Film electric warm floor do it yourself

February 3. Interior decoration Views 2864. Comments to record film electric warm floor do it yourself No

Film infrared electric warm floor appeared relatively recently. Despite this, he has already won the sympathy of many owners of private houses. It is ideal for such light flooring, such as linoleum, carpet and laminate.

Advantages of film floors

The main reason for the popularity of this heating system is its undoubted advantages. These include:

  • ease of installation;
  • uniform and rapid heating;
  • efficiency;
  • security;
  • versatility;
  • solid operational period (up to 20 years);
  • the possibility of dismantling with subsequent use;
  • a completely acceptable cost of film electric heating floor.


This type of electrical heating of premises has a beneficial effect on the human body. It does not give out harmful vibrations, and during ventilation there is no dust. About 25 diseases are cured by using infrared energy. No wonder this floor is recommended to be installed in institutions where purity should be maintained.

Universal qualities of the floor are manifested in the fact that it can be heated any sections: vertical, horizontal and even inclined. In this case, only 20-40 W electric power is consumed by 1 m² of surface.

The main elements of the heating system

Acquisition of elements of film electric heating floor is carried out depending on:

  • calculating the need for heating film;
  • type of flooring fitted;
  • heating temperature material.

The required amount of heating film is within 70-75% of the floor area in all rooms at home. The electric floor is not mounted under furniture, and indentesses are made from the walls. You must include the price of 1 m² of warm electric film floor. It is $ 45-55.

The purchased thermal film should be characterized by:

  • with a capacity of up to 150 W;
  • heating temperature up to 45º.


Such components of a warm floor are required:

  • thermostat;
  • temperature sensor;
  • polyethylene film;
  • thermal insulation material;
  • scotch.

Nuances of fixing work

Technology of installation of film electric heating floor, with their own hands consists of such main stages:

  • preparatory work;
  • heat insulation;
  • film laying;
  • system connection;
  • installation of outdoor material.

The surface of the primary floor is leveled. Garbage is removed from it and all the dirt is washed. It is allowed to have irregularities only up to 3 mm. It is preparing a place for fastening the thermostat and gaskets of the temperature sensor. Holding a hole for the box, the walls of the walls and the floor for the cable are carried out.

Immediately make a reservation on mandatory requirements when working. These include:

  • lack of negative temperature and high humidity;
  • inadmissibility of applying screws and nails for fastening the film;
  • incompatibility of film floor with other heating structures;
  • the consumption of each segment of the film should not exceed 10 A.


As a heat transfer material, it is better to use the insulation, whose film does not conduct electricity. The heat insulation material is cut off with stripes and stacked along the length of the room. The reflecting part of the insulation is directed up. Sealing the joints of the material is carried out using a tape.

The place for laying infrared film should not:

  • carry electricity;
  • furnish furnishings.

The latter factor often leads to a burden of a piece of film due to the lack of ventilation.

Film is placed. Its cut can be performed only in the part where there is no graphite layer. If it is inappropriately cut by such a layer, it is insulated with a scotch or tape. Rates from the walls of 10-15 cm, the film is styled. In the process of installation, it is forbidden to be bending at an angle of more than 90º.

Its copper strip should be directed to thermal insulation material. It is forbidden to lay the flask film. On the contrary: there should be a clearance between the bands more than 0.5 cm. Fastening of adjacent materials is carried out using a tape.

Contacts of film electric heating gear in photos and reality are sent to the place of installation of the thermostat. Contact clips are attached along the edges of copper strips. They should also be made of copper, since they are connected to copper contact wires. All cereal wiring elements are isolated. The effectiveness of electrical insulation increases when copper conductors are additionally processed with silicone sealant.


In the stroke under the film, a tempered temperature sensor is installed. The installation of the thermostat is carried out and the connection of all wires. It is desirable that the thermostat has had a separate network. Wires connecting it with the film should be hidden by plinth as possible.

After that, preliminary testing of the heating system is required. Its normal functioning provides for the absence:

  • sparks;
  • heating in contacts;
  • uneven heating film.

All electric floor should warm up literally a few minutes.

Features of creating finishing

The implementation of further work depends largely on the type of fitted finishing flooring. Conditionally can be divided into three groups:

  • wooden floor;
  • soft coating;
  • solid floor.

When installing coatings, the basis of the manufacture of which lies a tree (parquet board, laminate), between them and infrared film there is laying of a polyethylene film.


Installation of a soft flooring (carpet, laminate), in addition to the polyethylene film, provides for the use of still Fiberboard or plywood sheet. This achieves the maximum preservation of the film floor from mechanical damage.

Installation of tiles or stone on infrared electric floor is carried out with consistent stacking between them:

  • polyethylene film;
  • reinforcing grid;
  • tile glue.

Moreover, the grid for reinforcement should not be conductive. With the help of a dowel, it is neatly attached to the primary floor.

Video about creating a film electric heating floor:


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