Installation of aluminum sliding windows

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In the protection of the balcony from the environment, the main role is played by glazing, people try to put the frame during its arrangement. If earlier the main choice was metal-plastic structures, now they are increasingly preferred by aluminum sliding windows.


This option is considered an optimal solution if there are no plans for insulation of the room. Therefore, it is worth considering the process of self-installation of sliding structures.

Features of aluminum windows


When choosing an aluminum glazing, the consumer is guided not only available to the cost, but also a multitude of positive properties. These include:

  • the ease of construction, which makes it possible to glazing balconies of old buildings. The small weight of aluminum practically does not give the load on the wall;
  • reliability and durability. Metal retains the configuration throughout the life of operation, which is 40-50 years;
  • practicality and convenience in operation. In the process of manufacturing the profile, the material is impregnated with special substances that repel dirt. Therefore, the frame does not require constant care, just once a year wipe the windows with ordinary water;
  • tightness, thanks to the peculiarities of manufacturing technology, aluminum frames have a high level of noise insulation. In this regard, the metal frames are not inferior to the PVC profile.

In addition to the listed advantages, the aesthetics of the material, the sliding aluminum windows attract their appearance are taken into account. Metal itself is gray, but it is stained in any color by powder spraying. This stage of manufacture eliminates the need to paint windows during operation.

The disadvantage can be considered the possibility of water freezing, but modern technologies allow you to create products that satisfy the requirements of the consumer.

Product design


Sliding windows are a system of guides with mounted sash mounted in them. Thanks to the rollers, in the clamges of the sash ride in the right direction. Mostly sets consisting of two or three guide profiles with sash, the number of which can vary from one to five.

The convenience of installing precisely sliding aluminum windows is to save space, because the balcony is not distinguished by a large area. When opening, the sash does not occupy a place, they move along the window. balkon-1.

For the designs of sliding windows with two guides, an aluminum profile is 64 mm thick. In the manufacture of the system begin with the execution of an aluminum frame, in which the sash is inserted. Glasses use a thickness of at least 4 cm. The entire design is sealing the brush system, which provides a high level of noise and thermal insulation.

For moving the flaps, rollers are answered, which are considered a weak point of the whole design due to the heavy load. To prevent their damage, the surface of these elements is covered with a polymer shell. It makes rollers practical and wear-resistant, so the system has a long service life. The package also includes accessories consisting of handles and locks. In separate models of systems, there are additional details that improve their operational properties.

Installing sliding systems


The process of mounting aluminum sliding windows begins with the preparation of elements in accordance with the existing parameters of the opening. Installation consists of stages:

  • dismantling old designs;
  • inserting a new frame;
  • alignment and fastening;
  • sealing;
  • installing low tide;
  • installation of fittings and sash;
  • mounting windowsill.

The process will require the following tool:

  • hammer;
  • chisel;
  • screwdriver;
  • level;
  • electrolovik;
  • drill;
  • perforator;
  • foam.

If the balcony was glazed, then the old frame is removed and the windowsill, the sidelines are cleaned. The borders of the opening are cleaned and align. Next, insert a new aluminum frame, check its horizontal and vertical level. After taking the right position, the frame is fixed with the help of fastening plates and anchors. Sealing is carried out by mounting foam, you need to bleak the slots around the frame with a layer of about 40 cm. After it is frozen (after about 2 hours), the frame is re-marked, cut off the excess.

When the frame is installed, the fastening is fastened with screws. To protect the seam from the foam from the outside, is sampled by a special ribbon, which provides air access, but does not allow moisture inward. This prevents the destruction of foam under the influence of natural phenomena.
After that, an assembly of aluminum sliding windows is made, fittings and sash are installed. To do this, 2-3 rollers are fixed on the lower end end of the sash from the edge of the screws. On the ends of the sash placed the brush seal and insert into the end. To do this, you need to make the leaf in the upper guide and put the window on the rollers. It will only be left to install the windowsill.



Positive feedback sliding aluminum windows have a simple care. To ensure the initial type of profile, it is necessary to wipe it with a damp cloth, acquire a silicone agent. The removal of metal flaws is easily carried out by a special corrector, it can be found from the manufacturer's company. Well, accessories will have to lubricate with mineral oil annually, which does not include resin.

The price of aluminum sliding windows can differ significantly, it all depends on the choice of the consumer. Designs may differ components and respectively characteristics. Basically, the cost goes from 2500 rubles / m2 and comes to 8,000 rubles / m2. Therefore, before choosing a manufacturer's company, you need to see the history of its activities in the market and learn about the materials used.

Wasteners who decided to independently install aluminum sliding windows are offered a booking video:

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