Protection of plastic windows. Features of protecting windows from children and hacking

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Today, plastic windows are installed in almost every apartment. Therefore, their safety and security is given a very large role. Only every person understands his own way what is the protection of plastic windows. For someone, this is primarily implied by the protection from the penetration of intruders in the apartment. Someone believes that windows should provide protection to their children. Often, this concept also implies a long service life, which allows you to save on maintenance and repair of windows. Each of these opinions is essentially correct. Because the protection options today are somewhat. For example, there are windows with protection against thieves or children. We will tell about everything in more detail.

Protection of plastic windows from children


Today, the requirements for the windows are such that there is not enough reliable protection against wind, frost and the sun. After all, many in the house have small children who tend to study the world around them. There is a high probability that they will be interested in something outside the apartment. Therefore, they sometimes try to open the windows on their own, and if they do it, they can fall out. Moreover, it is not enough to simply tell your childhood that it is impossible to open the window and look out into the street without adults. Most likely, children's curiosity will take its own. Therefore, windows must prevent such attempts. Modern designs really know how.

Handle "Antiquka"

So, to protect your family from such incidents, a special handle with a lock is put. This option is also called an "antiquity". The principle of operation of such a handle is quite simple - in order to fully open the window, you need the key to which it closes. It is enough to close the key to the key, then remove it to the inaccessible place to avoid accidents.

Such a handle is good because it can be installed on both new windows and already available. When installing it, you need to do the following:

  1. Take a screwdriver. Unscrew under the placter of the old handle bolts.
  2. Remove the handle.
  3. Install a new handle in place old.
  4. Split bolts.

It is important that when replacing the handle, the new one was installed in the same position as the old one. With incorrect placement, the protective mechanism simply will not work.


Antiquity has its advantages and disadvantages. Of the benefits, it is worth highlighting the following:

  1. Even a broken window cannot be opened without a key.
  2. Fittings blocked from the outside.
  3. The key with the key gives a security guarantee for children.

As for the disadvantages of such a protective system, the following can be distinguished:

  1. It is uncomfortable to use such a handle when the window often needs to be opened and closed. After all, every time you need to apply the key.
  2. The windows with such a protective mechanism are more expensive than normal.

Anyone who sets such protection must know its principle:

  1. So, if the window is closed, it will not be able to open without a key.
  2. In addition, without a key, you cannot rotate the window handle, which is open in the rooting position.
  3. By the way, the ability to open the window to the ventilation allows you to "start" in the apartment of fresh air, without fear of the safety of your child.
  4. Many forget that if you transfer the handle to the "swivel-folding" position, then the lock must be closed. Otherwise, the handle can be rotated in any direction and the protection will not work.

Push-button blocker

This protection variant allows you to fix the door sash or window in the same position. In this case, the opening of the lock is restricted. The push-button blocker is most relevant when the windows protection is needed in the folding and turning position. This limiter makes it possible to create a small slot between the frame and the sash sufficient to ventilate the room. Be that as it may, but hard fixation in this case will not work.


Another popular method of protection, which is characterized by simplicity and reliability. The chain allows you to make the window can only be opened in the "ventilation" mode. Full opening is impossible in this case.

Metal grilles on the windows


This is one of the most reliable ways to protect plastic windows. Such lattices allow you to protect the child and protect the apartment from hacking by intruders. Fencing of this type can be different:

  1. Solid grilles protect the room from penetration into the thief house.
  2. Plugged metal structures can be placed when the window is open.
  3. There are also lattices that cover only the lower part of the window, which allows you to protect the child from falling out.

In any case, when choosing a lattice, you need to take into account the distance between the rods. The child can shove the head between them and get stuck. Therefore, the gaps should not be more than 90-100 millimeters.

Protection of plastic windows from autopsy


There are several ways to protect windows from intruders who have decided to penetrate your apartment. Consider the most popular options.

Roller shutters


They are metal curtains that consist of lanes attached to each other. A metal box is installed on top of the window. The strips of aluminum are the easiest of aluminum, but at the same time they are not so durable as steel. There are also structures with polyurethane filling. Roller shutters can be opened in two ways - manually or by means of a special device.


  1. Even broken windows can protect.
  2. Reliably protect the apartment from thieves and prying eyes.
  3. Protect windows from the sun.
  4. Answer fire safety rules.


  1. Can easily fail.
  2. Require systematic maintenance and repair.
  3. Repair of such structures is quite expensive.

Antzyzlome lattices


This is one of the most reliable, but also at the same time expensive ways to protect. The grille can be welded and adhesive. Moreover, the last option looks better, but at the same time it has a higher price. Often, the lattice is covered with varnish or paint.


  1. The window with a grill hack almost impossible.
  2. Decorate the appearance of the building.
  3. You can order an original drawing according to an individual sketch.


  1. Do not comply with fire safety requirements.
  2. Do not save from splitting glass and theft of objects through the resulting hole.

High-resistant glass windows

Distinguish between several degrees of protection of such devices:

  1. Double-glazed windows with the first degree of stability are capable of withstanding messenger sticks stick, stone or some other item.
  2. The second degree of protection allows glass to withstand stronger strikes. At the same time, it can not be made a hole of this size so that a person can penetrate it.
  3. The most reliable protection gives the third degree of sustainability. The windows with such double-glazed windows are able to withstand even a shot of firearms.


  1. Reliable protection against damage.
  2. Well hold warm.
  3. Not bad sound insulation.
  4. Protect from ultraviolet rays.


  1. The thicker the glass, the worse the light penetrates through it.
  2. High price.
  3. Due to the temperature difference, the glass can collapse.

Anti-burglar fittings


Today, accessories with protection produce many manufacturers. From the most famous can be called German companies Siegenia and Roto, as well as the Austrian Maco. Products of each of these firms have their own characteristics. However, there is a general principle of construction of structures. For example, all these companies produce the following types of accessories to protect against a hacking of a plastic window:

  1. Mushroom shape pin.
  2. Response opposite strips.
  3. Strengthening the bottom loop using anti-burglar corners.
  4. Pens with key lock.
  5. Special plates that make it possible to exclude handle drilling.

All these products comply with the necessary standards of quality and safety. In many European countries, the installation of such fittings has long been the norm.

How can I strengthen the glass

One way to increase the shockproof properties of the glass package is the use of Triplex technology. It implies applying a special film protective coating on the inside plane. There is also a method in which to enhance the shockproof properties of glass is covered with a film with booking qualities. The second option can be used, even if the window is already installed.

Film coatings are capable of keeping glass fragments that are formed when hitting, without letting them, they are spilling. As a result, the hole is formed when the hole is formed. Such a coating protects the window even from very strong damage. Today, the surface of the glass is possible to apply up to 26 layers of such a coating. Despite this, it does not lose its transparency and does not pass into the room less light. In addition, the film does not distort the objects that are on the other side of the glass. More applied coating layers may have a filter that does not allow penetrating through glass ultraviolet radiation. They dismiss the high temperature differences without any problems.

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