Installation of warm floor under laminate

October 7. Interior decoration Views 1211 Comments To write wall floor installation under laminate No

Laminate is a very common finishing material, which is a tree-fiber floor panels covered with a protective-decorative film. High resistance to moisture and mechanical impact creates conditions for mounting the heating system under it. Warm floors today are highly popular. They can act as an additional source of heat, as well as sacrificing the room. Consider installation options for systems.

Film warm floor under laminate: installation features

The principle of action of the film heating system is based on infrared radiation. It has two varieties:

  1. The bimetallic system is a polyurethane film consisting of two layers. The upper part is made on the basis of the copper alloy, and the lower from the aluminum material with the addition of additional components.
  2. Another type of film floor is a carbon system that is manufactured by connecting two layers of lavsan film. Due to its elasticity, in addition to the floor surface, it is used for walls.

The following advantages of infrared sex can be distinguished:

  • a quick assembly process, the duration of which takes no more than 2 hours;
  • no need to fill the screed;
  • lack of influence on the level of humidity in the room;
  • economy - infrared floor consumes 20% less electricity than other heating systems;
  • air saturation by ions;
  • ease and speed of dismantling, which is quite convenient when moving;
  • minor film thickness that does not exceed 3 mm. Due to this, the laying of the heating system under floor covering will not change the height of the room.

You can set this system in three ways: directly under the coating, in the screed or on top of it. For installation work, the following materials will be required:

  • heat transfer material;
  • scotch;
  • polyethylene;
  • thermostat.

In the set of shoulder floor, the thermal film is rolled into the roll, clips for contacts, wiring, insulating material.

Preparatory stage

  1. If there is a need to replace the coating, it is disassembled at this stage. However, it is worth considering that if the laminate has not lost its performance, it only needs to be cleaned of dust and various contaminants.
  2. Mandatory preparatory actions include checking the surface for the presence of irregularities. For this purpose, the level should be used. The height difference should not be more than 3 mm. If deviations exceeding this indicator are detected, the surface is initially aligned, after which it is thoroughly dried and only then proceed to the installation of a film heating system.
  3. It should be remembered that the system is not installed in the zones of furniture or technology, since it is inappropriate. But if in the future the permutation will be carried out, the film floor should cover the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe room. When purchasing, it is necessary to take into account the power parameters of the system, the consumption of which depends on the size of the room.


Technological stage

  1. The priority action is tolay isolation. First, the waterproofing material is stacked, the task of which is to protect the heating system from the impact of moisture.
  2. The main insulation layer is then mounted. The insulating material is located up the metallized side. The compound areas are glued with a tape having a metal spraying.
  3. Under the laminate as thermal insulation is recommended to lay cork material. It is necessary to ensure that its thickness does not go beyond the permissible norm.
  4. It is not necessary to use thermal insulation that reflects the coating of which is made of foil. This material does not differ in high quality. It is recommended to prefer the coating based on Lavsana.
  5. Next, it is necessary to determine the place to place the thermostat. This should be a zone by 20 cm towering over the floor level. This device performs several functions: sets the base temperature level, automates the shutdown time and turning on the heating system, programms the heating frequency.
  6. The polyethylene film is stacked depending on the task that is placed in front of the film floor. If this system is the only source of heating in the room, the film should take 80% of the area. If the room has a main heating device, and the function of the infrared system is only in the creation of a comfortable temperature, on the floor of the floor, the film material is placed on 50% of the space.
  7. To avoid overheating of the system between it and the wall or furniture items, it is necessary to observe the distance of 20 cm. If the room is the heating appliances, then the space in 1 m should be separated from the infrared floor.
  8. Thermillo, if necessary, can be cut into fragments. Between the sections are light markers for which the cutting is performed. The maximum allowable film length - 8 m. Separate fragments can not be applied to each other.
  9. The film can have one or two functionality. The material of the first type is located down the workpiece. When using a two-way film, the laying direction does not matter. Copper side of contacts should be directed down. Clips are connected to the copper strip, wires are subsequently connected.
  10. In the field of film cuts are open copper fragments. To extend the life of the material, these zones must be closed with insulation. This will suit the bitumen material. From it you need to cut off the rectangular fragment, the size of which should exceed the processed place, and then plane copper areas on both sides. In the locations of the wires, this manipulation is carried out after connecting metal clamps. Their installation is carried out in the following order: one side of the clamp is located between the film and the strip, then it is clamped with pliers.

At the next stage of installation of infrared warm floor under laminate, you need to connect wires. They should be directed from the center to the wall. Such a location will prevent pressure on the wires of the floor covering:

  1. It is necessary to place the wiring under the thermal film. Wires are made through pre-prepared holes, after which they are fixed using the tape. They should not go beyond the heat insulating material.
  2. Then the wires must be connected to the clips. In this case, the left and right side of the elements should coincide.
  3. At the end of the wire, using a sharp tool, it is necessary to remove the insulation, further twist it, turn through the clamping hole and beg with the help of pliers.
  4. Then the mounting area is isolated and fixed to the film by tape.
  5. Next connects the thermostat. It is connected to the second section of the lower part of the thermal film. In appearance, this device resembles a small size of a thermometer. For this element and wiring you need to prepare holes.
  6. In some cases, the need arises to bend the wire. If there is such a need, a smooth turn is made to prevent the cable breakdown in the film.
  7. Then the installation of the thermostat device is performed. It can be connected by means of a socket or stationary way. A thermal sensor is connected to two contacts from one edge from the other - the wires from the infrared floor. In the contacts that are located in the middle, the cable is inserted. Grounding is connected to the terminal.

On this floor laying under the laminate is completed. But before proceeding to the installation of the coatings, it is recommended to test the heating system. In the process of its operation, sparks should not appear and overheat individual sections. In the absence of malfunction data, the floor is additionally covered with a layer of polyethylene, which will prevent moisture to the system.

Installation of laminate on a warm floor

Choosing a laminate, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of applying it as a coating on a warm floor. These data are indicated on the product labeling. Installation technology is quite simple. First of all, the side faces of the material are connected, then each subsequent panel is joined with the previous board. Laminate is equipped with a lock connection. Therefore, it will not be necessary to consolidate the boards. Gasons may form between panels. To get rid of them, you need to use the hammer, which is applied to easy blows from the side of the board.

After the laminate coating is laid throughout the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, plinths are installed. In the locations of the wire outputs are performed by holes. The system can be connected to the power grid only after heating the floor to the level of room temperature. Also, it is recommended to leave a minor space between the laminate coating and the wall. Laminate has a property to change its dimensions under conditions of unstable temperature indicators. The presence of gaps will help avoid the deformation of the coating, and will also provide ventilation.

Recommendations for the installation of a film floor

  1. The work is performed solely in the conditions of the positive temperature and with air humidity of 60%.
  2. Before connecting to the network, the reliability of the insulation of contacts in the cutting portions is checked.
  3. The thermal film is connected to the power supply only in the deployed form.
  4. In the case of a heating film in the place of drawing a graphite spraying, a damaged place on both sides is closed with insulating material.
  5. It is impossible to lay in the wet floor.
  6. When moisture gets into the heating film system, it is necessary to immediately disable it from the network and dry.
  7. It is necessary to provide free access to the temperature sensor.
  8. It is not recommended to move in shoes on the warm floor.

Installation of water warm floors under laminate

These heating systems are primarily used in private homes. Their use in apartments are associated with certain nuances:

  1. Water floors need to be connected to a centralized heating system. For this, the owners of apartments should receive a special permit.
  2. On top of the pipes need to lay a reinforced tie.
  3. Also, when installing the water system, the use of the waterproofing layer is a prerequisite. Since for this purpose, pipes are used with a bending diameter of 10 cm to perform work in an area of \u200b\u200bless than 20 m 2 somewhat problematic.

But at the same time, water heating systems have a number of advantages, among which the factors should be noted:

  • no electromagnetic fields during operation;
  • environmental safety;
  • efficiency. Such floors consume 30-40% less electricity relatively to other heated floors.

With particular care to approach the choice of laminate boards. They must be high quality. Such material is distinguished by a high level of density and has a reliable protective coating. The availability of these operational characteristics contributes to the preservation of the floor covering under a high level of temperature and humidity. The exposure to these factors is the laminate under which the water floors are located. High-quality coating does not lose its properties and appearance. It should also be taken into account the thickness of the panels, it must be minimal. This is due to the fact that the laminate does not differ in high thermal conductivity.

Water floors consist of pipes for which the water is hot temperature. As well as the collector - the element by which the floor is connected to the heating system. Installation of warm floor under laminate provides the following steps:

  1. Initially, it is necessary to check how smooth is the working surface. If necessary, the floor is equalized, then laid insulating material. To do this, you can use polystyrene foam 2.5-10 cm thick.
  2. Next, in order to ensure waterproofing over the insulation, polyethylene or foil foam is stacked.
  3. A reinforcing mesh with a thickness of 2-4 mm with a cell size of no more than 150 mm is mounted on this material. Pipes are attached to this design using a bracket.
  4. The next layer is the cement-sand screed. Its thickness should be from 5 to 7 cm.
  5. Now work must be suspended. The water system must be turned on and over the course of several days to warm the surface. So in the room the temperature rises to the level that will prevail in the room in the future.
  6. To dry, the screed will take from 2 to 3 weeks. During this period, the cement-sand layer must be moistened.
  7. After the expiration of this time, the substrate is stacked. Polyenethylene is suitable for this purpose. For its fixation uses ordinary tape. Next, you can move to the finishing installation of the laminate coating.


Warm floor under laminate, whose mounting video can be found on the Internet is a convenient solution for creating a comfortable microclimate indoor. Such systems can be used as an additional or independent method of heating. They are divided into two types, each of which is characterized by the installation method.

Warm floor under laminate. Video:

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