Built-in wardrobe with their own hands

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Cupboards have been popular for a long time. Their advantage is that with a small area occupied area, they are quite spacious. It can also perform other functions. In addition, subject to the instructions, it can be done without any problems. True, for some types of structures, it is still needed enough skills. Consider how you can make a wardrobe compartment built into a niche.

General advice


  1. For the manufacture of such a product, you will need only three walls. Cover and bottom, can be considered already there.
  2. Sometimes it is equipped with a wardrobe along a deaf wall. This will make it even in a small apartment to make a place for the wardrobe and at the same time almost do not reduce the living area. To visually expand the volume, you can properly separate the doors. Sometimes in order to save space, an angular built-in compartment wardrobe is erected.
  3. Also often suite such a wardrobe in the interior partition. This is especially true when arranging free planning apartments located in modern monolithic houses. This design will allow a lot to save on building and finishing works that can be very expensive. Chipboard can be used to finish internal elements.
  4. For the cabinet compartment, the material is required of greater cost. Similar structures can be installed both in expensive private homes and in low-cost one-bedroom apartments.
  5. The wardrobe can be straight or angular. Sometimes it is put across the wall or lean to it. The last two options are usually used to optimally zoning the room. Such structures have two facial sides, i.e. There is no rear wall. They often make double-sided doors, which can be moved to both sides for convenience.
  6. The wardrobe can become a chunnel. In this case, the swollen door is replaced by sliding.

How to make a built-in wardrobe: General stages of work

Built-in wardrobe: photo

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The easiest way to make your own hands the wardrobe built into a niche. For this, most likely, you will not need special tools that require sawing skill.

The overall manufacturing procedure of the wardrobe includes the following works:

  1. Selection of material.
  2. Calculation of dimensions design.
  3. Determination of the nature and method of placement of internal elements.
  4. Designing doors and choosing the method of their suspension.
  5. Choosing a row fastening method.
  6. Preparation of a niche.
  7. The work of the necessary measurements.
  8. Drawing up drawings of built-in cabinets coupe.
  9. Buying essential materials, accessories and sawing blanks.
  10. Cabinet assembly.
  11. Installing internal lighting.
  12. Exterior finish.

Choosing materials


When designing a wardrobe, first of all, you need to choose the appropriate material. The whole process of manufacturing a future design depends on this.


  1. Most often, wood is used for the manufacture of cabinets. But it is not always suitable for making embedded wardrobes. In the niche often there is an increased humidity. Therefore, wood from this can breed. For this purpose, it is recommended to purchase alloy wood, without bitch, chosen, cracks. At the same time, the material must be soaked as a water-polymer emulsion and hot oil. In general, in order for wood to begin to breed, the presence of moisture in the niche is not at all necessary. Here more are the difference between the differences and sharp jumps of this indicator when the cabinet is opened.
  2. More as a material for the construction of the design, you can use lining. It is allowed to even pre-prepare. Only when using this material there is a limit. It can not be used for the production of frames for cabinet doors. They are recommended to make wood. It will be necessary to observe not only the above conditions, but also all production technology. If eurry card is used, then the boards must be glued together. For this purpose there is a spool that will be perfectly kept in a groove using PVA.
  3. Plasterboard. This is a lightweight material with a wide feature. Only it should not be used as the base for the cabinet. In general, such structures are more complicated than from other specified materials. The fact is that plasterboard is quite heavy and at the same time fragile material. It is used mainly for finishing. But for the construction of the frame and the grounds it is practically not suitable. Plasterboard can only be attached to something, i.e. Its must fix it. He alone he could not hold anything.
  4. When the frame is erected, it is impossible to simply cut the sheet of drywall and copold these pieces with each other like a laminate. From this material you can collect strong structures, but they will not be aesthetic. Wanted putty and decorative finish. Doors from drywall are impossible to make it, because the attachments will not hold on and break only under their own weight.
  5. The most suitable for the manufacture of built-in wardrobes, perhaps, are laminate, DVP and MDF. Of these, with minimal costs, sufficient quality products can be obtained. These materials have the useful qualities of wood and do not have its deficiencies. For example, they are not sensitive to moisture jumps. Therefore, if the design of the built-in compartment wardrobe is less important for you, than its practicality, you should choose exactly one of these materials. Just keep in mind, the Fiberboard is recommended to acquire medium or high density. Although, the rear wall is allowed to do from the Fiberboard of low density.

Cabinet filling

Design drawings:


This concept implies what is contained inside the cabinet, its inner layout. In order to build a solid design, you need to follow some rules:

  1. It is impossible to place a section for outerwear in the middle. After all, moisture from her will go to the sides of the structure. From this she can deform. It is recommended to place such a section on the side.
  2. It is impossible to make shelves for bed linen close to the floor. After all, moisture and dust concentrates about 300-400 millimeters above it.
  3. The most important thing is to correctly calculate the width of the shelves so that they are accommodated, and at the same time they did not protrude beyond the boundaries of the structure. In general, on how successfully the layout will be selected, the service life and the convenience of the cabinet will largely depends.

Cabinet doors and sash


The most difficult and responsible element of the cabinet are doors. With their manufacture, special attention should be paid to the design of the suspensions, their stoppers, as well as on the width and number of sash. It is the main thing that needs to be done when determining the size of the built-in compartment cabinets.

Consider in more detail how to determine the desired number and sizes. So, the width of the cabinet at this stage is already known. Therefore, you need to use this value. The smaller the sash, the design it will be more convenient. At the same time, the likelihood of skewing and jamming increases. As for the width of the sash, it is recommended to make them no more than 700 millimeters. If they are more than this value, then due to their own weight can be tightly moving.

At each pair of doors, it must be attended to be attended, the value of which is determined within 50-70 millimeters. If it is less, you will have to open and close the doors with caution every time so that there are no cracks. With too much allen, it will be difficult to equip the inner layout of the structure. It is also relevant for the built-in compartment wardrobe in the hallway.

The width of the door should be selected in such a way that it is no longer the meaning of the size of the narrow shelf itself. Otherwise, the shelf may turn out inaccessible. So that the doors do not beat the wall, you also need to take into account the size of the adhesion.

Door suspension systems


The following types of systems are known:

  1. Two-tempered with lower support.
  2. Tworal with top support.
  3. Monorail.

Each of these systems has its pros and cons. When they choose, the dimensions and purpose of the cabinet should be taken into account.

Two-tape with lower support


It is the most common and at the same time a rather reliable system. In it, the sash almost never hire and do not hurt each other. All load here falls on the bottom rollers. For this reason, when assembling the built-in wardrobe, it is necessary to know and comply with some important rules. Rollers for the system is better to take from polypropylene. At the same time, it is not particularly important, from which metal is made by the carriage. Also on sale you can find rollers from polyethylene, but it is not recommended to use them.

To set the sash in this case, you must do the following:

  1. Insert the upper part in the rail slot.
  2. Raise until it stops.
  3. Insert the lower part into the groove.

Of the disadvantages of this system, you need to highlight the following:

  1. Bad work door when sending floor. So, for example, with an old wooden flooring, they can start falling out or ride their own rails.
  2. Sensitivity to dirt and dust. It should be remembered that rails are the most loaded part of the system. In this case, they are located very close to the floor, i.e. Where the air contains the most dust, which accumulates in the groove, because of which the door when moving, with time begins to make noise unpleasantly. That this does not happen, it is necessary to periodically clean the rail and rollers of the suspension system.

Double-tested with top support


There is no shortcoming specified in the suspended system with the bottom support. Here the load falls on the top rail. The ceiling, unlike the wooden floor, is not subject to sending. Accessories for the system with the top rail is inexpensive. The installation process is largely similar to the installation of the previous system. Only in this case the sash must be tilted.

Disadvantages of the system:

  1. The need to set the lower guide. Without this sash, they will be drowning on each other and fight.
  2. Folds poorly tolerate randomens and appeals. In this case, the rollers often come out of the groove. As a result, the sash falls inside the cabinet.
  3. Another disadvantage of this system can be considered a small rigidity of the top rail. Because of this, you have to level the ceiling at the place of its installation.

Monorail system

The monorail system is characterized in that the suspension of each of the flaps moves along its own guide. In addition, pair rollers are installed in each carriage. The profile of the guide is installed so that the doors do not hate.

In this case, not allowed to install the bottom rail. Only need to be very careful to apply in this case with wings. Therefore, establishing a monorail system, it is recommended all the same set as the upper and lower guide.

The design with the monorail suspension system suitable as a built-in wardrobe in the bedroom compartment. Because thanks to her device, you can make a wide sash, which is very convenient for a spacious wardrobe.

Among the shortcomings monorail system can note the following:

  1. Mounting complexity. So, before you install the door into place, you must first enter it in the guide rollers and attach the top rail to the ceiling. Therefore, mount the sash with a monorail system would be difficult without an assistant.
  2. At the top you want to install the trim. This is necessary due to the fact that between the guide and the flap after the installation is a big gap.
  3. The need to adjust the valves after Suspension.
  4. The complexity and high cost of the necessary accessories.

Stoppers for cabinet compartment

To leaf rolling does not in itself, you must install mechanical stops. Today is mainly used two types of them:

  1. In a recess in the support rail.
  2. The flat-shaped spring.

If the cabinet is done on their own, you should use the second type of lock. It is more simple to install and thus wear-resistant and durable.

It is said that the most frequent breakdowns wardrobe are connected with the work clamps. Therefore, as a stop is best used carefully aligned guides and quality fittings. Equally important is more accurate operation of the unit.

cabinet shelves


The easiest and cheapest way is to use the mounting shelves baseboards. To fasteners was not noticeable, skirting segment is allowed to take about 1/3 less than the depth of the shelf. Farthest screw can be screwed through a shelving board.

niche cabinet

To set the closet coupe is very important that the opening has a rectangular shape, and the floor and ceiling were strictly horizontal. All figures are easily measured using a level.

In order to perform diagonal measurements require two rails, the ends of which are pointed. vertex angle of one end of each rack must be at least 45 degrees. Between themselves they can hold together by conventional monetary gum.

Wall and ceiling recess may be used as the walls of the enclosure. Previously they need to prepare. It is recommended to do the following:

  1. Remove the old paint and wallpaper with a solution containing surfactants in its composition.
  2. The walls are needed using a foam roller to impregnate the water-polymer pva emulsion. It should be done 2-3 times, having won between each procedure about a day.
  3. Paint all surfaces acrylic enamel.

Interior lighting

Since all the materials used to build the cabinet are combustible, the light sources placed inside must necessarily be low. For example, the halogens of 12V are suitable. AC / DC adapter lamps are powered. It is usually included in the outlet. All used wires must have double insulation.

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