How to insulate the attic

January 15. Repair and construction work Views 1645. Comments to record how to insulate the attic No

Mansard is a room under the roof of the house. This is a fairly convenient solution, as it allows you to expand the useful area without resorting to construction. Today, the use of this space may be the most diverse. It can be equipped with both a living room and a premises for economic purposes.

Types of insulation

Thinking on the use of the attic space should be taken into account that this room is colder than others. Thus, to obtain a comfortable temperature, the insulation of the structure should be especially high quality. Choosing an insulation material, you should pay attention to its compliance with certain requirements. First of all, these are environmental safety, as well as the presence of a hygienic certificate, which indicates the compliance of this product by sanitary standards.

Consider what kind of materials today offer the construction market and how to insulate the attic.

  1. A common choice of consumer as insulation is polystyrene foam. To insulate the attic foam is simple enough, which is explained by the available value of this material. But it has significant drawbacks. This is a fire hazard and flammability. In addition, the foam contains a significant amount of toxic substances, which makes it unsafe for health.
  2. A more successful choice will be glass gamble. It does not have toxicity, resistant to the combustion process, has a low thermal conductivity. But the impurities of dust and glass crumbs make it extremely problematic. To work with this material, special clothing, glasses and gloves are needed, which, after completing the laying, you will need to throw away, since the glass fragments are not squeezed. In addition, even if there are special clothes when working with glass, unpleasant sensations are not excluded.
  3. Choosing how to insulate the attic from the inside, consumers often resort to the use of fiberboard plates. This material has a number of advantages:
  • it has a small value;
  • installation is simply simply, and the whole process takes some time;
  • also, tree fiber plates contribute to good sound insulation and resistant to temperature differences;
  • an ordinary knife is used to cut the desired slab size, and the wall mounting is carried out using a hammer and dowels. Several more complex insulation by means of Fiberboard floors. To do this, it will be necessary to remove the available coating, in two layers to lay the runneroid on top of which to install the Fiberboard. Next, on the plates you can lay any floor coating.
  1. Mineral wool is recognized as the best material for insulation today. Its makeup is characterized by environmental safety, therefore, it is absolutely not dangerous to health. Also, such a insulation will provide noise insulation, and the installation process does not represent difficulties. Mineral wool has a different composition of the composition and devoid of unpleasant features described above. But its price is above the cost of other insulation materials.


Ways of insulation

Solving how to insulate the mansard fronon or other functional parts of the structure, the variability of isolation methods should be taken into account. Consider them in more detail:

  1. The easiest way to insulate the attic of the attic is the installation of the material between the rafters. In order for insulation with the help of this method, it is necessary to take into account some features in the course of the workflow:
  • the heat-insulating material must fit tightly to the windows, walls and chimney;
  • it should also be paid to the fact that there are no mats sagging;
  • if during operation the depth of the rafter system will be insufficient for the formation of the necessary air gap, in which case the so-called "buildup" should be performed using wooden linings.
  1. The second method is the use of complex materials for the insulation of the attic of their own hands. Such products in addition to insulation also perform the function of hydraulic protection. This method has a certain disadvantage - the impossibility of circulating air, which cannot flow through the layer of the material used. For this reason, it is important to provide reliable steam insulation. Installation of a complex system is carried out under rafters or above them with the help of folding compounds.
  2. According to a third embodiment of insulation, a layer of hydro and thermal insulation is stacked above the rafter system. This method is relatively different from the previous preservation of the area of \u200b\u200bthe room.

How to insulate attic photo:


Warming of the Ceiling of Mansard

  1. With the insulation of the attic ceiling on the outdoor side of the insulation, it is necessary to put waterproofing to protect against moisture receipt. The best choice for this purpose will be a membrane with vapor-permeable properties. Here it should be borne in mind that the use of playproof materials in this case is not allowed, since the moisture will accumulate and wet the insulation. The number of layers of thermal insulation material is determined by the thickness of the rafted, the insulation may be laid in one or two layers.
  2. By deciding how to insulate the roof of the attic between the rafters, it is necessary to ensure that the material width corresponds to the existing space. Otherwise, as a result of not fully filled space, the cold will flow.
  3. The inner side of the insulation should be covered with vapor barrier material. To do this, you can use parchment or polyethylene film. Stacking this material should be carried out with a overhelder at 10 cm. The seams are glued with a special tape, it will ensure their tightness. To the rafters, the vapor barrier film is attached by means of wooden plates.
  4. At this, the main stage of the ceiling insulation is completed, in conclusion, it is necessary to perform a decorative finish.
  5. From the inside, the wall is trimmed with plasterboard, clapboard or plywood. To mount these materials from the inside of the rafter system, you need to install a metal profile or bars.


Insulation of mansard walls and floor

If the roof of the attic does not reach the floor, the insulation must be laid on the walls of the attic room. The initial stage of the work is to secure the rails, after which the heat-insulating layer is installed, and then the vapor insulating material.

A more challenging task is to solve the issue, how to insulate the floor of the attic. To do this, it is necessary to do such actions:

  1. Initially, the thermal insulation material is stacked between the beams.
  2. If the horsepower is a plate, in this case the screed is performed. The heat-insulating foam is poured between the boards and the floor is tightened.
  3. The insulation for the attic floor is commonly used fiberboard. Used in this case, the ruberoid performs the role of waterproofing. Between the floor and insulation need to leave the ventilation gap. When using DVP for insulation purposes, this material must be resolved by two layers.
  4. The final stage of work on the insulation of the attic floor is the laying of the main coating. This will require boards that are pre-dried and processed by an antiseptic. Such measures will help to avoid the formation of fungus and flying from insects.
  5. It should be paid to the fact that the mounted boards are dry, otherwise the gaps will be formed in the process of drying between them.
  6. Material should be laid on the beams. Also, there is also a minor space between thermal insulation material and boards. This is necessary for ventilation.


To ensure the mechanism of installation of boards, follow the following actions:

  • first, they need to be put without fastening and adjust to each other;
  • the gaps between them should not exceed 2 mm;
  • the boards should also be located as close as possible in relation to the wall, the allowable distance - up to 1 cm. If these parameters are not compared to the material, moisture from the walls will flow into the material;
  • next, the fragments need to come back and start mounting from the first. The mount is carried out using nails;
  • during the work, using the construction level, it should be regularly checked, how exactly the laying is carried out. Improper installation of one of the board have a negative impact on the entire surface.


How to insulate a window

For insulation of windows, including attic, often apply a mounting foam. Such a choice of insulation is not correct. If the foam is frozen, it has a property to expand, which ultimately will cause the frame deformation. Therefore, the windows should be insulated with the help of those materials whose volume does not change due to the effects of mass. Such materials are glass gamble or mineral wool.

When the windows are insulation, it is not recommended to use metal structures, since in this case the probability of penetration into the cold room occurs. In mandatory need to leave a gap for ventilation. It is also recommended to put the heating devices under the mensard windows. Thanks to the extent on the window surfaces, moisture will not be formed, and the slopes will be enough.

How to avoid mistakes when insulating indoors

Certain factors can spoil the insulating layer. These are such moments as the presence of narrow eaves having a small bias that are not possible to install a chute.

Also, negative consequences for the insulation may have an incorrectly arranged drainage or errors made during the installation of the roof. Disorders during the construction of windows are the cause of water to be pushing inside the design.

In order to prevent the heaters of the insulation from the inside, it is mandatory to lay a layer of vaporizolation. This measure is necessary if the insulation is carried out with the help of eco-house, mineral wool, glass gambles and foam. When using such materials as polyurethane foam and penplex can be done without performing vapor barrier.

When using insulating materials based on fibers, it is necessary to ensure both wind protection. This is performed using a windproof polymer film, a fibreboard or membrane, which are mounted on the outside of the roof. In addition, in the process of work, it is important to take into account the thickness of the material. If the dimensions of the rafter are inferior to the dimensions of the insulation, it is necessary to install an additional crate on the rafyl.



The arrangement of the attic provides an opportunity to get an additional room that can be used for various purposes, depending on the wishes of the owner. But this space needs high-quality insulation, since it is colder than other rooms in the house. To date, there is a sufficient choice of materials, with which you can perform the insulation of the attic. Each type of these materials has its advantages, some are not devoid of flaws. The process of insulation is distinguished by the availability and simplicity of technology. We reviewed the ways of insulation of the floor, windows, as well as the main methods, as the Ceiling of the attic to insulate and make the design as comfortable as possible for stay.

How to insulate the attic. Video

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