How to make a table for a gazebo with your own hands?

March 11. Building materials Views 12140. Comments To record How to make a table for a gazebo with your own hands? No

The main purpose of the gazebo is the wonderful opportunity to relax in the fresh air. Arbor arbor may include several stages. One of them is the creation of tables and benches that are the main furniture of the facilities. About how to make a table, and will be discussed in this article.


Requirements for the form and placement of furniture

The size of the table should be the most optimal: both not too large and not quite small. It should fit all family members with the simultaneous placement of the minimum number of kitchen appliances and other necessary items. The table manufacturing drawing should provide for free movement inside the arbor. Yes, and the seat behind it should be comfortable and comfortable.

Any work begins with measurements. When installing the bench, the distance between it and the table should be so that each person can go through and sit down without any problems. Typically, for normal seats, there is a fairly width of the shops in 0.4-0.6 m and a 10-centimeter gap between the extreme parts of the table and the shop. In the corners of the gazebo, you can place chairs.

The table for the gazebo can be both stationary and mobile. This rule applies to benches. There is an option when only the table can be a stationary building, and portable chairs. Or vice versa.


In most cases, the table design is based on the shape and material of manufacture the most gazebos. When the crate gazebo made of metal pipes, then when you create a furniture preference pipes. If there is a wooden frame, tables and benches gazebos made too wooden. Recent articles are more common.

Kinds of wooden worktops

After the layout and location of benches should be addressed top. Usually it is made of tongue and groove boards. They are the most closely adjacent to each other. Fastening occurs to the base boards countertop.

Substrate type depends on the method of fixing table. Distinguish such basic model countertops:

  • one of the central leg;
  • with three legs;
  • with four legs;
  • octagonal design.


The maximum table stability is achieved in the presence of the four feet. Although the presence of a massive central three legs or structure is not inferior in terms of stability.

At the device of a round table for wood gazebo with one central leg, for more secure fit countertops made the creation of four struts. In appearance they resemble a cross. Worktop itself resembles a shield that is connected to two bars. Cutting range occurs after the full board assembly. Outer chamfer removed. To avoid splinters ends of boards are sanded and coated with several layers of lacquer.

The basis of the manufacture of wooden tables gazebos on three legs is an equilateral triangle principle. Its center will serve as the middle part of the arbor. In the presence of wooden floor legs are attached via one or two bars (bottom and top). The upper support rail acts to consolidate the countertop. If there is dirt floor concreted legs better.

When you create the furniture of the four legs, they are placed in the corners of a square. Place intersection of diagonals should coincide with the center of the gazebo. It should be noted that the tables of three or four feet - a rare phenomenon in our days. This is due to the fact that these tables are not very convenient to use. Sitting people are constantly cling to the legs.

Worktop having octagonal shape provides for 4 or 8 struts. Due to this assembly of countertops may be right for them. Ongoing measurements and sawing boards. Assembling the table top can be done in two ways:

  • by sector unit;
  • via mounting boards in a circle.

The most acceptable and most convenient method is first.


Build a mobile table

Quite suitable for furniture, pergola is a mobile table. Its installation is carried out directly on the floor. Maximum durability and smooth arrangement of the table will depend largely on the quality of sex.

The main advantage of mobile furniture is the ability to quickly vacate the premises. Space may be needed for other purposes. For example, for games or dances.

Create a table for the gazebo includes the following steps:

  • determining countertop material and size;
  • manufacturing legs;
  • countertop apparatus.

Choosing wood for the production of table for gazebos, close attention is paid to the main rule. It states that, when exposed to a moist environment exposed to the maximum damage thicker wood products. In addition, the widest board tabletops are bent tray when dry after absorbing moisture.

For this reason, it is necessary to make the countertop only narrow strips, stacked with a small gap. When exposed to rain on such strips, a drop will not linger on the countertop.

Defining the width of the table, we must take two of the same size timber. The length must be shorter worktops 8-10 cm. Bars are stacked on top of the board with the free ends of the release of up to 5 cm. Binding the boards produced using screws.

The length of the longitudinal bars is selected depending on the location of the transverse beams. They have very tight dock with each other. The longitudinal beams are connected to the tabletop. And everyone should have fixed the four corners of 90º each.


For the manufacture of the legs is usually taken four bars, which have the same cross section. We recommend using square billets. The inner sides of the legs are marked. Made grooves that serve to lock the bars.

table frame assembly is done using a moisture resistant adhesive. You can make an additional mounting with pegs. To make the table for the gazebo in the photo and the reality of maximum stability, it is necessary to use a spacer.

Installing horizontal struts happens to the short sides of the table. For this purpose, 15-cm height from the floor is sampled from the inner part of the legs. sample size is equal to the height and width of the bars, which are inserted in the sample. When attaching the brackets, screws should not leave sharp edges on the front of the countertop.

Video for creating a table for the gazebo:


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