Biological water purification

February 2. Useful advice Views 1690. Comments to record biological water purification No

Regular pollution of natural resources, in particular reservoirs, is not uncommon. The environmental situation today is such that water, which is an essential resource for human activity, contains a different kind of harmful substances. Since the issue of cleansing water resources today is sufficiently sharp, the need for the development of cleaning methods. It is possible to purify water through a mechanical method, as well as chemical, physicochemical and biological methods.

Features of the process

Cleaning water resources by biological method is the most profitable economically and allows you to achieve sufficiently good results. The need for this procedure occurs when different harmful components fall into the water. These are substances such as: oil, gasoline, pesticides, as well as waste plants and chemical, agricultural, metallurgical industries. Polluted water changes its chemical, physical and biological properties.

Distinguish several types of pollution:

  1. Components of organic and inorganic origin, which may have toxic or non-toxic effects.
  2. Mechanical fractions. This type of contamination, as a rule, is superficial.
  3. Reproduction in aquatic environment of various mushrooms, microorganisms or algae or biological pollution.
  4. Dropping into reservoirs atomic and thermal stations of heated fluid, which causes thermal pollution.
  5. Radioactive type of contamination occurs due to the presence of radioactive components in the waters.

In the course of work on cleansing facilities, harmful substances contained in the medium are converted into safe compounds. In the process of passing the biological water purification, resources pass three stages of processing:

  1. The first stage involves the removal of those contaminants that are most easily separated.
  2. In the second stage, soluble substances and solid particles are eliminated.
  3. In the process of the third stage, all remaining substances are destroyed.


Wastewater treatment facilities

Biological purification of water resources is carried out in two ways - in natural conditions and in artificially created. Next, consider the facilities of the artificial method of cleaning.

Bodisk filters

These are containers with several sections filled with perforated discs. These elements are made on the basis of synthetic raw materials with a low-density - foam glass or foam. Disks in the installation itself are placed on a special horizontally located shaft, observing the distance of 20 mm. The principle of operation of such disk elements is a continuous stay in the rotational state. Bodisk tanks reduce the content of nitrification and ammonium nitrogen in the resource cleaned resource. But in the water that has passed this cleansing procedure, the presence of such biogenic compounds may be observed as nitrogen salts. In this case, the finish is needed.

Biological filters having plastic or foamwall loading

These are special products with clay, rubble or gravel as a filter material. For loading used foam glass blocks. The choice of this material is explained by a number of advantages:

  • resistance to high and low temperatures;
  • resistance to mechanical damage;
  • impermeability of moisture, gas and steam.

The surface of the foam glass is quite extensive, due to which the material holds the large amount of biofilm and carries out intensive water purification.


In the diagram of biological wastewater treatment, the distribution function in this construction performs a jet irrigator, which is equipped with a device. Plastic-based boots are used for filling, thereby obtaining high emptiness, a sorption surface and a slight adhesion ability is formed. These conditions are suitable for the formation of a biofilm layer. The loading on a plastic basis prevents the formation of the ral in the biofilter and increases the air intake, thereby increasing the indicator of oxidative power.

However, along with positive characteristics, these filters have certain disadvantages:

  • the uneven flow of water has a negative impact on the functionality of the instruments;
  • biofilka dries out, as a result of which the temperature regime of its activity becomes uneven, and as a result, loading is stolen;
  • in order to prevent these consequences, it is necessary to recirculate purified water, which requires additional costs of energy resources.

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Bio filtrators for wastewater treatment

These structures of biological wastewater treatment provide sufficiently high-quality cleaning. It does not require much energy costs for their operation, the process of operation is characterized by economy and simplicity. Biofilter make up two zones - the sorption zone and the clarification zone. In the first part there are disks in the rotational state. There is a continuous exchange of biomaterial between the two zones. For greater intensity of the process in the filter of this type, inkjet aeration is provided.

After the procedure of mechanical cleaning, water enters the sorption zone. This also includes active il and clarified liquid. The mixture of these components is removed through the pipeline using the pump, after which is supplied to the sorption zone by means of an inkjet aerator. At the next stage, the purified fluid enters the clarification. Three compartments are in this zone:

  • in the first compartment there is a unit of gas bubbles of minor size. Large fragments of the silo mass remain in the sump and return to the sorption zone;
  • in the second segment, liquid and solid gases are separated, and a suspended layer is formed, which deepens the filtering procedure;
  • in the third compartment, the final cleaning phase is carried out.


Bioreactors equipped with biobarabans

In these sewage treatment plants intended for biological water purification methods, rotating biologists perform the function of bioreactors. Such structures are presented in the form of a cascade of cylindrical shape. Such tanks are combined into the reporting elements, so that in the process of cleaning the liquid moves from one trough to the following.

So that the water purified is uniformly, the receiving pocket is in the construction. In the last reservoir there is a channel, reducing purified water. In each such element, the drum is installed, at which biofilm is accumulated. The rotation of the drums cause the process of natural aeration of the biomaterial. Collection and discharge of the sediment are carried out in the channels located at the bottom of each trough.

Aerification Installations

These are the tanks in which there is a bioactive yard formed by the colonies of bacteria. The development of these colonies contributes to the substance contained in the waste liquid, residing in a compound with a significant amount of oxygen. It enters the installation by means of air flow. There are two types of cleaning facilities related to this category:

  1. Aeration, based on the operation of the oxidation process.
  2. Equipment stabilizing excessive aerobic path.

Both types of installations are cleaned at a fairly high level. The principle of work of these structures is the method of complete oxidation. Aeration plants purify domestic wastewater and production medium having a composition close to living waters.

The oxidation procedure for biological wastewater treatment takes place in three stages:

  1. During the first stage of the substance of an organic nature, an increase in the number of microorganisms is caused.
  2. At the second stage, organic contaminants have a smaller load on il, which holds back the increase in the number of microorganisms.
  3. In the third stage, the insufficient volume of pollution slows down the reproduction of Ilov microorganisms.

As a result, these organisms use substances of microorganisms, which are already dead. Thus, the mineralization of the organic part of the sludge occurs.

Cleaning facilities naturally

This category includes the following constructions:

  1. Wells with filtering properties.
  2. Filter fields.
  3. Oxidative channels with circulation principle of action.
  4. Filter trenches.
  5. Biological ponds having aeration of artificial or natural.
  6. Cassettes performing filter function.

Cleaning plants that carry out the cleaning of the biological method occupy a leading place among similar structures. The cleansing process is performed using various microorganisms under the presence of dissolved oxygen in the purified fluid.

Submissions, polluting reservoirs are represented for many bacteria and the simplest power supply. The peculiarity of the cleansing procedure is to extract pollution data from water. But at the same time, new components are introduced into the water. The procedure for eliminating the water of harmful components is a process that requires attentive approach.

The use of the cleaning method depends on the type of contamination and on its quantity. It is for these indicators to be focused when choosing the installation of biological wastewater treatment. It is also necessary to take into account the content of inorganic components in water and select the corresponding bacteria.


Recently, there is a significant development of various industries. A similar tendency along with many advantages has the opposite direction is the pollution of nature resources. In this regard, there is a pollution of the human resource - water for life. To correct the situation and extract from the medium harmful substances for a person, today a sufficient number of methods and cleansing installations have been developed. Among all the filtering methods, the priority place occupies a purification by a biological method, which is quite effective and makes it possible to achieve high filtering rates.

Features of the process of biological water purification are presented on video phrase:

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