Gravel Garden in Landscape Design

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Gravel garden is a modern direction of landscape design, which is an excellent alternative to green lawns. It does not require special care and does not need irrigation. Having arranged him in the garden, you get unlimited opportunities for creativity and the elegant design of the territory.

Olympus Digital Camera.

Gravel for Garden


Gravel (crushed stone, pebbles) is the most popular building material used to decorate the landscape. It is perfect for the pavement of the tracks, the construction of dry streams, as well as for supling, complementing the tile or stone path. Particularly beautiful and organically, the gravel "patterns" look next to alpine vegetation and in rockers.


Gravel is quite diverse in size, shape and color scheme. Such angular or round, solid or brushed rocks fit perfectly into any landscape. And most importantly - in the rain or heat, in winter and summer, at sunrise or at dusk - the rocky garden is always different and unique.

In addition, this natural material is well combined with static coatings, such as brick, concrete, etc. The color gravel is capable of refined to refine the tint depending on the lighting and humidity of the air.

Advantages of using gravel


  • has a porous surface that remarkably absorbs moisture;
  • is quite solid, which makes it possible to arrange games and dancing on it;
  • gives the landscape naturalness and pleases at any time of the year;
  • requires smaller care;
  • does not imply large financial costs;
  • easy to use;
  • it is an environmentally friendly building material that does not hinder the normal air exchange of the soil.

Gravel garden - a unique combination of architectural forms and plants

Olympus Digital Camera.


Dry landscape made of gravel can combine mountain and steppe plants against the background of rocky embankment. Unlike the Alpine slides in such a garden, large breeds are not used - it is better to use fine pebbles, organically combined with flowers and decorative shrubs.

The main visual effect will give the landscape to the exact balance of green inhabitants and smooth lines of the brown color characteristic of stone illegates. In addition, it is recommended to use laconic contours of low conifers and elegant flower beds.

Bright stains in the composition can be duets of contrast cyclamen. Next door to pebbles, it is also possible to plant molded or "stone rose", whose petals repeat soft rounded shapes of pebbles. Of the more tall perennial plants, usually pick up a variety of varieties of art.

As for the lighting, the gravel garden needs a skill of its location. So dotted lamps or solar-based devices are located near the conifers and not far from the track. The latter is desirable to be founded by trimmed sams, which are interrupted by white or pink inflorescences of Turkish cloves and mountain lavender.

Gravel garden do-it-yourself

The improvement of the Gravel Garden includes the following stages of work:

1. Initially, it should be determined to determine the territory, switch it and remove all weeds.

2. Then it is necessary to remove the 5 cm of the soil below the level of the lawn, it is pretty brushing and tamped the soil.

3. Next, the geotextile material and fix it with brackets. Under future tracks it needs to be done denser.

4. Getting started with gravel mound, starting with far gardens. It is recommended to combine.

5. The layer of frustration should be 5 cm. If you plan to organize a dry stream herein, then the layer should be increased to 10 cm.

6. Create a gravel layer tamping. Subsequently, it is not used to apply an image.

7. On the perimeter of the garden lay the border, using a special ribbon, boards, brick or stones.

8. To the selection of plants here it is necessary to approach especially carefully:

  • it is recommended to give preference to decorative and unpretentious plants;
  • ideally arrange green plaque with waxing on the leaves;
  • growing herbs will be very impressive.

Plants in Gravel Garden



For the design of the dry landscape of the Gravel Garden, it is recommended to use the following types of plants:


  • kickl, plantain, stamping, fennel;
  • hosts, perennial astra, thyme, ryyel;
  • mokha, Sedum, Poppies, Various Milestone Sorts and Halfweight;
  • lunaria, Badan, Pijm, Purchase and Fisure.

Also perfectly fit the tall Veronica, the anemone Japanese, monards, korovyan, drums, Miscanthus Chinese, golden and gypsophila whitewashed.

In addition, in gravel gardens, you can land shrubs with trees, but they should not be too much.

Plants should be uniformly throughout the site and put them with groups. Since the garden is constantly changing and developing, each new season will bring something to it. To maintain a well-kept species, weeds should be regularly eliminated and unwanted plantings, as well as create a criticism of lost sight and flashing shoots.


As for the design of roads, it is necessary to use a rounded smooth kind of gravel, which will not harm your health. If it is used exclusively for the lawn, then you should follow the fact that individual pebbles should have the opportunity to roll out in the grass beyond the composition.

How to make a garden track from gravel video:

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