How to choose a motoblock. Review models

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Manually process your weave, even if there are not so many of them - the task is not from the lungs. Instead of extinguishing yourself with a grave labor on Earth, using a shovel for its processing, try this work to mechanize. With the acquisition of a motoblock, work on the garden will take less time and will turn into pleasure. The question of the right choice of the motoblock is not so simple. How to make the right choice, understand the variety of models, this article will help.

Parameters that should be considered when choosing a motoblock

Before you buy a motoblock, which is, in fact, a uniaxial tractor of small dimensions, decide which work to be performed with it. It is also important not to confuse a motoblock with a cultivator. They are certainly similar, but:

  • The cultivator is effective only on treated soft soils;
  • Motoblock - universal equipment;
  • The main difference between the motoblocks is the mandatory presence of a power take-off shaft, although it is in some cultivators.

Focus on the following parameters:

1. Plot size.

  • if your land does not exceed 0.15 hectares, then you can restrict ourselves to the purchase of a motoblock by weight not exceeding 30 kg with a capacity of up to 5 hp with a capture of 0.6 m to a depth of 25 cm;
  • for the site in the floor of a hundred hectare you need a feller. somewhere around 9 hp, with a capture of 0.9 m;
  • if you have a major farming, then there is a serious heavy technique here - up to 100 kg weighing, at 10-15 hp, with the seizure of the layer in 1 m and the ability to penetrate into the soil to 0.3 m.

Keep in mind: To move the moto block, the clutch is needed. The clutch is ensured by the starting weight, then the soils and weights are already engaged. A slight weight of a small weight in heavy ground is stuck and just shifted it from the spot will have to make a big physical effort..

Soil condition and its appearance

If you are going to handle a tide with a motor-block, then even if the site has small sizes, a high-power engine will be required. Weak motor-block will quickly come out. As a rule, motoblocks, the price of which is higher, have a greater power, but they serve lon longer.

Work fuel that you intend to perform

This depends on the issue of buying attachments. Motoblocks with a power take-off shaft (VOM) can be complemented:

  • seeders;
  • potatoes;
  • potatoes, which are one of the types of plow;
  • sprayers;
  • primers;
  • disk or finger harrow;
  • cultivation mills;


  • conventional or revolving plows;
  • sakers, with the help of which the potatoes are performed and the grooves are performed when sowing vegetable crops;


  • flat;
  • trailers;
  • adapters that turn the motoblock into a mini tractor;
  • rotary brushes allowing the use of a snow cleaning fiberboard.


Separation of motoblocks by power

Focusing on the engine power, motor-blocks are:

  • ultralight. They are installed, as a rule, a two-stroke engine having a power of no more than 3 hp Fuel is served by gasoline plus oil, less often, but still there are ultralight motoblocks with 4 clock engines. When plowing captures a maximum of 0.45 m. Plowing depth is small - up to 80 mm. Mass are small - kilogram 20. Effective only when the soil loaned;
  • light, weighing the maximum 40 kg. Engine 3-5 hp In the ground deepened by 13-15 cm, performing the capture of 0.8 m. On heavy soils, it is quickly from the system;
  • middle with the highest weighing 60 kg, with an engine 6 hp It is able to deepen in the soil up to 0.28 m. It is equipped with both front and rear gears. It processes large areas;
  • heavy, weighing over 60 kg, having engines with a capacity of more than 6 hp They are distinguished by a large capture - up to 1 m. Completed with gearbox and four-stroke engine. More functional than representatives of other species. The kit offers attached equipment.

Motoroblocks in terms of fuel

By type of fuel used, motor-blocks are divided into:

  • diesel;
  • petrol.

The difference between the gasoline engine for the motoblock from diesel:

  • fuel in the engine gasoline flammives from the spark obtained by using the spark plugs;
  • in the diesel engine, the spark is produced by incandescent candles.

Consider the advantages and disadvantages, as well as some models of those and others.

Gasoline Motoblocks

It is believed that they most effectively show themselves in areas of not very large sizes, but now new models have appeared on the market, refuting this statement. What can be attributed to the pros? Here are their list:

  • they are light and maneuverable;
  • come to any weather, thanks to good compression;
  • acceptable cost;
  • inexpensive repair;
  • a relatively small noise level: about 30 dB is lower than that of the fellow diesel;
  • almost complete lack of steering vibration;
  • manually come.

Consider some models.

Caiman Vario 60 S

Released in France. It has the following technical characteristics:

  • he has a 4-stroke Japanese SUBARU engine, with a capacity of 6 hp;
  • capture width 0.9 m, depth 0.32 m;
  • belt clutch;
  • tank tank - 3.4 liters of gasoline AI-92;
  • equipped with pneumatic wheels;
  • weigh 72 kg;
  • for a faster launch, you need an electric starter.


In addition to the main function - plowing, maybe:

  • cut lawn;
  • carry large loads;
  • serve water from the well;
  • remove dust and snow.


Motoblock Domestic: Neva MB-2K



Perhaps the best motoblock of domestic production - NEVA MB-2K - the standard model of this series. Equipped:

  • 4-section cutter;
  • extensions of the semi-axes, allowing to expand the distance between the wheels.

Subject to the acquisition of hinged equipment, the motor-block can be:

  • plow;
  • weed;
  • spud;
  • sow;
  • dig;
  • carry out the purification of the yard from snow;
  • carry loads;
  • turn a motoblock in a motor-pump.

As you can see, the functions are the same as imported, but the price is significantly different in a smaller side.

Motoblock Farmer MB 6.5T


Another Russian gasoline fiberboard with reliable characteristics:

  • the four-stroke engine develops the power of 6.5 hp;
  • 3 transmissions: 2 front and 1 rear;
  • Processing has a width of 0.5 to 1.0 km;
  • depth 15-30 cm;
  • equipped with cutters and wheels;
  • weight of 77 kg;
  • Multifunctional subject to purchase additional equipment.

Motoblocks from China

With any ambiguous attitude to the products coming from this country, for the sake of justice, it should be stopped on these models, especially since not all of them are bad. Here, at least, this new series:

Zirka LX.

These Chinese motoblocks establish both gasoline and diesel engines. zirka-lx_1090d-5-500x500

The advantages are that:

  • eliminated all the shortcomings of previous issues;
  • the series includes small-sized motoblocks with a gasoline engine for small sections;
  • supplepended list of hinged equipment;
  • the reducer is made of AC4B alloy than its strength increased;
  • the gearbox has become more resistant to various loads, since the former small-resistant material was replaced with a cast-iron alloy with the addition of graphite Qt500;
  • more qualitative materials and in the manufacture of other important components and parts are used, so the products have a European quality certificate.

Diesel Motoblocks


  • more economical;
  • operated and serviced easier than gasoline;
  • engine cooling both air and water;
  • more powerful;
  • heavier than gasoline, so the grip with the ground is better;
  • the engine resource is greater than gasoline.

Engine care features

If not compliance with some rules, the threat of the rapid outlet of the engine is out. And the rules are:

  • long work at idle is pernicably affected by a diesel engine. To avoid breakdowns, you need to periodically give it a full load;
  • it is required to constantly monitor the oil level and change it on time.

Among the most popular models of gasoline motoblocks can be noted the following ...


These motoblocks are sold by representatives of the cross company Crosser from England. Created a motoblock for work in difficult conditions:

  • when plowing, the reservoir is captured on a width of 0.18 m;
  • processes the ground to a depth of 180 mm;
  • an internal combustion engine is installed on the unit. Water cooling. The volume of the tank is 5.5 liters. Power 9.5 hp;
  • consumes 1.7 l per hour;
  • there is a wide range of additional equipment;
  • the base kit includes a mill and plow;
  • has 6 front and 2 rear speeds;
  • weighs 0.23 tons, so the virgin for him is not a problem.


Motoblock Sadko MD-900 L



Produced in Slovenia. Ideal for the summer cottage. It has good specifications:

  • equipped with a single-cylinder 4-stroke engine with air-cooled;
  • develops the power of 4 hp;
  • the tank accommodates 2.5 liters of diesel fuel;
  • has 2 front and 2 reverse gears;
  • the width of the capture is 0.9 m, the depth of 15 to 30 cm;
  • weighs 110 kg.

The attached snap-in:

  • cutters - 6 pcs.;
  • wheels - 3 pcs.;
  • cutting discs.

Motoblock from Italy - Meccanica Benassi RL-328 L

Differs reliability. Due to its characteristics, it is convenient for use in sites of a small value:

  • lomBardini diesel engine has a power of 6.8 hp;
  • captured width - 0.85 m;
  • weighs only 92 kg;
  • manufacturer's warranty - 2 years.

So that the motoblock worked well, care for him. Just care for the motoblock is dedicated to this video:


And here you will see the work of the Motoblock:

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