How to make support for curly plants with your own hands

April 24. Repair and construction work, Plot. Views 13773. Comments to record how to make a support for curly plants with your own hands No

Skill using such garden structures as supports for curly plants, you will achieve extraordinary beauty in the garden plot. Many options for supports for curly plants are available, but created by their own hands, ideally suitable for a specific design, will look at the harmonious, and they can become the subject of your pride.

Types of support for curly plants

All supports for curly plants can be divided into 2 types:

  • artificial - those that we make do it yourself;
  • natural. They can be attributed to the growing trees, large stones.

In turn, artificials are divided into:

  • supports related to small architectural forms. This group includes Arches, Trelliers, Pergolas, Berso, Arbors;
  • supports for decorating curling plants of walls of buildings, fences. These include various lattices, strips guides, grids;
  • supports that support separately planted curly plants. They are performed in the form of frames, lattices of wood or metal.

Requirements for supports

Any support should be durable and stable, withstanding plants weight, strong wind. Therefore, general requirements for supports are as follows:

  • you need to bury deeper or arrange a foundation;
  • the surface at which curly plants is climbing should be rough, otherwise they will slide down.

Consider how to make a different kind of support for curly plants with your own hands.


The appointment of the arches is the zoning of the site. They allow you to more rationally use the garden area, as the plants instead of steaming along the ground, rise up the walls of this structure. Such a support for curly plants can be performed from:

  • metal. The construction is considered durable, durable. Its production requires the ability to handle welding equipment;
  • tree. The design of this material costs inexpensively, it is not difficult to make it, but at the same time, it does not differ in a large service life, it needs to be fixed in some way, since having a small weight, the wooden arch will not be sustainable enough;
  • plastic pipes. For this material, low temperatures are contraindicated, so such an arch should be in a barn;


  • stone. Support from this material is appropriate if the garden occupies a large area. It looks solid, standing maybe centuries. To build it, you need to master the profession of the Mason.


Arch made of metal




To make a support for curly plants photos, which is higher, will need:

  • metal bar with a diameter of 10 and 6 mm or fittings;
  • pipe with a diameter of about 30 mm.

In the process of work will have to use:

  • level;
  • roulette;
  • pipe bend to bend arcs;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • blinds;
  • hammer;
  • welding machine.

Size choose at your discretion, the main thing is that it is convenient to pass through it. The most optimal are such proportions: Sadovaja.


  • pipe cut into four parts - these are future supports;
  • rod with a diameter of 10 mm bending arcuate;
  • from 6 mm reinforcement welded crossbars that can be made straight or bend rings;
  • we weld the transverse parts to arcs. It is possible to fasten them with wire;
  • pipe supports are swapped into the ground and poured with concrete solution;
  • arcs connect with supports;
  • it remains to be painted in some neutral color and arch is ready.

In the manufacture of arcs, another option is possible, which is more convenient in the installation:

  • we make, applying welding, 2 halves of arches;
  • install them on supports;
  • connect together with bolts.

Wooden arch

For the construction of a wooden arch need to have:

  • round wooden timing segment 100 mm - 12 m;
  • wooden Bar Round section 70 mm - 9 m;
  • wire;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • reiki 2.5x4 cm;
  • roulette;
  • level;
  • bur garden;
  • lobzik electric;
  • screwdriver;
  • chisel;
  • cement mortar;
  • antiseptics;
  • brushes.

Consider the manufacturing process:

  • first we treat wood with antiseptic means;
  • wooden timing with a cross section of 100 mm divide on 4 racks of 3 m long;
  • these segments of the bar are placing: 1 meter will be in the ground, and on the remaining 2 meters we make 4 marks at equal distances;
  • a round beam with a diameter of 70 mm is cut on 18 half-meter parts;
  • with round 3 m racks and half-meter segments make up the 2nd lateral structures in the form of stairs using the "hardwood" mount;


  • you feed the cross-on-cross additional ribs, using rail;
  • we carry out the top of the arches, applying all the same mount - the T-shaped mortise connection "in drapery". That's what it looks like:



Now the arch must be installed, but for this:

  • to the depth of 1 m kick 4 pits;
  • place the arch;
  • pour a solution from cement, sand and water.


Trellier is a very comfortable reference design for curly plants. It is used not only for colors, but also for grapes, cucumbers, beans, raspberries and blackberries. In the manufacture of decorative supports for curly plants in the form of a chopler, it is important to adhere to the correct proportions. Consider how to make this support.

Trellier under the grapes



Having chosen the appropriate place, proceed to the creation of the Trelliers:

  • to begin with, we are determined with the height of the racks. The part of the pillar, burned to the ground, is 0.7 m, from the level of the ground, it should rise in the meter 2. Total: the height of our pillars will be 2.7 m;
  • if it is necessary to use a tree as a pillars, then we clean the bark, and the part that is intended for injection into the ground, process the diesel or resin, burn the rubberoid;
  • we place places on the post, where horizontal beams will be attached. Interval 400 mm;
  • we proceed to the installation of transverse beams, fixing them on the rack with welding, but you can do without it, simply inserting metal fittings in the pre-drilled holes;
  • digging pits of about 0.8 m under the poles;
  • controlling verticality, install the racks;
  • throw into the pit a broken brick, stones or rubble and fix all with cement mortar;
  • The design will not be sustainable enough if we do not install additional columns. They are the same as the main, only diameter less.

Such a tweer is usually built under grapes, although other curly plants will feel good on it, but to build it under cucumbers, for example, just not rational. Here you can stay at the simplest option, especially since the tag is good because it can be built literally from nothing, for example from branches left after the spring trimming of trees.

Sleeter for curly branches

Building a sleeper from the branches, we use the secateur and select the following material:

  • trees branches are not thinner than 10 mm;
  • wire;
  • rope.

Further like this:

  • we sort the branches, selecting more or less than the same;
  • we take one branch and fix it in the ground to the depth of centimeters 12;
  • at an angle of 60 degrees to the first, at a distance of centimeters 10 stick the next branch, and the tops fasten the wire;
  • further everything is repeated: the vertical branch, the branch at an angle of 60 degrees, we associate the vertex;
  • we do it until we get a sleeper of such a length, as we need;
  • by the secator hanging the tops, giving the chopper the shape of the rectangle;
  • we carry out horizontal rows of wire or rope. Walker is ready.


Wall messenger



For decorating the walls of the house use metal supports for curly plants and wooden chopers. Consider the manufacture of a wooden structure with a size of 1.8x0.6 m. Material:

  • rake 1.8 m long - 4 pcs.;
  • rake Length 0.6 m - 8 pcs.;
  • glue;
  • screws.


  • location Long rails, making serfs every 350 mm;
  • we carry out the grooves using the chisel on long rails to secure transverse crossbars;
  • fix the crossbars in vertical rails using moisture-resistant glue, and for greater strength we also use screws;
  • in order for the design to be more reliable, fix the wall chaser between two frames;
  • impress the grille with an antiseptic. You can paint if desired;
  • in the wall of the house drill make holes. We insert the wooden tubes in them with a length of about 3 cm and secure the sleeper.

Metal support for curly plants in the form of a column

Pleet roses having thin elegant shoots are very picturesque look at metal supports for curly plants resembling columns. It is not difficult to build a support in the form of a column. And you need to:

  • install on concrete foundation Metal pins 4 pcs.;
  • to fight them transverse rings made of thick wire.

When the rose will point this column support, it will look like a fragment of an ancient building. If you master this simple design, then you can complicate the task and make a decorative support for curly plants in the form of an Eiffel Tower with openwork crossbars.




Sometimes not only curly plants in the garden are needed in supports, but also indoor.

Supports for curly plants of indoor

Let's make a support for the monster.

From a plastic tube

Would need:

  • segment of the tube plastic;
  • moss sphagnum;
  • leske.


  • we begin on top and wind on the tube a thick layer of moss;
  • after 100 mm, wet moss compact and tie using a fishing line. Again we wrap on the same length and reinforce it again;
  • we leave a naked part that will be stuck in the ground and wind the entire tube with moss in the opposite direction. At the end, tie the knot and we melt the end of the match;
  • from the wire, we make brackets and attach the stalks to the manufactured support.

Use the grid


  • plastic green grid. Cell size is 10 mm;
  • soft wire;
  • cora small;
  • sphagnum;
  • ceramzit;
  • coal.


  • collapse the cylinder from the grid. Diameter - 70 mm. If a high support is needed (more than 0.5 m), the grid we fold 2 times with the combination of cells and only then make a cylinder;
  • we take a knitting hook and taking the edge of the cylinder soft wire;
  • supports in a flower pot and fill in that part that is in a pot, the substrate, and then we embarrass the mixture of clamzite, coal, bark, moss and tamper.

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