Water mill in the country area with their own hands

April 25. Repair and construction work, Plot. Views 4948. Comments to record Water mill in the country area with their own hands No

There are several reasons to establish a water mill in your site. First, it's beautiful. Look at the transfusing water, hear her murmur and watch the playing glare can be clock. It seems that such beauty is not everyone to afford. Buy the scenery is really expensive. Let's throw the challenge to the masters for all hands and show how to make a water mill with your own hands.

At the appointed place

For the first place, you will not put the mill. There should be water on the site. A small pond is the perfect option.

Of course, standing water is unlikely to lead the mechanism of the mill into action. Well, where did you see the water on the plot with a strong flow that could turn the wheel? If so arguing, it is better to immediately refuse the idea to make a water decorative mill with your own hands.

In a structural plan, the mill is not just a wheel. Its construction includes such details like a chute, blades and an important element - a reliable axis on hinges. The principle of work similar in water and windmills: with the help of driving force (wind strength or water flow) are powered by blades. In our case, they fall on the water from the gutter. The wheel is spinning - the mill works and at the same time pleases the eye.

How the water mill works, it is already clear. The next question is how to make the created structure to become a real decoration of the plot and took a worthy place in the landscape design.

What should we build a mill?

Obviously, from the wheel, gutter, sticks with hinges and couples, the blades are unlikely to get a beautiful scenery. It's time to turn on fantasy and hold a house, roof, window. All this is easy to make from girlfriend. Inspect the household buildings, probably unused pieces of materials that have nowhere to do. Paint residues, tiles, stones will be very useful.


How to bring a mechanism?

Suppose the Mill Frame is, like a pond on the plot. An ordinary submersible pump will come to the rescue. Then with the receipt of water on the chute there will be no problems. Next, no witchcraft will not need - the blades will do the rest. The murmlation of iridescent water will immediately lead to the delight of all others.

How to determine the size?

Immediately decide what you want to see at the end. To do this, it would not hinder the photo of water mills on the Internet. Miniature facilities are charming, no more than 1-1.5 m in height. They also put big mills in which it would seem to live. Basically, when choosing sizes oriented to the water.

We bring beauty: how to decorate the mill

If your mill is spinning from water pressure, it does not mean that all this is beautiful. I am not so easy to give this work. Designers know what and how best to do, but for "thanks" no one will not want to share with their views.


In the stone century

If an emphasis on a stone is focused on the exterior of a country house, then it is not necessary to break your head over how to decorate the water mill. All ingenious simply - you can't argue with it. Use the stone - and not mistaken. At least the mill will not look like a stranger on the site.

A pair with stones you can use kashpo with flowers. No worse look and ordinary pots. Do not be afraid to give the will fantasies: put grapes and follow how it will start beautifully on the walls of the mill.


Make focus on elegance

When the price is not worth the rib, from the decorative water mill you can do a real doll. Arrange the adjacent territory: put benches, gazebo or hammock. Let your guests can not only admire the mill, but also relax near.

Put a couple of sculptures with a pair, then certainly the envy of the neighbors will not be limit. And each passing by passing will be suspended near the estate, in order to take a look at such a luxury.

Simply and homely

Now we are talking about a rustic style. It is easy to guess that such a mill will be with a roof, preferably of straw. Also use tile, wood. Beautifully look at the tyne, a fencing water mill. On it, too, you can put curly flowers. Obviously, the wheel itself, as the central element of the whole design, it is better to use a wooden one.


And finally a couple of tips

If the dimensions of the reservoir are impressive, set the mill on the water, ensuring a reliable foundation, for example, from plates or large stones. The construction will look like a life island that beats the key. They say that the water can be watching forever, so build the mill in your site, then you will have a chance to check this (although in this case, it is better to believe on the word).

Submersible pump should not choose high power. So it turns out to reduce the cost of electricity, which is important. Such a device will cost less. A working mill is the interaction of wood with water, which cannot be called perfect. Nevertheless, this task is solved. Ask how to use the water mill, so that it does not rot and served longer. Just handle the wood with a special composition, when necessary, paint.

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