valena

    Important! There are especially strong switches, the so-called "anti-vandal", which are installed in places where they are particularly susceptible to the danger of damage, for example, in public places with a large passability of people.


Facing material

Two types are used as a facing material:

  1. Thermoplastic. This material is greatest popularity, as it is very plastic, it is easily bent into the necessary form. The only drawback is scratches easily on it.
  2. Dwill. Source and hard material. It does not scratch and does not burn, even if you leave a smoldering cigarette on it. As a lack, an emergency fragility of such material can be noted. But if you do not use the switch with the help of the leg - this deficiency can not be noticed. Sockets and Switches Are On Display to Sell in A Shop in Central Ankara

In addition to the products of the two materials described above, which have a simple design, there are more refined options, but less secure:

  • stone;
  • leather;
  • glass;
  • wood. rozetki_13

    Important! If you still decided to equip your interior with a switch from an unusual material, take care of the quality of the wiring in your house was perfect. Otherwise, you risk not only the preservation of property, but also life.         

Security Indicators

The main indicators that determine the degree of reliability and safety of the device are its technical parameters: voltage and current of precisely calculated power. These are the characteristics that should be considered first if you independently cope with the task, how to choose the right outlet. abbBasic55Light

The main number of outlets is designed for the following conditions:

  • working current 6a;
  • voltage 250V.

    Important! Before buying a socket, make sure that its level of protection corresponds to the conditions of the place where it will be installed. Special requirements are present at the design of the outlet of the line of the power grid in rooms with high humidity and dusting - attic, bathroom, shed. aBB_NEO_Demo.                                                                                                                                                                                                    

To determine your own level of protection, on the package of sockets, be sure to find a special IP code, which is the conditional indicator. It is indicated by two digits:

  1. The first indicator indicates the degree of protection against dust and minor items and varies from 0 to 6:
    • 0 - no protection;
    • 1 - protects more than 50 mm from entering items;
    • 3 - protects with objects from entering more than 12 mm;
    • 4 - Protection from items is greater than 2.5 mm;
    • 4 - protection against penetration of objects is greater than 1 mm;
    • 5 - prevents dust falling;
    • 6 - fully protected from penetration of dust and objects of any size. HB4802OR.
  2. The second digit shows the degree of protection against moisture. Varies from 0 to 8:
    • 0 - no protection;
    • 1 - from drops that fall from above;
    • 2 - from drops of incident at an angle of 15 degrees;
    • 3 - from splashes falling under the tilt up to 60 degrees;
    • 4 - from any other splashes;
    • 5 - protection against light ridge water;
    • 6 - from a powerful jet of water;
    • 7 - Protection with temporary immersion into water;
    • 8 - full protection with prolonged immersion in water. rozetki-i-vyklyuchateli-14

Of course, the higher the IP indicator, the better the protection and the more expensive the socket. Therefore, keep in mind that the standard indicators recommended for different types of premises correspond to the following parameters:

  • for the apartment is quite enough IP20, if these are residential premises;
  • IP44 will be required for the bathroom;
  • for the street, IP65 indicators are needed and higher. 236394

    Important! Now you know how to choose the right sockets, based on the requirements of the degree of protection. Be sure to take into account these indicators when buying.

Price categories of sockets and switches

There are several price groups of electrical sockets and switches. Each of them has advantages and disadvantages. 115

  1. Low price group. A kind of legacy of the Soviet Union. The price of the product often does not exceed the 1st dollar. In those days, almost all sockets and switches were made blind people in special enterprises. It is very good that most of these enterprises still work so far, as people with disabilities at least have a job. But technology at such enterprises for the production of outlets and switches remained old, despite the presence of new and modern equipment. 1337366182_Peha-Aura-Basis

    Important! Due to the fact that everyone makes people with limited vision, the quality of such products is far from the ideal, but quite suitable for use. The main thing is that it should be checked when purchasing - full configuration and integrity of the product. In any case, such a cheap product will not feel sorry to replace over time if it fails. image_151

  2. The price group is below average. Such electric machines most often Chinese production, skillfully faked devices of poor quality under high-quality products of world brands. Widely distributed in the CIS. 69418
  3. The average price category. The ideal value for the price and quality of products. The cost of such products is within 2-3 dollars. Sockets and switches in this category are no exquisite design, but it ensures a good level of security in the application process. They are simple and practical in operation and will serve about 10 years. jungls1
  4. High price group. This category gets all the electricraft, which is more expensive than 5 dollars. It has high quality, but it is worth distinguishing a fake from the original. The internal characteristics of these products differ little, whether it is a price of 10 or 100 dollars. External parameters can be the most diverse. It is an elegant unusual design, and a refined type of facing material, and even gold-plated contacts of the product. vikluchateli_i_rozetki_fontini_3.

What color to give preference?

The color palette of modern products is sufficiently diverse, so it allows you to choose a suitable outlet or switch that will be perfect and very organically fit into the interior with any choice of shades. rozetki_Na_Kuhnu.

It allocate the following design options:

  • White color. Universal, practical and most popular. Suitable for any interior. jung_a_creation
  • Cream. Ideally combined with yellow, red and brown shades indoors. full-Vykluchel-Regulayator-Begevyi-Vykluchateli-944
  • Sockets with replaceable inserts. Let me choose the insert for every taste and color, but it is worth considering that with time the paint can enjoy, especially if we are talking about gold or silver paint. zzzzz
  • Painted outlets. The cost of such outlets is at least twice as high. In this case, the paint is easily erased over time. Not quite practical decision, but uses permanent demand due to wide designer capabilities. jelektrik_minsk_dom

What manufacturer to give preference?

All manufacturers presented below have already proven themselves in the electricity market. About each of these brands you can find information on the Internet. Also there is a full range of products offered. 2

Check out several famous manufacturers to facilitate your choice when buying:

  1. Wessen (Russia). A recognized leader in the production of electric machines in Russia. Founded in 1966 on the basis of the factory "Potential". It was originally positioned as a branch of the Kuznetsky plant of instruments and capacitors, and was engaged in the release of component parts. In 2008, Wessen decides to enter the SCneider-Electric concern. The current range of switches and sockets of this brand uses the highest demand due to the excellent value and quality ratio. image_152.
  2. Legrand (France). The company occupies the world leader in the market of electrical products. This company produces outlets and switches of exceptionally high quality and exquisite design. Founded in the distant 1860 and has enormous production experience. 6
  3. BTICINO (Italy). A modern enterprise with a large history, which is included in the LEGRAND group of companies. Distinctive features of this company are high product manufacturability, excellent build quality and exquisite Italian design. Founded in 1936 with the title "Ticino Electric". BTICINO_MINSK_USTANOVKA.
  4. Makel (Turkey). A group of companies that owns manufacturing complexes equipped with the latest technologies in the field of electrical equipment. Products of this giant are popular in more than 40 countries around the world. The company began its way relatively recently, in 1977, but already managed to conquer the status of a company of world importance. Obzor_rozetok_Firmy_Makel_minsk.
  5. Belarusian sockets (Republic of Belarus). It does not have one name: it is BYLECTRICA, and PUE "Light maker", and OO Beltiz. Founded in 1928. The company employs people with limited vision, which explains the low price of the goods from this manufacturer. The quality of the products meets the average indicators for all specifications. Excellent are suitable for the design of the premises in the economy version. Jelektrustanovochnye_izdelija_otkrytogo_montazha.


Check out the video overview of sockets and switches to clearly understand the distinctive features of different types.


Installation of sockets and switches - the final chord in your repair. High-quality products will serve you for many years, but it is worth remembering that the choice is permissible to do independently, and the installation of such products is better to trust professionals. The safety of your home directly depends on this.

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2 responses on how to choose outlets and switches

  1. Ivanovich:

    Thank you for the article. Only one after reading is not clear why facing material from stone and other exotic options is considered less secure? As a result, my wife and I wanted to purchase a device from a stone or more of something interesting, but as soon as I read that out of such materials, the outlet was less secure, let me invent anything and ordered regular sockets Schneider Electric Can you tell me how dangerous exotic sockets? I think maybe it's not too late to hand them out and still buy from stone? Thanks in advance for the answer.

  2. Sanya:

    I also paid attention to this, but I wanted a frame from Metal, ordered at Verkel. Moskva - http: //xn--b1agatg1a.xn--80adxhks/. I think about different interior in the rooms, therefore, I wanted to take a tree and stone. I will think then. Thank you for the article.

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