How to install interroom door coupe

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The design of a small space is a rather difficult task, it is important to think through every trifle to obtain a functional situation. Sliding systems in this is an indispensable assistant, they can be used not only for furniture, and the separation of rooms. For this, there are interior doors coupe that easily put even inexperienced masters.

Properties of structures


The coupe doors have their advantages and features, out of positive characteristics:

  • compactness, unlike swing models, they save space;
  • ease of construction, thanks to which the opening of the sash does not require the application effort.

In addition, the lack of thresholds gives additional convenience in operation, which is important for families with disabled. Thanks to the fixing of the canvas, sliding doors never slam from drafts. If you wish, you can always put a mechanism for automating the device, then the doors will be opened independently.
But there are such nuances, because of which some people refuse to use the sliding mechanism, namely:

  • no possibility to put furniture close to the wall;
  • insufficient sound insulation;
  • the need to use expensive components and locks.

Despite the presence of some shortcomings, the interior coupe doors have many positive feedback and are quite popular. They are universal and reliable, which is appreciated among ordinary consumers.

Variety of choice


The coupe doors differ in various criteria, depending on the design allocate:

  • mounted systems. They suggest the movement of cloths on the guides attached to the wall or ceiling. Roller mechanism allows the canvas to ride along the wall;
  • suspended structures are fixed directly in the doorway;
  • cassette systems are considered a more complex option, they are embedded in the wall. When opening the door, the canvas enters the wall, more precisely in the mounted metal cassette, which is a door frame.

The first and second option do not contribute to saving space, because the canvas passes along the wall at a certain distance. But the cassette mechanism does not affect the location of the furniture, while its installation requires a wide opening or removing part of the wall.

The coupe, roller mechanism and cassette. When determining the type of mechanism, the weight of the canvas should be taken into account. If it is easy, there are enough two rollers, with more weights should be used at least four pieces. Accordingly, the price of interior door coupe will be distinguished, if necessary, you will have to pay extra for additional components.

The canvases are made from various materials, it can be a solid tree or a combination of glass, plastic or chipboard. A popular option for its availability is veneered coupe doors - they are practical and attractive. Also commonly used canvases, which create a feeling of lightness and fit into any environment.

Necessary materials


With the help of roulette, the parameters of the doorway are measured, then make the purchase of all components. In the process you will need:

  • door canvas, in the case of the use of a solid door, its dimensions must be larger than the doorway by 5-6 cm. When using both two and more crafts, the size is determined depending on the selected closing method;
  • fittings and fasteners, which are usually included. But if necessary, guides, rollers, handles and self-tapping screws can be purchased separately in the construction store;
  • bar 50x50, it is required in the case of mounting the guide to the wall. At the same time, its length should be two widths of the canvas;
  • materials for the design of the opening, that is, the box, platbands and good things.

In the process of installing interroom doors, the coupe from the tools is used:

  • roulette;
  • level;
  • pencil;
  • screwdriver;
  • plumb;
  • chisel.

For fasteners, apply: anchor, self-tapping screws, minor nails.

Installation work


When choosing an option to enter the door in a niche, preparatory work is starting at the stage of the draft decoration. Then the sliding system is mounted, in other cases the process is carried out during finishing.

Before installing the interior door of the coupe, correct all the shortcomings in the parameters of the opening, the walls must be strictly parallel to each other. In working with a drywall construction in it in advance, the mortgage from the bar is installed in advance - it is necessary to ensure reliable fastening of the system.

There is a general algorithm for the installation of interroom door coupe, but some points in the process may differ. This is explained by the unified principle of mechanisms, but differences in their design. Therefore, it is important before work to explore all the instructions of the manufacturer in the instructions.

It is worth noting that the lower fixation in sliding systems can be three types:

  • with the fastening of two plates on the floor, between which the lower end is inserted;
  • the groove device directly in the end of the canvas for the guide;
  • with installing metal rails on the floor.

The process consists of stages:

  • fastening timber. To do this, apply a cloth to the impeach and read the line of its height. Next, the one more line is 7 cm above the already marked. At this level, the timing is fixed in such a way that one half of the length is above the opening, the other is on the side where the door will move away. The bar is fixed using anchors strictly horizontally to eliminate unauthorized door opening;
  • installation guide. Previously, the holes with a periodicity of 15 cm are drilled in it, fixed to a wooden bruse with self-draws. Rollers are introduced into the guide and put rubber stoppers for the closure of the ends;
  • registration of lower fastening. The groove in the canvas is cut with the help of the chisel, its sizes should be slightly larger than the lower guide. Next to the upper end fix the brackets, they already hold onto the rollers in the guide. The canvas is attached to the upper rail, and the door to the open position - this is noted the location of the lower guide, it is fixed;
  • installations of the canvas, for which it is first put on the guide in the lower part of it, then fasten on the rollers. 1-620x480.

The process can be over without a third point in the event of a selection of interior door coupe only with the top guide. But the solution with the presence of additional lower fasteners is preferable due to its reliability.

Ends the installation to install the door to the correct position. To do this, in the system there are adjusting bolts, along the level of the canvas put strictly into the vertical position. Now the doors can functionally work, but the visual design of the opening is required. It takes a mounting of the racks on both sides of the door frame in the places of the canvas adjacent in extreme positions. Dobors are used to hide the fasteners, then fittings are installed on the canvas. Prints are fixed with glue or small nails.

The stores offer a sufficient amount of finished sets with various types of doors, if you carefully read the instructions for them, you can install interior door coupe with your own hands. In addition, there is always a specialist, ready to fulfill the entire process quickly and efficiently. The cost of installing sliding systems can reach the price of the most interior door coupe. For example, a high-quality set of sliding doors with one blade in Moscow costs about 2000 rubles, for the installation of its specialist will take the same amount. If the installation is not carried out in a metropolis, then the price of services is much lower.

To help your home master, the entire process of installing interroom doors coupe in the following video:

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