Planting colonum apple trees

May 22. Plot. Views 1588. Comments To record landing colonial apple trees No

For most people, the garden is presented in the form of a large land plot, where trees are planted with wide empty branches. Now this point of view has undergone significant changes. Thanks to the operation of breeders, small trees with high yields are obtained. One of the varieties of such trees is a colon-shaped apple tree.

Features apple trees

In the height, the colon-hair apple tree reaches only 2.5 m, and the width of the plant is not more than 0.5 m. This is due to the fact that on the central shooting of the tree there are no long side branches. Due to the set of short shoots that depart from the barrel under an acute angle, colon-shaped apple trees have excellent compactness.

A distinctive feature of the trees is their migratoryness. With sufficient fertilizer fertilizers in the soil of the apple tree, they can be fruit immediately in the first year of their landing. It should be noted that obtaining a good harvest depends on the provision of ideal conditions for the growth of trees. The average yield of one tree is 8-10 kg.


The advantages of landing colonophone apple trees include:

  1. The presence of a low-power root system. Thanks to this, you can create a rather tight planting on a small area.
  2. Easy to harvest and care for trees, which is due to low growth of plants.
  3. Compact crown and the absence of excessive plot shaders. This property allows you to additionally grow other plants in the garden (currant, gooseberry, strawberry).
  4. They act not only as a source of delicious and useful fruits, but are an integral attribute of landscape design.

The disadvantages of colonum apple trees include a high price and a small period of fruiting. The yield of trees is largely reduced after 5-7 years. For this reason, it is necessary to engage in the continuous update of trees in the garden.

Criteria sewage seeds

To plant high-quality colon-hair apple trees seedlings, for their acquisition, you should use the services of special nurseries that have a good reputation. Transportation of trees is carried out with the obligatory covering of the root system of seedlings with a wet rag and a polyethylene film.

There are the following criteria for selecting trees:

  • they must be annual plants;
  • saplings should not be dry, with diseases and mechanical damage;
  • on trees that are designed for landing, pests and foliages should be lacking.

Special attention is paid to the frost resistance of coloniform apple trees. Even in the case of the acquisition of the best varieties of trees, they cannot be guaranteed their normal growth if they are not resistant to frost.

Depending on the variety, the fertility period of colonum apple trees can be within 4-15 years. It is clear that the trees can grow and 50 years old. But the yield of apple trees decreases to a large extent after 14-15 years. Therefore, they should be periodically changed to young trees.


The following varieties of colonum apple trees are in the greatest demand:

  • "Nectar";
  • "The president";
  • "Currency";
  • "Victoria".

The varieties of "Medoc" and "President" are summer varieties, "currency" and "Victoria" - late apple trees.

Preparatory stage

One of the basic landing rules of colonum apple trees is the implementation of high-quality training pit. Despite small sizes, trees have a rather bulky root system.

For this reason, you should go chop big holes. For tree roots, a small supply should be provided.

The pits are recommended to be covered with drainage elements (boob stone or clay). It is possible to insulate the root system by laying plastic bottles on top of the drainage.

After that, each pit is covered with fertilizers. For this, it is used overwhelmed compost or manure (3-4 kg). It is possible to use mineral fertilizers (60 g of potassium, 70 g of superphosphate, 50 g of dolomite flour).


Tree planting

This process can be carried out in the spring and autumn. The optimal month for planting coloniform apple trees in the spring is April. In the fall, trees are planted in September or October. When landing in the spring, some varieties of apple trees begin to bloom in summer. To the trees grow up and the next year gave a good harvest, the flowers are recommended to remove.

The best place for landing colonum apple trees are the lowest sections of the country territory. Here in the winter season there will be the maximum amount of snow that will protect the plants from a strong frost.

The planking scheme of colonum apple trees is as follows:

  1. The distance between the trees in the neighboring rows is 0.9-1 m.
  2. The placement step of the apple tree in one row is 0.3-0.4 m.
  3. Summer varieties should be planted separately from late-leaving trees.

The latter rule is due to the fact that winter and summer varieties have different growing agrotechnics. They differ in different deadlines, trimming and harvesting.

The process of planting a colonum apple tree itself consists of the following steps:

  • the manure is mixed with the soil and a small holmik is made from it;
  • the seedling is installed on the Hamik (the place of vaccination must be over the level of the earth);
  • the roots of the plant are straightening and poured with water;
  • after water absorption, the tree falls asleep with fertile soil;
  • a small trench is made around the trunk, intended for mulching;
  • the seedling is again watering and murdered;
  • a wooden peg is clogged into the central part of the foss;
  • with the help of the rope, the apple tree is fixed to the peg;
  • after the proper rooting of the tree, the rope and pegs are cleaned.


Care for apple trees

Trees will give excellent yields only when all agrotechnical works are carried out in a timely manner and protection against diseases and pests is carried out. Care for colon-shaped apple trees includes the following set of events:

  • watering;
  • feeding;
  • trimming;
  • preparation for winter.

Watering an apple tree

After planting seedlings, they should be intensively water. The best option is watering with drip irrigation. If there is no such possibility, then you can take advantage of the rigorous mulched circles. Watering is carried out twice a week.

Due to the presence of the colon-shaped apple trees, surface roots should also be engaged in root rais. You can sow both spicy herbs and one of the cereals. Together with the mowing of herbs, you can carry out additional mulching straw.

Undercabing apple trees

A distinctive feature of cultivation of colonum apple trees is a three-time introduction of organic fertilizers in spring.

You can use one of three fertilizers:

  • urea (1 tbsp. l. on 10 liters of water);
  • dung (1 hour fertilizers for 10 hours. water);
  • overting chicken litter (Proportion of 1:30).

From mid-July, trees are fed by phosphorus-potash fertilizers.

Crouting apple trees

In most cases, the criticism of the colon-shaped apple trees depends on the correctness of the pruning. This procedure is carried out in spring. At this time of the year, the formation of a large number of kidneys, which take a lot of nutrients at the tree.

The process of trimming trees is reduced to the removal of lateral shoots. There must be the most powerful escape in the central part of the apple tree. Separator sections are processed by oil paint or oil.


Colon-shaped apple tree cutting technology:

  • removal from the seedling of two kidneys of side branches in the first year;
  • cutting two kidney escape for the second year;
  • on the third year after collecting fruits, the uncircumcised branches are completely cut.

The weakest place of wood is the top kidney. When it is full of extinction, vertical shoots (2-3 branches) begin to appear. If the tree shape saves a compact form, such shoots can be left. But it usually occurs their pinches over 3-4 kidneys, which are at the base of the branch.

A trimming of trees is required when a large number of lateral shoots appear. Moreover, the removal occurs at an early stage when shoots are green and soft. During this period, the wood is caused by the minimum amount of harm, and the apple tree is less ill.

To reduce the number of diseases and scare away pests, colon-shaped trees must be regularly sprayed. For these purposes, drugs are suitable for which ordinary apples are processed.

Preparation for winter

So that young seedlings are normally overwhelming, you can use various infirred materials:

  • chips;
  • coniferous sweetheart;
  • straw.

The main requirement is that the shelter of the colonum apple tree should be dry and inaccessible to rodents. For this reason, the best way to protect trees from a strong frost and pests is to cover the lower part of the trunks of the polyethylene film. In winter, snow can also perform snow as an additional "insulation".

Video about landing colon-shaped apple trees:

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