How to moisten the air indoors. Overview of basic ways

July 22. Useful advice Views 2807. Comments To records how to moisten the air indoors. Overview of basic ways No

Water is the main component of all living organisms on the planet. Therefore, it is very important to maintain a comfortable level of air humidity in the room in which people, animals live, plants are grown.


Hurried or significantly below the level of humidity causes discomfort and even contribute to the development of various diseases. It is equally important to maintain the optimal microclimate in the room to avoid damage to household items - furniture, technicians, tools. Therefore, in the process of arranging your own home, we certainly decide how to moisturize the air, based on the constant indicator of humidity in the house, personal preferences, features of the interior design and financial capabilities.


What level of humidity is the norm?


There are certain moisture norms:

  1. For plants grown in greenhouses, greenhouses and winter gardens 55-75%.
  2. For people 40-70%.
  3. For electrical appliances and telecommunications tools 45-60%.
  4. For wooden furniture and musical instruments 40-65%.

What does the adverse effects of unsuitable humidity manifest?


The level of humidity depends on the health of people, as well as the state of household items. Adverse consequences may be expressed in the following manifestations:

  • If you do not moisten the air in the room, it will provoke a deterioration in health, drying the nasophack mucosa, the rapid penetration of pathogenic bacteria into the human body. Allergys are exacerbated by allergy symptoms due to an increase in the circulation of household dust in the air, and in the future all sorts of respiratory diseases arise.
    Important! Such characteristic symptoms often appear in the period from October to May.


  • The negative impact is expressed on the external state of the person, accompanied by drying and cracking the skin of the hands, the fragility of the nails, the hair is acquired not a healthy look.
  • In the absence of a sufficient amount of moisture in the air, universal disabilities are pronounced in children. The children's body is constantly in a state of drowsiness, quickly overwhelmed and the child cannot concentrate its attention to develop fully.
  • Low moisture level suspends the growth of indoor plants, provokes the fiction of leaves and even death.


Moisturizing airways

There are many options to combat such a problem. Among them, we will highlight the most affordable and popular decisions today:

  • ventilation;
  • cleaning;
  • plants;
  • moisturizing fabrics;
  • water tanks;
  • decorative interior items;
  • special moisturizers.


Important! As you were convinced, in the case when you decide how to moisturize the air without a humidifier, you can cope with the task not only quickly, but also without unnecessary financial costs.

How to ventilate the room?

The conducting procedure in order to moisturize air in the apartment is not difficult, but some recommendations regarding frequency and duration exist:

  1. We systematically carry out the room for 10 to 15 minutes.
  2. Perform such a procedure 3-4 times a day, wide opening windows. provetr-Pomesch.

Important! Taking into account this method is not suitable in the period of abnormal cold weather when frosty air does not contain a sufficient level of moisture. Also during the soft winter, the ventilation will be relevant, and during the period of the sultry summer this option is unacceptable.

Why perform wet cleaning regularly?

Oddly enough, but wet cleaning is also a kind of method for humidifying air. During its holding, water from any surfaces - furniture and parts of the building structure, evaporates, rises up and promotes the refreshment of the room.


Humidity adjustment by plants

Another very interesting solution that will allow not only to establish a stable comfortable microclimate in the room, but also will bring a special comfort and attractiveness in the interior design - grow plants, moisturizing air. Among the variety of varieties of indoor floral crops, choose those that are very actively separated by moisture. Ceramic pots with pallets, arrange on the windowsill.


Choose the following types of colors as effective moisture producers:

  • ficus;
  • dracaena;
  • nefrolypp (home fern);
  • cipers;
  • fatsia;
  • sparmannia. plants05
    Important! Each of these colors allocates from 500 to 2000 ml of moisture every day, and some of them effectively serve as defenders from harmful substances in the air. The microclimate in the apartment is improved by evaporation of water from the leaves of plants, as well as air ionization.


Use which tissues improve air quality?

Another way to moisten the air at home is the use of tissues. For this, products are suitable from:

  • cotton;
  • flax;
  • terry towels.


The principle of use lies in hanging wet towels on the battery, as a result of which the water evaporates and rises up. After completely drying the matter, the procedure is repeated again.

Important! If a small child lives in the apartment, then woven throughout the apartment wrapped children's things and diapers, which certainly accumulate daily, will create the same effect. The only drawback of this method is to reduce the accuracy of the appearance of the premises and the overall attractiveness of the interior. 00068635

What tanks can be used to increase the moisture of air?

There is such a simple way to moisturize air as the distribution in the apartment with water tanks. For these purposes, it is ideal:

  • ordinary cups with liquid, placed near the batteries and on the windowsill;
  • ceramic special containers;
  • decorative fountains, waterfalls;
  • aquariums.



  1. A variety of plants in the form of waterfalls and fountains will give the interior of your housing an exquisite and impressive appearance;
  2. Design variability, size and design, which are independently selected under the characteristic style of any room;
  3. The ability to easily and regularly change the artistic picture of the indoor space room.


Important! The essential minus of such humidifiers, we note the blooming of water, as well as the reproduction of microbes and bacteria in it. To avoid this, it will be necessary to change water with relative frequency.

What to choose a moisturizer?

Moisturize air is necessary, both in the summer and cold in winter. All of the above methods are good each in its own way, but nothing compared to efficiency with special devices that invented exclusively in order to achieve maximum comfort in the arrangement of the premises.


In modern household appliances stores, the following types of moisturizing devices are presented:

  • traditional;
  • steam;
  • ultrasound.


Important! To make the right choice, familiarize yourself with the characteristic qualities of each type outlined below.

Traditional humidifier

This is the most elementary on the principle of its action apparatus. His work is to evaporate the chilled water particles. Operation occurs as follows - the special tank is filled with cold water, after that the fan drives fluid through the filter. 845-2


  • compact dimensions;
  • relatively small cost;
  • independent adjustment of water evaporation.


Important! To avoid clogging the filter and subsequently damage the device, fill the tank extremely distilled water.

Steam humidifiers

The operation of this device occurs with the help of a pair of electrodes immersed in water container. After water heating to a certain temperature, it is released as a jet of a pair of 50-60 degrees.



  • unique design;
  • a high level of security, due to independent shutdown after full water supply.

Important! If children live in the room, it is recommended to put the device in an inadvertent place for them.

Ultrasonic humidifier


Such a model of a modern humidifier is in great demand among consumers. In the devices of this species inside there is a special plate. With the influence of ultrasound, the water falling on it is divided into small particles and is evenly sprayed throughout the room.


  • high performance;
  • compact size;
  • small power consumption.

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The characteristic minuses of the ultrasound humidifier are manifested in such operations:

  • the use of exclusively distilled water;
  • the need to apply decarbonizing cartridges - filters;
  • replacing the filter every 2-3 months.


Important! Select the desired type of humidifier is not a difficult task. The main thing is to decide for which room it is needed. For the children's room, a traditional moisturizer is ideal, and for the rest of the residential premises the win-win option will be ultrasonic.


As you were convinced, all methods of moisturizing are simple, and some will allow the designer's imagination and diversify the interior. At the same time, it is not necessary to give preference to one option as a continuous solution - experiment, and you will certainly achieve a stable and pleasant microclimate in your own home with regard to the required time.

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