How to build a fence in the country

January 30 Plot. Views 1839 2 comments to write How to build a fence at the cottage

Restricting access to the private area - the first task the new owner, some people think before construction on the construction of the fence. For a modern garden fence not only gives a clear indication of borders and protection against unwanted guests, but also serves as an aesthetic decoration area.

The sequence of the process

There are many options for building fences in the country, it can be made of one material or make a composition. For a beautiful, secure fence suitable for such materials:

  • wood;
  • brick;
  • concrete panels;
  • metal;
  • stone;
  • profiled.

To ensure the graceful species use a variety of plants, especially for the domestic division of the territory. These include not only the curly flowers, often planted as a hedge of arborvitae, lilac, shrub roses, wild rose. Such living fences perfectly replaced by permanent structures, but require constant care.
Before you build a fence in the country should choose its type, to calculate all the costs. Because to build the fence, as well as any building is not so simple, the process will take time and will draw some money. Especially important is the last question on this and repelled by the choice of materials and technology.

Comparison of technologies and results - based on the selection

For convenience, you can conduct a comparative analysis of popular designs and view photos of fences for cottages. Then it will be much easier to decide, because the visual representation improves perception.

Wood remains popular 87542737_14_2

A wooden fence was considered the most popular, for its construction, no additional help was required, the owner of the site could be performed all the work. Pluses of a wooden fence:

  • diverse view;
  • the available cost of materials is a wide circle of consumers;
  • the assortment of wood is offered in every construction store.

Among the minuses can be noted:

  • the need for continuous operation;
  • diagology of wood.

Brick and concrete structures

If you wish to establish a fence in the darity of the brick you need to know its advantages and disadvantages. The benefits can be allocated:

  • durability;
  • structural strength;
  • no need for continuous care.

On the other hand, the brick fence requires:

  • residual financial investments on materials;
  • bookmarks reliable foundation;
  • maintenance of nuances of technology;

Similar features have enclosing structures from concrete panels, but one feature is added - the inability to perform all the work independently. We will have to connect the special equipment, which will add costs to the process.

Metal - durability and simplicity 1125

The metal can be used in the form of a mesh or in the complex with another material. Such fences are distinguished by the following characteristics:

  • durability;
  • reliability;
  • transparency, that is, does not create shadow areas.

Popularity Profile pN3.

Recently, the demand of the design from the professional flooring is due to a variety of advantages:

  • low cost of finished fence;
  • a wide selection of material;
  • simplicity of installation;
  • practicality;
  • the duration of non-functional exploitation.

One item can be considered a minus design - this is the appearance and opacity of the material. After all, the resulting shadow is not always positively considered by the owners of the plots, such conditions are not suitable for many plants.

Beautiful fence on their own

Depending on the selected type of fence for the cottage, the action plan is already building. If the brick or concrete structure is difficult to build yourself, then the wooden, the fence or metal mesh is quite realistic.

Tree for all times images_63686

For wooden fences, you must perform the following:

  1. install carrier elements;
  2. make a wooden frame;
  3. attach across;
  4. pain ready fence.

The first item involves the installation of the pillars, it will take about 150 cm in the ground to consolidate them. They are placed with a frequency of 2.5m - such a distance is quite acceptable for low lung fencing.
Wooden frame is a screwed timber to the installed columns. The timber is chosen about 100mm width, fix it with screws in two strips - from above and below.
Transverse boards are usually screwed at 2cm, in a vertical position. For the cross, they choose high-quality wood, the optimal width of the boards is 85-145mm.
Such fences for cottages with their own hands with a long service life is important to cover with a protective layer, usually use paint. Due to staining in different color gamut, interesting compositions are obtained.

Professional flooring - optimal solution 347375574

If you wish to close from the surrounding world, the design of the professional flooring is perfect, then the height of the fence in the country will be sufficient to create a strong defense. For the implementation of such a structure, only a few days will be enough, because the technology implies fast and easy erection. The course of the construction of the construction of fences from the professional flooring:

  1. installation of carrier supports;
  2. fixing the lag;
  3. screening sheets of material.

Bearing supports are metal poles, the garden drill is used for their installation - it is easier to prepare deepening. Pits should have a depth of 0.8-1.2m, crushed stone in them with a layer 20cm, then put pillars. Supports are aligned by level, they must go with a frequency of 2-2.5 m. To strengthen pillars, poles are poured with a concrete mixture, it must be a qualitative composition for avoiding cracking over time.
For the device lag use profiled pipes, 2-3 lags are welded between the supports. The professional flooring is screwed by ordinary self-drawing, it turns out fencing with good performance characteristics.

Metal mesh- Ability to make a reliable fence

The chain grid remains up to that time with current material, thanks to its versatility, the production of fence for the cottage becomes a fast and rather non-cost-time process. For its construction, it will be necessary:

  1. installation of metal supports;
  2. tensioning wire between pillars;
  3. fastening the grid.

Supports can be not only metal pipes, but also profile. The optimal variants are the pipes of diameter 70mm and more, channel, 2-way and corner. You can take the materials used, but they need to be covered with a protective layer of paint before use. Poles should be located at a distance of 2-2.5m, they are, as in the case of a fence from the corrugated floor, it is necessary to align and concrete.
A-I is used as a wire, with a diameter of 6mm. So-called strings to supports can be attached in various ways. The popular method is to be welded with electric welded, clamps, bolts, etc. Wire stretches along two horizontal levels at a distance of 140 cm so that it remains 10 cm to the ground.
The grid itself from the manufacturer goes in rolls, material width 1.5m. It is attached to the strings of the usual wire with a thickness of 2.5mm. It is worth considering that the distance from the Earth should remain about 50mm.
When installing the fence in the country in any way it is necessary to correctly plan the fixation of the supports. It is necessary to take into account the location of the wicket and the gate, the distance between the columns changes.

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2 replies on how to build a fence in the country

  1. Anastasia:

    Thanks for the useful and interesting information. If the main task is to fully hide from the neighbors and simply passersby people, then the brick, sheets of professional flooring will become excellent material for the sporrels, fence from plates or high boards:

  2. Alexey:

    Thanks for the useful and interesting article!

    Of course, you can build a fence yourself if there is time and desire, besides, there is nothing terrible and complex in construction. If the time is not very much, then you can pay masters that will quickly erect the fence:

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