Non-removable polystyrene formwork

December 4 Construction Views 1628 Comments To the non-removable formwork styrofoam No

Building a house using permanent formwork of polystyrene foam - original synthesis of several technologies - the construction of the walls of the empty blocks penopolitirola and brick construction.

Planking non-removable made of foamed polystyrene: characteristics


Scope building material

  • Public buildings.
  • Residential buildings.
  • Warehouses.
  • Agricultural buildings, etc.

Further elements of permanent shuttering used for the add-existing structures. However, their height should be limited to two floors.

Removable polystyrene formwork - an economical, fast and easy method for the construction of multi-storey houses and cottages. The light weight structure has no significant effect on the bearing capacity of the foundation and walls.

Advantages permanent formwork blocks of polystyrene


  1. There is no need to use sophisticated techniques. Phased pouring concrete and reinforcement is done manually.
  2. It has high thermal insulation.
  3. They are environmentally friendly building materials.
  4. Do not emit toxic substances.
  5. It involves the construction of a high speed.
  6. They have a small weight.
  7. Fireproof.
  8. Perform the function of sound, hydro, thermal insulation.
  9. Compatible with any finishing building materials.
  10. Easy mounted.
  11. Resistant to biological effects.
  12. Thanks to the castle compounds in the wall design, there are no gaps and "cold bridges".

Buy non-removable formwork from expanded polystyrene - it means to simplify the construction, create warm housing and save on the involvement of specialists.

Fixed polystyrene formwork photo:


Failure formwork - Modern home mounting technology

Non-removable polystyrene formwork: dimensions

Failure formwork has a different design and purpose. One is designed for individual, the other is to multi-storey construction.

So today you can purchase a non-removable formwork measuring 1250 * 250 * 250 (* 300) mm from self-refining foamed polystyrene PSB-s.

Features of construction


1. The enclosing structure mounted from such blocks is filled with concrete. The overlap is performed as a wooden or ordinary monolithic reinforced concrete.

2. In the technological openings of building materials, a variety of engineering communications can be laid: air conditioning, electric light, etc.

3. Fixed formwork from polystyrene foam, the price of which justifies itself, forms
The monolithic reinforced concrete wall, which is insulated from the inner and outdoor side.

4. The technology of a non-removable formwork made of polystyrene foam is similar to the designer, the links of which are fixed with each other as strong as possible. In addition, it allows you to erect walls with any angle of rotation.


5. This building material practically does not absorb moisture, passes water vapors. At the same time, winter low temperatures do not affect its chemical and physical properties.

6. The outer layer of formwork reliably protects the wall from cracking, thermal expansion, prevents the process of its destruction.

7. Since the inner wall of the building is made of polystyrene foam, residents may have difficulty fixing cabinets, shelves. Specialists are recommended to fit directly into the concrete layer, taking into account the length of the dowels, and their location to coordinate with the design features in order not to get into air emptiness.

Construction technology


1. In the pre-installed blocks of the non-removable formwork, the reinforcement is mounted and concrete is poured. As a result, a monolithic wall of 25 cm thick is formed. According to the characteristics of the thermal conductivity, this design is similar to 2 m wall made of bricks.

2. After the concoction is made, the non-removable formwork from expanded polystyrene remains in place. Thus, a solid wall is formed without cracks and through holes.

3. Failure formwork implies clear requirements that should not be broken. The main thing is the full ban of vibration. Houses from such a building material is not recommended to be erected in the zone of an unstable seismological situation.

4. The ideal geometry of the wall is achieved thanks to the hollow elements of a non-removable formwork with special groove-thickening compounds on horizontal and vertical facing blocks.

5. In the course of one technological operation, it is possible to establish a concrete monolithic wall, framed from the part of the parties to the heat and sound insulation shell.

6. Foam polystyrene elements of a non-removable formwork allow a combination in any combination with traditional building materials, such as wood, blocks, brick, etc.


7. The physical structure of polystyrene foam blocks provides unlimited freedom of architectural and designer thought, as well as the ability to perform almost any decisions, both in terms of planning and the external decoration of the building.

Fixed formwork from polystyrene foam video:

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