Laying of facing brick do it yourself

May 8. Useful advice, Repair and construction work Views 4545. Comments to record laying of facing brick with your own hands No

Facing the facade part of the building, finishing fireplaces, the creation of columns, arches and surfaces inside the premises became possible through the use of facing bricks. This article will be discussed about the peculiarities of this material and technology of its laying.

What is a facing brick

The main difference of facing bricks from the usual is its purpose. In most cases, it performs a decorative function. But this does not mean that the material does not protect the house from the influence of natural factors.


This facing material is used not only in the construction of new beautiful houses and during restoration work. Facing brick is successfully used when constructing fences, walls, foundations and instead of paving slabs.

In appearance, the material is similar to the natural stone and is distinguished by a smooth and chopped surface. The laying of houses usually occurs with the help of empty brick, which has excellent thermal insulation and moisture-resistant qualities.

A distinctive feature is the forms and size of facing bricks. He possesses:

  • perfect smooth ends and corners;
  • the absence of chips and other deformations on the front side.

Deviations in length, width and thickness should not exceed 4, 3 and 2 mm, respectively.

Due to the fact that the production of facing brick is carried out by special technology, it has a number of advantages. The main ones are:

  • strength;
  • frost resistance;
  • durability;
  • minimum weight;
  • variety of shades and textures;
  • ability to delete harmful components.

Types of material

Facing brick is classified depending on the method of manufacture. It happens:

  • clinker;
  • ceramic;
  • glazed;
  • hyperpressed.

Due to the composition and special technology of production, clinker brick is characterized by increased strength and wear resistance. The scope of its application is the facing of buildings that require maximum strength.

With the help of ceramic brick, unusual and beautiful facades of buildings are erected. This material is distinguished by a variety of texture and patterns that look original after finishing any home.

The main feature of the glazed facing material is magnificent aesthetics. Thanks to the application of a special glaze, a volume and spectacular form of brick is given. The scope of application of the glazed brick is not limited to the facing of buildings. It is often used and when creating original design indoors.


Hypersed brick does not contain clay and sand and is not subjected to burning. It consists of cement and limestone. For this reason, the material is characterized by increased strength and wear resistance.

The main area of \u200b\u200buse is the introduction of the latest design ideas. Due to the fact that the hyper-compressed material is practically no thermal insulation qualities, finishing works occur indoors.

Methods of masonry bricks

Installation of facing brick is of greater complexity compared to other types of brickwork. Maximum accuracy and accuracy will be needed for this process.

There are the following types of facing brickwork:

  • straight;
  • decorative;
  • artistic.

Direct brickwork technology involves the use of any type of bundle.

When conducting decorative masonry of facing brick, maximum attention is paid to drawings. They are created using certain seams and multicolored bricks. During the masonry work there is constant control over the correct creation of the picture.

The artwork of the facing material provides for the presence of a predetermined project. The implementation of the work is accompanied by adjustment:

  • schemes of seams;
  • brick colors;
  • material laying itself.

During the art stacking wall should have the following elements:

  • seizures;
  • projections;
  • ladders;
  • slopes;
  • or other forms of relief.

There is another classification. Depending on the arrangement of the bricks there exist methods clutches:

  • track;
  • block;
  • phillips;
  • gothic;
  • brandenburg;
  • savage.

The method of "track" is to use only whole bricks to be placed in length. Each subsequent row is shifted by ¼ or ½ of the brick.

When masonry block occurs regular alternation of long and short sides of the fabric. Moreover, the joints of bricks are vertically above each other.

Phillips method is largely similar to the masonry block. Also changes the long and short sides. The only difference - is offset by half a brick joints in the second row. On the wall is obtained a pattern that resembles a cross.

The construction of the house of facing brick Gothic method comprises:

  • alternating long-side material with a short;
  • displacement of the short side brick half the length in adjacent rows;
  • placing one above the other side of the same through the series.

In the implementation of Brandenburg masonry, bricks are placed two long turns and one short. Vertical joints are in one row.

Joining of bricks by the method of "savage" occurs in an irregular manner. Long and short sides may be located in different places of the wall.

Nuances of masonry works

Before finishing face brick buildings, it is necessary to hold a series of preparatory work. In particular, it is necessary to lay bricks without mortar. In this way there is:

  • determination of the places where you need to engage in "adjusting" brick;
  • detection and removal of defective material;
  • selection of bricks that will be installed around the perimeter of openings (windows, doors, ventilation, etc.).


Immediately necessary to prepare cement, sand and water, which are mixed in a certain ratio. It is better to use fine sand. It should be further sifted through a fine sieve. If necessary, concrete mortar can be done with one color with brick. To this end, a special mixture of pigment acquired.

The preparation of the solution is carried out in a small amount. Otherwise, he loses its properties. The solution must have a small rigidity. The brick laid on it should not shift. The brick is placed in such a way that the interval remains to 1.5 cm from the edge of the material. You can get in advance the template, with which the solution is placed by a narrow and thin layer.

After the brick closes with the solution, it is not recommended to move it. With an inadvertent application of the solution on the facial part of the material, it is immediately necessary to remove it. When the solution is driving, it will be difficult to remove without damage to the brick. Laying several facing bricks in the photo and in reality is accompanied by wiping them with a damp cloth with the front part.

The process of finishing the house with facing bricks implies the implementation of such consecutive actions:

  • laying of the first row of bricks around the entire perimeter of the building;
  • laying 6-7 rows of material in the corners;
  • pulling the fishing line from adjacent angles;
  • smooth laying of subsequent rows;
  • fishing seams.

The last operation not only improves the decorative qualities of the wall, but also more reliably strengthens the design itself. After the bunch, the seam should not be written over the front side of the brick more than 2 mm. The seam width is usually between 10-12 mm. To improve the ventilation characteristics, some specialists each fourth seam on the bottom row are not filled with a solution.

There are a number of rules that will result in the maximum facing brickwork efficiency. These include:

  • before work, the brick is wetted (there will not be absorbed by the moisture from the solution);
  • the cutting of the material is carried out with the help of a grinder equipped with a disk on a stone;
  • it is not necessary to use the hammer for chopping small pieces of brick;
  • seam should not create obstacles to water flow during rain;
  • different types of dressings are used (simple - chain or single-row bandage).

When it is planned to create fences or columns from facing bricks, then you need to purchase a frost-resistant brick. Moreover, the upper row must be additionally protected from the devastating effects of precipitation.


Masonry work is carried out at temperatures above + 5 ° C, in the absence of sunlight and high humidity. The last two conditions are particularly relevant at the seams. In order to prevent the occurrence of drops in the thickness of the seams between the rows, not more than 6-7 rows of finishing material per day should be launched.

Video on the laying of facing brick:


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