Well well. Well drilling instructions

March 27. Useful advice, Repair and construction work Views 5932. Comments To the recording of the well with your own hands. Well drilling instructions No

The need for water source in the country site does not cause doubt. But how to be if the central water supply is not available? The optimal solution of the problem is a well with your own hands. This will ensure the digestive economy with water for watering, and possibly drinking. How to make a well with your own hands: with information you need to get acquainted before you start work.

Review of types of wells for autonomous water supply

Before proceeding with drilling, it is necessary to determine the level of groundwater running on your site. From this will depend on the selection of the drilling site, the well type and equipment used. Well drilling methods are chosen in accordance with the type of soil and depth of drilling.

If the aquifer is at a depth of 12 m - the Abyssinian Well Bryat. If it is necessary to penetrate the earth to 50 m - it should be a "sandy" well. Water from it does not differ in purity, so its quality should be checked in the laboratory of SanEpidadzor and it is required to use filters for cleaning. The depth of the drilling of the wells of Artesian (about 200 m) requires the use of professional equipment.

Abyssinian well

Abyssinian well

The well under the water with your own hands is terrified easier than others. At the same time, it is important that there are no septic tanks, sumps and cesspools, otherwise the water will be infected. The right choice of space plays a key role. You can be drilled by IV basement at home and in the yard.

For drilling an Abyssinian well, also called a well-needle or scoring, the following equipment is necessary:

  • babe;
  • pipes;
  • grandmother with recreck;
  • scoring filter;
  • clamp.



Its depth is about 50 m. It is impossible to expect a plenty of water from the well of this type, but for one site will be enough. Water quality should be checked: during the spring spill, mixing groundwater is not excluded. A coarse filter, which is located in the field of water fence, is required to periodically clean. Serves sand well an average of 10-15 years.

Artesian well

Drilling of the artesian well

In order to extract clean water, it is necessary to drill the limestone reservoir, which occurs at different depths - from 30 to 200 m. To accurately find out the necessary depth you can in two ways: ask for neighbors and order a geological study.

Manual drilling of arteisian wells is impossible: you will have to invite specialists. But water quality and long well service life compensate for large costs.

Technology drilling wells

Ensuring water for watering and business needs do not require high costs. Drilling well with your own hands, if you restrict ourselves to the Abyssinian Well or sandy well. Such a source guarantees to one and a half cubic meters of water per hour.

Tripod for drilling

The following equipment is necessary for operation:

  • Rig rig, which is a tripod of pipes, logs with a diameter of 150-200 mm or a 150 × 150 mm bars, equipped with a winch designed to move the drilling instruments;
  • column for drilling;
  • Drill rods;
  • column tube;
  • The bur (its type depends on the type of soil);
  • gas key;
  • shovels.

Phased drilling under the well is performed as follows.

Drilling required the efforts of two people

  1. Choose the place for drilling (recommended within 3 meters from the house). In the presence of the old sand wells should withdraw from them as far as possible.
  2. The selected point dug pit size 1.5 × 1.5 m. The walls of the reinforcing boards or plywood boards.
  3. Install tripod (drilling rig) and the winch secured at the connection supports.
  4. Prepare column: It is assembled from three or more rods with a length of 1M using threaded connections. For descent and lifting, clamps are provided. For the Abyssinian Well, there is enough one and a half meter rods without a tripod. The diameter of the column is selected depending on the pump used, but must remain the minimum clearance - 5 mm. It is best to apply pipes 114 - 219 mm.
  5. Rotationally shock drilling is carried out with the help of two people. The bar is rotated using a gas key (one person) at the same time inflicting strikes on a sledgehammer (second person), destroying the breed. Another way provides for the rotation of the rod with the simultaneous impact destruction of the breed bar.
  6. On the bar periodically put tags to control the depth of passage: this is necessary for the timely cleaning of the drill, which is done in about 0.5 m. The bee is selected depending on the breed.
  7. Having reached the aquifer (controlled by the presence of moisture in the extracted rock), purified by the helm of the well and washed with a powerful pump, getting rid of stones and sand.
  8. A polyethylene or welded metal pipe is lowered to the resulting well, the pump is placed in the middle. After that, the well can be operated.

Pump is placed in the pipe

Drive for well

For drilling shallow wells there is no need to acquire expensive special equipment. Handberry can be made in a home workshop. To do this, use:

  • steel pipe ¾ inch;
  • old disk saw;
  • welding machine.

The process of manufacturing a boome is performed in such a sequence.

  1. The disk saw that has become unusable is cut in half. The teeth of two halves need to be sharpened by the emery circle and orient in one direction by turning the segments accordingly.
  2. The end of the pipe should be rolling, forming a sharp end.
  3. We apply saw segments to the pipe in such a way that the sharp end spoke at a distance of about 80 mm (it will play the role of the guide).
  4. Saw segments must be deployed to 20 degrees, thus forming the blades, and then welcome them.
  5. To another end of the pipe, it is necessary to welcome perpendicularly to the tube: it will be used as a handle. The length of the handle is selected in accordance with the amplitude of the rotation of the bora.
  6. The guide for the rod is formed from pipes welded on the pipe of the bora.
  7. The edges of the segments involved in the cutting of the soil must be sharpened. In order for the soil to shift to the center, the edges of each of the halves of the saw should be adjusted up.

Another embodiment of the boom for the well is presented on video.

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