Planning of the garden: creating a landing plan

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Visit the cottage should mean not only labor, but also a pleasant stay. Everything will fall into place if you act according to the principle: we are not for giving, but a cottage for us. Based on this, the arrangement of the site should be started. We will tell here how to correctly execute the planning of the garden, so that everything is placed, and the laboriousness of garden work is not very strained.

Where to begin

It is impossible to plan the garden correctly without knowing what is best and in which places will grow on the site. And in order to find out, it is necessary to determine the composition of the soil. The most important characteristic is acidity (pH). Depending on this indicator, the soil may be:

  • neutral;
  • sour;
  • alkaline.

The easiest way to solve this issue is to take the samples of the soil from different points of the site and attribute them to the laboratory, but you, too, should be treated with the same way:

  1. We take a couple of land spoons, put in a jar.
  2. Purchase into the container vinegar. If bubbles appear - the soil is neutral, when the vinegar will enter the ground, like water - without any reaction - the soil is precisely acidic. We'll have to tinker with such land - make ash, lime for deoxidation.

Vegetables mainly give good yields on soils with acidity indicator from 5.8 to 7.2. The result obtained will be the starting point when planning species of cultures for landing. The optimal pH value for the most common vegetables is reduced to this table:

Name of culture Recommended PH
Potato 5,5-6,3
Tomatoes, Pepper 6,3-6,7
Salad, beans 6,0-6,5
Beet 6,5-7,5
Carrot 5,5-7,0
Onion 6,4-7,9
Melon, cucumber, zucchini, zucchini, patisson 6,4-7,0
Radish 5,5-7,0
Celery, Parsley 5,5-7,0
Sorrel 5,0-6,0
Cabbage, pea 6,2-7,5
Corn, beans, dill 6-7,0

Rules for Planning OGOR

So that the garden beds give a harvest to the maximum, not only the composition of the soil is important, but also their location. Therefore, adhere to the following rules:

  1. When there is a choice, we have a vegetable garden on an equal terrain. If the entire area is located on the slope, the southern or southeastern side is preferred.
  2. We think over the irrigation system. Water should be in an affordable place.
  3. If "lucky" so much so that all the soil on the plot is a solid heavy clay, bring sand or peat, and best of all the black soil.
  4. We have a bed of a decent distance from high trees, the shadow will not go to the benefits.
  5. We have a garden in the direction:
  • north-south, if a plot in raw nizin, so that the sun shines most of the day and heat the soil;
  • east-West, when the soil is dry, light, with the shadow, discarded by plants on the aisle, will retain moisture longer;
  • if there is a bias, break the bed across it;
  • in the case of a completely uneven plot, we place a garden on the south side, and the garden on the north.


Creating a landing plan

When mastered from the zeper destination, the garden, the garden, without prior planning, it is not necessary, otherwise it will not be a place of rest, but the field for the continuous, and most importantly, unproductive labor on the splitting of the dawns. We act in order:

  1. Blacks are drawing. If there is something already there, we apply everything to the drawing. As a result, the plan should contain information such as size, relief, shape, orientation of the site relative to the parties of light.
  2. We divide the site. To get a real picture, we highlight the residential, economic, garden, garden zone, we even determine the length of the shadow, discarded by existing or future buildings and trees. As a result, learn what place the whole day is illuminated, where partially, and where and at all the sun rays do not reach. On the Great Manor, the garden, usually, is carried to the rear or medium plan.
  3. We proceed to the direct modeling of the garden. It is easier to do this on a computer using a special program, but if you are not in Lada with him, then cut on paper figures, sign the names of cultures, other attributes, type of box for compost, Capacities under water, etc. After placing them on the plan, we will manipulate them until we find the most suitable option.
  4. We pretend in what quantity and what to plant, and how many beds it will take for this. The main criterion is the needs of the family.

with inscriptions 2.

Proper Grokes

Even such a place as the garden should not cause longing from the premonition of hard work. Of course, if it is a solid plantation with "ribbon" edges, then it will be. Therefore, we arrange beautiful, even, clearly outlined ridges, taking into account the convenience of processing and rational use in compliance with the natural principles.

Lift or lower

Ridges are:

  • level with Earth;
  • in-depth;
  • raised.

Which one is better, depends on the natural conditions:

  • If you do not have the opportunity to regularly water the plantings, and the precipitation in your area falls enough, then the ridges are better to burst, and leave the tracks at the ground level.
  • If there is excessive damp in the area, we arrange high beds.

Form and Color Width

In the form of the ridges, they are made by any - rectangular, triangular and even oval and round, if only access to them was convenient. Convenient width from 60 cm to 1 m, and length, as it turns out, it does not affect anything. The tracks are planning wide to drive a garden trolley on them. They are laying out bricks, stone, tiles, fall asleep with rubble, pebbles or let me grow up the grass, and then regularly striding. Ridge fencing Boards, slate, brick, in general, what you have at hand.

Rules of alternation of culture

So that the vegetables are always happy with high-quality harvest, observe such an important point in the planning of the garden, like crop rotation. Laying ridgePlease, in mind that any culture returns to the previous place of the year after 3-4, so we divide the area into 4 parts and move each year, adhering to one direction and observing the following sequence:

Name Favorable predecessors Neutral predecessors
Tomato cauliflower, Cucumbers, Greens, Rope white cabbage, beet, bow
Potato all legumes, cucumbers, early and cauliflower carrots, Greens, Beets, Carrots, White Cabbage
Table beet early potatoes, greens, cucumbers, carrots, cabbage early, color, tomatoes, onions
Onion early cabbage, color, cucumbers, all bean, early potatoes tomatoes, late cabbage, beet
Beans and other legumes early Potatoes, Onions, Cucumbers, Cabbage tomatoes, greens, Siderats, root
Cabbage Color and Early early cucumbers, legumes tomatoes, carrots
Middle and late cabbage early potatoes, cucumbers, carrots, legumes tomatoes, carrots
Pumpkin, zucchini, patissons garlic, legumes, onions, coated cabbage beets, cucumbers, Early potatoes, greens
Greens cucumbers, Onions, Bean, Early and Cauliflower carrot, late cabbage

Combined landings

There are cultures not only well-rolled on one bed, but also helping each other to grow well. From the table below you will learn which plants are well combined, and which simply do not tolerate each other:


Here are some interesting options for laying a garden, the photo is made on areas with different relief:





Features of the layout of the garden 6 acres

It is good to plan when the site is big, and 6 weaves are not very walking - many people think so. With an illiterate approach and 10 weaves, there will be little place, and if everything is done with the mind, then 0.6 hectares enough to arrange comfortable conditions for themselves. Here are some tips:

  1. To travel to a garage or a canopy did not occupy a lot of space, never build them in the depths of the manor.
  2. Do not place the garden in the south of the plot, it will cover the shadow of the whole garden. Accordingly, a shadow from home should not fall on the garden. On this territory it is better to place a rest area.
  3. Barbecue or barbecue position so that the smoke does not envelop the entire site, i.e. From the windward side.
  4. Make a bed of non-standard shapes, such a flower beds with vegetables. They will bring practical benefit, and the plot will decorate.
  5. Arrange a mini-garden in the arbor area or barbecue. Just run away the block from the board, pour the earth there or gossip the woven to limit the beds, put the flowers around the perimeter, for example, asters bloom almost to frosts.
  6. With a significant slope, the bottom of the site will always be wet, and therefore this place for the garden is not from the best. Exit in the device terraces with a drainage system.

Here you are on the topic of the layout of the garden of 6 acres photos, proving that the small size of the site is not an obstacle to the embodiment of creative ideas when planning, it is necessary to think through everything carefully.

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Summing up can be said: it is better to suffer with a layout than then every year to suffer from the fact that gardening gardens grow poorly grow. Plan your garden and do not have to make an excess job.

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