How to properly trimming grapes

May 10. Repair and construction work, Plot. Views 8379. Comments to record how to properly pruning grapes No

Each gardener knows that it is necessary to ensure the right care for plants to obtain a rich harvest and a beautiful appearance of the garden. So and in the case of grapes, many people believe that it does not require a special approach, but timely trimming and watering is able to give tasty and large fruits from the most common variety.

Therefore, it is worth considering the schemes of trimming grapes that will help improve the condition of both the plant itself and the garden in general.

The importance of trimming


It is clear that you need to know not only a favorable period for holding a planning with a plant, but also how to do everything. After all, high-quality trim provides:

  • the direction of juice on promising vines;
  • improving crop and individual berries;
  • increase in the brush in size;
  • the ray of fruit;
  • the resistance of the bush to unfavorable conditions, including freezers;
  • removal of unnecessary processes contributes to the simplification of care and shelter in the winter.

Ultimately, the cutting process makes it possible to control the growth of the plant and the distribution of grapes. The most important thing is to know what period of the year it is possible to conduct a procedure. The main rule on which experts are focused - this is the age of a specific instance. It is known that the borders brings a vine that matured a year ago. It follows from this that the very young representatives do not conduct trimming, only for the next season you can plan some manipulations.

Right slice - the key to success


The process has its own rules that concern not only the method of trimming, but also the tool used, they include:

  • conducting manipulations only by a sharp secateur, because a stupid tool worsens the state of the cut and the plant itself;
  • the location of the cut should always be between the nodes - it helps to keep the extreme kidney;
  • when trimming the sleeve, it is worth removing the maximum branch, the pasteen should not be more than 0.5 cm;
  • as a fruitful vine, the upper vines always leave, they do not break under the weight of the harvest.


A fully formed bush is considered grapes by 4, it gives a stable harvest. But the entire preceding period, he requires due attention, only then grows a healthy plant. In constant care include:

  • abundant and timely watering;
  • soil loosal and weed removal;
  • packing;
  • feeding nitrogen, phosphate and potash fertilizers;
  • spraying.

Autumn - optimal time

In most cases, preference is given to the trimming of grapes in the fall, because this measure contributes to the training of a bush to wintering and shelting it from frost. So facilitates the care of the plant at any time of the year. Then the autumn you can wait for a good crop, the number of berries on the bush is guaranteed.

During trimming, pay attention to both young shoots and loses that have already been fruitful. It is important to remove all weak processes as for the fruit branches - the average trimming of about 10 eyes is considered common. Fruit vines are cut depending on the grape variety, for some length 4-6 of the eyes is allowed, another is recommended to remove 15-20 peaks. For proper formation of the bush, the branches have horizontally or arcuate.

As a rule, the average trimming allows you to create a normal load of the bush, which contributes to high yield. In the process, it is important to take into account the death of a portion of the kidneys, so, in the passing culture, individual parts of the plants are spoiled and swelling. Therefore, there are 30-40% of the stock of eyes, the rest of the shoots are removed on the fruit vines. As a result, individual parts of the vines can be fron in different ways, it all depends on the weather. With the cool air, flower kidneys are delayed, respectively, the fruits will be higher.

Possibilities in spring

Browning in the spring is undesirable due to the active movement of the juice. In this case, the newly formed wounds are badly healing, tears remain on the sections. This can lead to a lack of harvest or the full death of the plant. Pruning grapes in early March, when the temperature does not fall below + 5 ° C, but after the blooming of the kidneys. Then the strong pressure of juice ceases and live kidneys are immediately visible. This applies only to young individuals who have not yet fruit or unappropriate varieties.

Vintage with drop of juice

The phenomenon of "crying" grapes is called the selection of juice that flows from the affected places with drops. Before the appearance of the leaves there is an active stream of water from the roots on the stalk up. Therefore, many gardeners on it determine the presence of moisture in the plant and the need for watering. Accordingly, when cutting the bustle of grapes, an impressive loss of not only juice, but also nutrients occurs. In addition, the juice adversely affects the eyes, he burns them, which leads to drying. Then, at best, the yield of the bush is reduced by 25%. Therefore, experts and recommend fruit vines in such a way that the juice of the drop directly to the Earth.

Caring for hot

The summer trimming of grapes is carried out to create favorable conditions of the fruits, at this time put shoots, steps and remove unnecessary branches on the bushes. This makes it possible to provide air access and sunlight to the plant in the required quantity. Then nutrients take the right direction, which leads to an increase in fruit and ripening not the finished vine for the next season.

Formation of the right bush


In addition to the time of year, it is worth considering the age of grapes, for the proper formation of a seedling of pasting grapes, use a scheme designed for the period before fruiting. Usually, the seedling for autumn gives several shoots, they are flex to the ground for the winter and cover, without cutting. Next, it is necessary to ensure the cultivation of the sleeves, that is, the shoots should have a thickness of at least 6-7 mm. For this, in the first year, in the spring, in the presence of two shoots, they are cut into 2 eyes - this will give four new processes. In the case of one escape, it will have to trigger on 4 eyes.

For the second year, in the spring, future sleeves are also cut into 2 eyes, in the fall, the bush is again covered without changes. After wintering, the bush is open and form fruit links. For this, there are only two closest to the root of the vine on each sleeve, the rest is cut. At the same time, the lower vine is cut into 2 kidneys, upper - by 7-15 kidneys. So we get a fruit vine and a feeding of substitution. In the fall, the first results of labor are obtained, the new shoots have already grown on the vine, which will be fruit. And the bitch gives some strong shoots, from which you only need to leave two. So, by the end of the third year, the bush consists of four sleeves with fruit links - it will give a good harvest afterwards.

Labor result for long years


  1. Further, according to the scheme, trimming on the fruiting, which is carried out by all further years. To do this, the old fruitful vine is completely cut out and form a new link. From the bitch there should be 2 processes, from one cut into 2 kidneys, it gives a new feeding of replacement. And from the second form a new vine, so returned to the result of the third year. After all, the main rule of the vineyard is to preserve the vine and the bitch of replacement on each sleeve.
  2. For non-sacrificial varieties, another method of trimming the formation of a fruit bush is used. In the spring of the first year, the bush is cut into 2 eyes, while removing all shoots, then two powerful processes will grow in summer. For the second year, the spring leaves two escapes, one developed shocked on 2 eyes (it will be a stack). The second is left for the reserve, but they make it short, leaving two kidneys. Over the summer, additional shoots appear, which in the summer we shall. A developed escape is tied up in a vertical position, and at the end of the summer, the growth point is brought.
  3. For the third year, the main escape is cut into the necessary height, and the processes are removed, except for two tops. Of these, the sleeves form, so you need to trim them into two kidneys and tie to enhance the wire. The backup escape also has processes, from two ripened, one is cut into 2 kidneys, and the second is left for 5-6 kidneys. Other shoots climb.
  4. Over the fourth year you need to grow powerful shoots at a distance of 20 cm, while the upper sleeves are cut depending on the variety of the plant. Closely located the processes in the summer are closed. For the fifth year form fruit links. For which the shoots that have grown over the past summer leave only 2-3 peels. For the spring of the sixth year, we plan to pruning the lower escape on 2 eyes, and from the bottom process, they make a fruitful vine, cutting on 6-8 peels. Subsequently, you need to repeat the actions of the sixth year, so maintain the shape of the bush.

Trimming old grapes


The main rule when rejuvenating the bush is to provide food by side shoots at the expense of the center. The fact is that the nutrition of the upper part deteriorates with the growth of escapes. In reality, it is not always possible to ensure the perfect condition of grapes, then the bushes turn into patients who have been taken with incorrect forms.

In order to prevent the bushes ingrowth, it is worth removing 75% of shoots annually, although many dachensons just sorry to cut new branches. Then diseases begin to develop, the state of the kidneys is worse. This leads to poor tolerability of winter time.

Pruning the overgrown bush is carried out by the detection of a weak sleeve to which parts relate without a normal vine. It is important to remove all elements that do not give good vines, afterwards nothing comes out. It is necessary to remove all underdeveloped, green and dead shoots.

From the remaining lower vine, a feedback is made, for which it is briefly cut into 2 kidneys. The vines are the above bitch, leave for a length of 6-9 kidneys, and their quantity depends on the initial growth. If there are 2-3 vines on the sleeve, it is left only one, from 4-6 vines leave two, excess processes cut out with a part of the sleeve. The peculiarity of the bush after pruning is considered the number of kidneys, when planting plants at a distance of 2 m should remain no more than 35 kidneys.

Rejuvenation of an old representative

Plant rejuvenation makes sense in the absence of affected parts and with a good crop. To do this, you need to remove all extra processes except substituents. The sleeve is cut off, leaving one deputy whose length is 5-7 kidneys. The rejuvenation includes measures for feeding and watering, then the root system is actively developing. In the summer months, you will have to remove all the brushes on the shoots, except for one - it helps to restore the plant by reducing fertility.

In addition, you can view the video, how to properly cut the grapes on the arch.

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