Methods of processing brave

April 1. Repair and construction work, Construction Views 5774. Comments to record Ways processing logs No

To build a durable reliable home made of natural wood, first of all, it is necessary to take care of the quality of the main material. In this regard, it is important not only the choice of the right breed, but also the principle of the processing of the log. From how professionally the work of the initial logging and further calibration will be completed, as far as the selected technology is suitable for the architectural idea of \u200b\u200bthe project of the house, and comfortable accommodation in it is completely dependent.

Methods of initial processing logs

In order to make a sequered tree, several technologies are used today.


They differ mainly to the tool with which the work is performed:

  1. Axe.
  2. Babel.
  3. Electrolake.
  4. Milling machine.


The selected method affects the future attractiveness of the entire building, and on the quality of strength. In each individual case corresponding to the applied processing technology, a certain complex of natural properties is maintained and no less important characteristics created by artificially in the process of wood preparation are added.


Advantages and disadvantages of each technology

To determine the most suitable way for a specific project, familiarize yourself in advance with all the nuances as the processing technology itself and the further use of the material obtained during the work.


Cutting an ax


Such technology is also called the name of the occasion. This is a method of exceptionally handmade, the simplest and, at the same time, very laborious. The main task when performing work is just the removal of the bark.

Among the advantages of this ancient method of preparing building material, we note the following characteristics:

  1. The most complete preservation of natural properties due to the natural process of drying.
  2. The seal of wood is excluded (which will certainly occur during spill). Due to this, even in a declared state, the tree continues to "breathe" and the risk of rotting the internal logs is reduced due to the constant circulation of air through natural pores.
  3. Excellent material strength, which is not reduced by preserving all layers of plants.


The disadvantages of such technology will take such difficulties in the work:

  1. Mandatory follow seasonality. All works on the preparation of wood are manually carried out in a strictly defined time: the forest rolls exclusively in winter to reduce the drying of such a valuable material, and the removal of the bark in the summer.
  2. Duration of the preparatory process. Given the sequence of work and the natural drying of the tree, which takes for a long time, not to complete the construction of the construction not only in one season, but even for the year.
  3. Limitations of use. Such logs are great for creating simple designs, but are practically unsuitable for the embodiment of projects of complex architectural form.
  4. Large finishing work. After completion of the scuba assembly process, a thorough grout is required, which are formed by natural irregularities of the trunks.
  5. Special skills are required. To get high-quality workpieces, the cutting is performed only by knowledgeable professionals. This approach will also exclude injury to unprepared builders.
  6. The duration of commissioning. Given the peculiarities of a natural tree, which, depending on the natural conditions, expands or dries, as well as slightly deforming, the final shrinkage of the house takes place only after a certain period, which can reach and 2 years. Equipment-for-removal-bark-3-500x375

Important! Despite such a long list of disadvantages, this old method of the most natural processing of wood does not lose its relevance. 4


Another way to handmade log processing, which is performed using a special tool - a drill.


The principle of processing a log is a consistent cut with subtle films not only the bark, but also the next layer of wood - Collus.


Important! The device of such a tool resembles a sickle form, only with handles from two sides. The cutting portion is made of durable steel grades and draws on one side.


The advantages of this method are represented as follows:

  1. Attractive appearance log. After completing the work, the inner texture of wood, its unique pattern and shade manifests itself very clearly.
  2. Pleasant material texture. Due to the features of processing - thin stripping, as a blade, the entire surface of the log after such preparation is very smooth.
  3. Almost complete preservation of all natural qualities. Strength and healing properties remain the same as before processing due to the fact that a small one is removed, only the top, layer.


This method and disadvantages are not deprived:

  1. Very time-consuming process requiring strength and skills. In case of non-compliance with the rules of technology, the quality of the material obtained will significantly reduce.
  2. Duration of performance.
  3. It does not ensure the removal of irregularities, which leads to the necessary sealing of the gaps after assembling the house.
  4. Long shrinkage due to the preservation of the natural shape of the trunk.


Processing logs Rubank

The most popular method for today, which gives a number of advantages.


In the process of performing all the work, the bark is removed, the irregularities of the barrel are removed, but as a result, the entire removed layer of wood does not differ in a large thickness. To perform such work, mainly electrical models are used, significantly accelerating the process with low efforts.


The advantages of this method:

  1. Preservation of natural hardness and density of wood.
  2. Efficiency.
  3. Ease of processing.
  4. The speed of all preparatory work.
  5. Attractive view similar to a rounded log.
  6. Smooth and smooth surface along the entire length.
  7. Ease and speed assembly at home.
  8. Tight fit of all structural elements.
  9. Little shrinkage period than with the technologies described above
  10. The possibility of design and houses of simple architecture and complex projects with non-standard forms.


The disadvantages are highlighted with the preference of the electrolake to form a log for building a house quite difficult and, in principle, they relatively:

  1. The presence of special skills to work with the tool. A prerequisite, since with the improper use of the electrolaglanka, which often occurs in non-professional builders, a larger layer of wood is removed than it follows. This in the future affects the duration of operation, since the strength of the log received is significantly lower, as well as its protective properties.
  2. This method is more suitable for individual or private projects due to low performance. It is inappropriate to apply it in industrial activity. 10

Important! Considering the marked nuances of this method, we can safely say that the preparation of logs for the construction of its own log cabin with the help of electrolablanka is the best option.


The processing of a filling trunk on the milling machine as a result gives such a rolling log today.


The barrel is completely skipped along the entire length through the cuts of the selected profile. When preparing lumber of this type, a significant part of the wood is removed, the bark and the entire top layer, up to the kernel.


An important condition in this case is the recommended impregnation with protective means to eliminate rapid destruction. The main distinguishing feature of this method is all logs prepared on the machine of this type have the same diameter. The billets obtained are logs with mathematically exactly retracted parameters.


To the advantages of such a method, we will take the following characteristics:

  1. An attractive appearance of the material obtained, which does not require additional finishing works. The log surface over the entire length is perfectly smooth and smooth.
  2. The maximum density of the fitting of all parts of the cut without cracks and gaps. The use of a rounded log as the main building material simultaneously and reduces the costs for the unnecessary tiring process of seams of seams, and speeds up the entire assembly process of the house.
  3. Excellent heat-saving characteristics due to the features of the accurate fit of all individual elements.
  4. Easy assembly and connection of all items thanks to specially prepared grooves and bowls, strictly verified sizes.
  5. The possibility of designing projects of any complexity.
  6. Maximum hardness log. Since the entire layer of wood is removed, which is subject to deformation, such a defect in the finished structure is completely excluded. 12AF37729B67EE05752C036DFE069CF3.

Important! Separately, we note the possibility of creating any complex curly profile with properly selected milling cutters.


The disadvantages of this method include the following results:

  1. Large losses of valuable material.
  2. Reducing the natural healing properties of wood.
  3. The need to have special equipment and skills to work with it. manu2.

Important! Despite the complexity and exclusively the technical side of the processing of a rounded log, the material obtained in the process of such preparation differs quite acceptable. This provision allows not to bother with long work of cutting and designing workpieces manually, but to purchase a ready-made material of the desired size with high performance characteristics.


Browse the video in which the entire sequential process of registration of the rounded log is clearly shown.

Wood protective processing

The ease of fire of natural wood with the proximity of open fire and its exposure to absorb excessive moisture, contribute not only to the deformation of the shape of the log, but also its complete destruction. In addition, it is difficult to eliminate attacks of harmful insects that destroy the material. Therefore, it is recommended before using a log processing by an antiseptic that reduces the destructive influence of such factors.


All means to increase the protective properties of natural wood differ by the principle of action, the composition of components and a more appropriate stage of construction for applying. The range of such products is sufficiently varied - these are gels, and bulk substances, and pasta, and all sorts of concentrated and dry mixes for the preparation of solutions.


The increase in strength characteristics is as follows:

  • deep penetration of the solution in the thickness of the wood;
  • the formation of the outer protective layer.


By type of composition, the following groups of solutions are distinguished:

  1. On an oil basis, which ensure deep impregnation of the entire log. The effect of such protection is mainly aimed at the obstacle to the appearance of fungi, mold, rotting, deformation due to high humidity, insects. They cause such compositions mainly before the start of the grazing assembly. The most popular brands of oil antiseptics:
    • Pinotex HirsiPohjuste;
    • Pinotex Extra;
    • Pinotex Wood Oil;
    • Bona Deck Oil;
    • OSMO UV-Schutz-OL. obrabotka_antiseptikom
  2. Water based. Among the advantages of such a method, we note the warning of fire. Preferably, it is paint products, with the use of which the protective film is formed on the surface of the log, excluding the penetration of moisture and pest beetles into the thickness. Solutions of this type are used mainly after the end of all installation work. The most popular brands of this type of antiseptics:
    • Pinotex IMPRA;
    • Pinotex Focus;
    • Sezhes Bio;
    • Senezh ultra;
    • Venta;
    • Tikkurila Valtti Akvacolor;
    • Tikkurila Vinha;
    • Woodmaster Cord; fY_AS3.
    • Woodmaster Botot.
  3. Mixed type. The most interesting offers that provide comprehensive protection taking into account specific conditions for future operation, for example, the processing of logs from rotting and ignition or mold and topping the wood of beetles. The recommended construction stage for applying and processing technology varies depending on the principle of operation. Pay attention to the following popular stamps of this type of protection:
    • Wood Master KSD;
    • Pinotex Tinova;
    • Pinotex ultra;
    • Sezhes Fire Bio Prof;
    • Sezhes Ins;
    • Tikkurila Euro Eko Wood.


Browse the video where examples of wood processing with protective means and the result of their action.

Processing ready-made sruba

All work on clearance work is not limited to the training of logs and their assembly. After 1-2 years, after the final shrinkage of the building occurs, the processing of the house from the log is required. The most demanded technology of the update process and the final stripping of the surface of the logs is grinding.


The cutting log processing is performed exclusively using such tools:

  • Bulgarian. In this case, it is recommended to have skills to work with a tool to eliminate damage to the wood, and, accordingly, reduce the strength of the finished design. When finished, this tool should closely monitor the thickness of the slated layer and control the pressure manually. shlifovka_small_2.
  • Chisel. This tool is indispensable in the processing of joints and complex places when performing the main volume of work with a grinder.
  • Grinder. Equipment itself is more expensive, but allows you to perform such work quickly, easily and without any damage to the log. To fulfill all the work, it is enough just to change the sandpaper from the larger abrasive to fine-grained nozzles. The surface after such a processing method remains smooth for a long period, which eliminates the need to repeat the procedure soon. 3756_Big

    Important! After completing all grinding work, the entire surface is re-treated with antiseptics to secure the result.



Despite the seeming ease of wood processing processes, especially those technologies that use automated high-class equipment, it is impossible to forget about the need for accurate design and safety of safety when performing any construction work. Processing logs is not an exception in this regard. The correctly selected processing technology, made in the exact following standards, will ensure the result corresponding to the expectations and the built house will delight the owners in unique comfort and practicality.

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