Ceramzit concrete blocks do it yourself

October 26. Building materials Views 1526. Comments to record ceramzite-concrete blocks do it yourself No

Modern construction uses a wide variety of materials. It all depends directly from the scale of construction and the specifics of the structure. In the event that we are talking about the erection of a large multi-storey house, it is not necessary to do without large monolithic plates. A completely different situation, if you plan to build a small country house. In this case, blocks of ceramzitobetone are suitable. It is necessary to note in advance that it is not only cheap, but also reliably.

As for directly clay-concrete blocks, this material can be performed in handicrafts. For this you do not need a lot of experience and money. Moreover, it is in this way that the minor manufacturers are going, the production of large volumes of claying blocks, spending very little money at the same time.

For strength, the material meets all the necessary standards, so no concerns should be. However, special attention should be paid to the process of production of blocks, as it is possible to make an error easily, and after construction you can face really serious problems.

In this article, we will consider in detail the process of manufacturing ceramzite-concrete blocks. This event has a lot of subtleties, which you need to know not only by novice, but also to all people who have not previously dealt with clay blocks.

Features of the material

The main feature of the ceramisite is its strength. This suggests that this material can be freely used in construction. The ceramzite concrete is almost eternal material that is withstanding high loads, but it differs in a slight weight, which significantly simplifies construction.

As already mentioned, the ceramzite concrete is often used for small buildings. Thus, the material is perfect for the construction of a country house or a small garage or a barn. If we have a house project, the dimensions of which are quite large, should refer to the specialists who will definitely say whether the ceramzite concrete can be used under presented conditions.

Ceramzitobeton is a good replacement for bricks. In terms of strength, of course, the brick shows itself a little better ceramzite concrete, but the second material has much more advantages. First of all, it is necessary to note the simplicity of material masonry. For one approach, a lot of work can be carried out, and the general building process will be short-lived. Again, the weight of the ceramzite concrete allows you to quickly move the material, as well as produce masonry without assistance. Most often brick weight 2.5 times more than ceramzite concrete.


Advantages and disadvantages of ceramzite concrete

The material produced on the basis of clay is there a lot of positive parties. He has a cons, but the benefits of them easily ease.

Positive parties are as follows:

  • Frost resistance. The material behaves well even at minus temperatures. This is really an important characteristic if we are talking about the use of ceramzite concrete on the territory of Eastern Europe. You can be sure that the material will easily bring any frosts.
  • Low water absorption. It is reported that the water absorption of the clay is not more than 7%. This suggests that the material will not lose its primary properties even if we have high humidity outside the window. It is also an important aspect, which depends on the durability of the structure.
  • Excellent thermal conductivity. Ceramzitobeton can be used in a wide variety of climatic conditions, and an acceptable temperature will always be inside the premises. In addition, this material interacts canceled with various insulation.
  • Durability. Ceramzite material remains in one state for decades. Not all materials can boast similar achievements. Positively on the durability of the material affects the fact that the ceramzite concrete is a fireproof material, which, moreover, practically does not absorb moisture. Moreover, there is no need to care for this product. Accordingly, it is a otnarny material for the construction of a country house, which is not necessary to visit regularly.

There is a ceramzite concrete and substantial disadvantages that you need to know first:

  • Cost of material. If you buy a ceramzitobeton from manufacturers, it will cost much more expensive bricks. But at the same time it is necessary to understand that in many indicators the ceramzite concrete is superior to the brick. For example, if we choose in favor of the first material, then the need for vapor barrier or thermal insulation may not be.
  • Handicraft production and properties of material. It is worth noting the fact that today the ceramzitobeton produces numerous companies. But at the same time many handicraft production occupied the same thing. In the latter case, it is very difficult to get a really sampled material, since there is a need for a large number of additives. Yes, and the production technology itself can differ significantly. In the same material, we will consider the most common technology for the production of ceramzite-concrete blocks.


Composition of ceramzitobetone

Of course, first need to study the composition of the material. As already mentioned, there are various types of products, so the composition may differ slightly:

  • cement mixture;
  • ceramzit;
  • sand;
  • water;
  • additives.

As for the additives, they can be the most diverse. Moreover, each owner can experiment and choose the most optimal properties of the future material. To do this, you can visit the construction store and consult with experts.

For example, you can use a washed wood resin, which allows you to significantly increase the frost resistance of the material. This is especially important in the cool climate. Some additives allow improved thermal insulation, as well as many other parameters. But do not think that when using a huge amount of additives, we will receive almost perfect material. With such a situation, very unpleasant consequences are possible, so it is better not to overdo it.

The ratio of material components must be the following:

  • 1 part of the cement mortar;
  • 1 part of the ceramisite (it is desirable to use a small fraction);
  • 1.5 pieces of clay sand.

As for cement, it is best to make a choice in favor of the brand M 400. The volume of additives needed to create high-quality blocks should be discussed with consultants, since values \u200b\u200bcan differ significantly.

Also in the process of production, we will need the following tools and devices:

  • concrete mixer;
  • form for blocks;
  • vibration equipment.


Forms for the production of ceramzite concrete blocks

Now on sale you can find a lot of options for the production of concrete based products. In this case, these forms will fit for the production of ceramzite concrete. If this option is not suitable for some reason, then you can make forms handy. Conventional boards can be used for this. It is most important to do so that the walls of the form were smooth and smooth.

However, those forms that are available in building stores are much better self-made. First of all, they are truly durable, they can be used for several years. In addition, in such forms you can find elements to create voids in the material. It significantly saves construction resources.

If it is decided to use homemade wooden forms, it should be understood that it is rather a disposable form, which is unlikely to endure more than several cycles of material production. Another problem is that the wood surface may have a texture from which the ceramic material will not have the smoother surface. In such a situation, you can take tin and sew the inner walls of the form. In addition, it is possible to process the shape of machine oil. It should be borne in mind that concrete is too well cloudy with wood, so it will be very difficult to extract products from the form. Thus, it is best to create some kind of trim, which will significantly simplify the overall process.


The process of production of ceramzite concrete blocks

  1. At the very beginning, the concrete mixer is loaded by all the necessary components. This procedure should be performed in a specific sequence. First, water is poured into the concrete mixer. After that, you can fall asleep inside the installation of the clay. Next, it is necessary to wait for the ceramzite to be completely wet in water, and then you need to add sand, as well as cement. It should be focused on the fact that the clamzite absorbs a lot of water, so it may be necessary to additionally add some amount of fluid into the concrete mixer that meets the requirements.
  2. Only after all the above procedures can be added to the concrete mixer additives. Further, all the ingredients used are thoroughly mixed. In the end, the mixture should not fall apart, but it should not be too liquid too.
  3. At the next stage, it is necessary to use forms and vibration equipment. It should be noted that in this case you can use both the vibrationboard and vibrationtol. Of course, in handicraft conditions, an exceptionally second option is used, since the vibrationboard is an option for large production and large volumes of material. Vibrotol can be purchased via the Internet or in large building out points. By itself, this installation is quite simple, it consists of a smooth surface of the covers of the cover, springs that rest on the racks (legs), as well as the vibrating vessel. You can use a regular imbalance, but the main thing is that this element creates vibrations.
  4. Forms are filled with a mixture. It is best to make a seal using several forms at once, this will significantly speed up the process. It should be borne in mind that this procedure will take no more than a few minutes. After the first approach, the mixture will fall a little. Then you can add more mixtures so that the form is complete, and the future block itself is smooth and corresponded to the desired size. If in the process the mixture, on the contrary, comes out of the form, you need to remove it, otherwise it will be very difficult after the frost.
  5. After this event, the form should be a little in calm condition. For some time the mixture will stick and gain strength. Immediately after the ceramzite concrete became durable, it is possible to extract material from the form. If the form purchased in the store is used, it is very easy to understand. A homemade wooden shape may have to simply break up to extract the material. However, in both cases, it is necessary to be attentive, as it is easy to damage the ceramzite concrete.

Immediately use the material in construction. The thing is that the concrete is gaining strength long enough. Moreover, for some time, blocks can change slightly.


Approximately within a month, ready-made blocks are not used in construction work. They must be searched in a place that corresponds to a number of requirements. We are talking about a dry place where there is no sudden temperature drops. Also, it is impossible to get into the ceramzitobetone of precipitation. For such cases, you can build a small canopy, which will be located near the house. Often, construction work is carried out in a warm period, so there should be no problems with the temperature drop. Additionally, you can cover the blocks with cloth or other material.

It is best to immediately release the required amount of material so that you can immediately store it in a specific place.

A month later, the ceramzite concrete can be used in construction. Moreover, it should be borne in mind that this event can be freely carried out at a cool climate, since the material, as already mentioned, has excellent frost resistance.

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