How to build a stone path with your own hands

February 21. Plot. Views 4162. Comments to record how to build a stone path with your own hands No

One of the inalienable elements of the country territory are paving tracks. They perform two main functions:

  • create an attractive appearance of the plot;
  • ensure the country's territory from dirt and lug in bad weather.


Advantages and requirements for the device of stone tracks

There are several materials from which you can choose tracks. Among the few species of natural stone is a very popular sandstone. Sandwrites are characterized by:

  • a variety of color gamut;
  • original texture;
  • slight weight;
  • absolute resistance to the effects of external factors;
  • long operational period.
  • simplicity of installation.

The device of garden tracks from stone provides for compliance with a number of requirements. The main ones are:

  • the width of the tracks is 0.4-1.2 m;
  • their gasket is carried out by the shortest path;
  • the presence of a small slope (for water flow);
  • laying extreme plates occurs at the level of soil location;
  • creating an effective drainage of rainwater.


Several laying technologies tracks

Stone paths in the garden can fit using:

  • sand base;
  • concrete solution;
  • cementless technology;
  • method of moving each stone.

Sand and concrete

Paving tracks with natural stone with the use of cement and sand begins with the formation of the circuit of the created path. In most cases, its size and configuration depends on the personal preferences of the countryside owners.

First, it is necessary to make marking works. The winding direction is marked with a rope or hose. You can use and flour. After that, it follows:

  • dig a trench (depth to the bayonet shovel);
  • fill a ditch with a large fraction of drainage material (crushed stone, slag, brick battle, pebbles);
  • compact the material;
  • pour and tumble a layer of wet sand.

The implementation of the further process provides for the use of one of two options. If the Wild Stone track will be laid on the sandy surface, the process of work must be accompanied by reliable pressed stone to the base. To do this, there is a rubber cynica.

After laying on 2-3 meters from the site, the stone for the tracks is securely fixed. This work is carried out using a liquid solution from sand with cement. It poured into the junctions between the stones.


When creating a stone track with a concrete base, the laying of the solution occurs in a layer of 12-15 cm throughout the perimeter of the trench. Plates are a little attached, and the gaps between them are closed.

Stacking stones with two listed ways to perform easy. Just need to take into account some nuances. For example, stone garden tracks must be located above the main layer of the soil. This will prevent the accumulation of water. So that the track is not shifted, at the edges of the perimeter it is drawn up by a special border. Moreover, the border can be made both from ordinary stone and from a special paving structure.

Stone Laying without cement

There is a technology of paving garden paths without using a concrete solution. Geosynthetic materials are performed as a reliable base. The process of creating a stone track provides for the implementation of such consecutive operations:

  • digging ditches at a depth of up to 35 cm;
  • cleaning the bottom of the trench from all garbage and roots;
  • tamping dna channels;
  • geotextile flooring with a viscost to 0.5 m per trench;
  • smooth and dense backbone of chub geotextile;
  • bending a mustache of the edges of geotextile for laid crushed stone;
  • filing of the 15-centimeter layer of wet sand;
  • styling and tamping stone;
  • close up of seams of sands;
  • sweeping by broom of laying places.

Olympus Digital Camera.

Singing stone

This technology of creating a garden path from stone is also simple. It provides for the following stages of work:

  • removing the upper layer of soil;
  • creating a sandy pillow up to 10 cm at the bottom of the trench;
  • soil preparation for each stone;
  • preparation and pouring of concrete solution.

This type of stone paving usually consists of uneven edges of the track. In principle, you can not engage in preparing the basis for each stone. In the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe dug ditch after the exercise of the casting, the gaps between the fragments of the stones are covered with the ground, into which the grasses seeds are added.

Before performing the fill, the deepening near the stones is wetted with water. So four tasks are solved:

  • the sand layer is compacted;
  • stones are not allowed;
  • cement fluid in the ground is prevented;
  • concrete solution acquires effective strength.

When the fill is performed, it is desirable to further use the grid for reinforcement or small pieces of wire. Laying the subsequent stone occurs, taking into account the location of the already laid stones.


When paving the track, you can use the method of decorating concrete. To do this, the concrete surface is smoothed. Then, with the help of a trowel on it, protrusions are created and dents of small size. The maximum height difference is 1 cm. After incomplete setting of concrete (it becomes loose), it makes small grooves, which are filled with a solution of colored cement.

Stone walkway video:

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