How to align the angle of the wall

March 16. Repair and construction work Views 2088. Comments to record how to align the angle of the wall No

An integral part of the repair in the house is the leveling of the outer and internal angles of the walls. If this work is neglected, the interior of any room will deteriorate. On how to align the corner of the wall and will be discussed in our article.

Corner alignment materials

There are several ways to bring the angles of walls into a normal state. You can align with:

  • plaster mix;
  • metal profile;
  • plasterboard.


Plastering mix

This technique is used with minor convexities and small angle deepends, when the differences of adjacent planes are up to 1 cm. Aligning of the angles of the walls is performed using a long rule.

The technology of using a plaster mix involves the following work:

  • to determine the most speakers, the rule is vertically leaving in the corner to one of the walls;
  • if there is an opportunity, all discovering plots are grouped;
  • as lighthouses (extreme points) there will be protrusions that cannot be removed;
  • the extreme points are marker;
  • the lower and upper points are determined by a plumb and the level (they are tested on the ceiling and semi);
  • in the upper and lower points, plaster is applied, which acts as a reference point for alignment of the surface;
  • a similar procedure is performed on the adjacent wall;
  • so that the plaster beacons are damaged, the solution must be frozen;
  • plastering is made near the beacons, followed by the processing of the entire plane.


Metal profile and plasterboard

Align the angle between the walls using a special curved mesh profile made of aluminum. The process of equalizing the angle resembles the technology of using a plastering solution.

After the problem areas are identified:

  • the corner is filled with plaster;
  • the profile is pressed into a solution with simultaneous alignment using a level;
  • the spatula is cleaned by an excess plaster.

This method will greatly facilitate the process of aligning the angle. The only complexity with which to be faced is the protruding edge of the profile. It will have to close the finish putty and stick to the sandpaper.


The use of drywall is the most appropriate in the presence of pretty solid drops of planes. In this case, the plaster layer will not help to align the angle is simply impossible (the stucco will disappear).

Aligning inner corner

Consider in more detail the technology of alignment of the angles of walls. First, let's talk about how to align the inner corner of the wall with a putty and perforated corner (contrag).

Pre-perform the following works:

  • clean the entire surface from fat spots, dust and protruding concrete;
  • treat corners of deep penetration by primer and, if necessary, an antiseptic;
  • expand the sections between the angle and the walls by 0.8-1 cm.

According to the consistency, the working mixture of the starting putty should be similar to cream (and not with thick sour cream). Therefore, when preparing a solution in water, add a slightly more dry mixture. Putty stirring can be carried out as a building mixer and a conventional metal spatula.


The process of equalizing the inner corner itself consists of the following consecutive actions:

  • application of putty in the angle is carried out in such a way that it is located above the wall level;
  • the distance between the adjacent areas of the angle should be at the level of 15-20 cm;
  • after measuring and cutting off the perforated corner of the desired length (if necessary), it is pressed into the applied putty;
  • the vertical position of the angle is aligned by indulging in the lower or top of the countercouche.
  • removing excess putty from the side part of the perforated corner is made very carefully (it should not move from the place);
  • for 24 hours, the angle drying occurs;
  • the final alignment of the angle with the surface of the adjacent walls is carried out with the help of a small amount of finish putty;
  • the spatula is made at the bottom up;
  • one end of the instrument rests into the angle, and the second - moves along the wall;
  • after complete drying of the angle, the surface grinding is performed by the abrasive grid;
  • all aligned corners are covered with primer deep penetration.

Alignment of the outer corner

The technology of alignment of outer angles is largely reminiscent of the method of creating smooth internal angles. In the same way, surface preparation is carried out:

  • cleared from dust;
  • covered with primer;
  • large bulges are knocked down;
  • cracks and other defects are close.


To attach a perforated corner, you can use screws that, together with the countercouche, are covered with putty. When applied to a putty to an angle (layer to 5 cm), the vertical plane is resurrected by the rule.

When carrying out work, it is recommended to use the sprayer. Due to its use, it is not allowed to break the putty in opposite parts of the corner. After drying the starting putty, the finishing material is applied, and the angle is polished followed by applying the primer.

Video on how to align the angles of the walls:

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