Alycha. Landing, growing and care

June 14. Repair and construction work, Plot. Views 5315 Comments To the record of Alycha. Landing, growing and care No

One of the most interesting solutions in organizing the space of the local area or the country area is the formation of a fruit garden. A similar approach will allow not only to enjoy the beauty of the landscape during the flowering of trees and when the appearance of fruits, a variety of shades of which, in combination with the brown grain of foliage, will bring a special painting landscape and aesthetic pleasure owner.

It is impossible not to evaluate and benefit from growing fruits with your own hands saturated exclusively with useful elements. Most often, among the entire variety of species of fruit trees, preference receives Alycha, the main advantages of which are not only in the simplicity of planting and care of seedlings, but also in the special fertility of these trees.

Features of growing and choosing a suitable variety


In essence, Alycha is a variety of plums, the fruits of which are distinguished by a kind of taste. Until recently, the cultivation of it was acceptable exclusively in the climate of the southern regions. Today, thanks to the hybrids created by breeders, such an opportunity exists even for those who want to plant Alych in a plot located in a latitude with less access to solar heat.


Important! Before making the decision to plant this tree, browse the photo of Alychi to understand exactly how it will look at the site.

Pay attention to the fact that this plant, depending on the type, develops in the form of a tree or shrub.


What are the types of Alychi?


To date, the draining of Alycha is represented by several groups:

1. Eastern. All varieties of this category are a wild alcohol, which occurs in the natural conditions of mountain Afghanistan, Iran and Central Asia. The taste features of fruits - light tartness and acid. alycha-Sonayeka1

2. Large-door. In essence, this type is an indulged wild alcohol. This group presents several types:

  • iranian;
  • armenian;
  • georgian. Pissardi-krupnoplodnaya

Important! The varieties of this type of Alychi receive the greatest preference in the arrangement of the garden. Browse the video in which all the features of the culture of this type are described in detail.                                

3. Typical. These are also a number of varieties of wild aliens, the natural growing environment of which is the Caucasus and the Balkan Persh. globus.

4. Hybrid Alycha. As a basis for its selection, a Chinese plum is taken. The varieties of this group are most in demand for landing in the northern regions or in conditions of not too favorable soil.


Important! Hybrid species are characterized by a number of benefits, both with respect to the sophistication of taste and landing rules and subsequent care.

The ripening time of fruits


The fruits of plums of Alychi can ripen in different periods, depending on the specific variety. According to this principle, the following types are classified:

1. Early grades, the ripening of fruits of such trees occurs at the end of June.

2. The average species represented by shrubs, fruiting in July-August.

3. Late types, the fruits of which are suitable only in September. al_3-500x375

Important! When choosing a specific suitable variety, take into account the rules for landing and leaving the variety, as well as the features of your lifestyle, to be able to collect the fruits at that time when the plant will be fruit. In addition, pay attention to the possibility of a combination of several varieties in one site to get a large harvest throughout the summer.

What are the advantages of growing Alychi?

Alycha Kuban Comet

Since this plant is a variety of plums, we note some advantages of landing precisely by Alychi varieties:

  1. Annual yield is significantly higher.
  2. Buy Alychi saplings is more profitable for the reason that they begin to be fruit for 2-3 years earlier than plum.
  3. Resistance to disease and activity of pests above.
  4. The trees of almost all varieties are easier tolerant drought.
  5. Do not die in winter.
  6. The taste of Alychi is more refined. 00027981

Important! Such advantages confirm the correctness of your decision on landing Alyci in our own area.

What variety to choose?


The number of possible varieties is represented by a fairly wide viewer, of which more than 30 pieces are hybrid. Check out the list of the most popular varieties that are distinguished by the high fertility and ease of care of trees to choose the best:

  • Unbeldzhaevskaya;
  • Guldedova;
  • Purple;
  • Royal; alycha_obilnaja_ENL
  • Pioneer;
  • Zlato Scythians;
  • Vasilievskaya-41;
  • Drop Citel;
  • General; Generak.
  • Tent;
  • Ariadne;
  • Comet. Alyicha.

Important! Be sure to pay attention to the time of ripening. We note a few sought-after grades in accordance with this criterion:

  • early comet, non-merchauine, methdey;
  • middle - traveler, Kuban Comet, Gek;
  • late - globe, a gift from St. Petersburg, colonum, melon. 2806-53

What section is suitable for cultivation of Alychi?


Preferred conditions for the full development of Alychi:

  1. Stable good humidity.
  2. Well drained soil.
  3. Fruitness of the soil. 60746795_ALUYCHA.


    Important! Given these features of the requirements, an excellent solution for growing Alychi is a well-lit plot, closed from end-to-end winds of wind with clay soil and allowable shallow groundwater flow within 1 meter. 6566701_4075A859.

When to plant Alychu?

Depending on the natural conditions characteristic of the location of your site, determine the most appropriate landing time, given the following recommendations:

  • for southern warm fields - Late autumn or warm winter days;
  • in the northern regions, the effectiveness of landing Alychi you will rate when placing seedlings in the earth in the spring. Olympus Digital Camera.

Rules landing

To properly fit, follow the following recommendations:

  1. Use only those seedlings whose age has reached 1 year.
  2. Preload the places of planting trees.

    Important! Note that the appropriate distance between individual individuals for their full development is 2.5-3.5 meters.Sort-abundant

  3. 1-2 weeks before landing, prepare the pits as follows:
    • drop the deepening, the dimensions of which correspond to 0.6-1 meters in diameter and 0.4-0.6 m in height;
    • mix with a dilated superphosphate at the rate of 40-60 g per a hole;
    • add the skinned humus - 15 kg to each pit;
    • add potash salt - 60 g for 1 seedling;
    • push into the pits the resulting mixture by 2/3 of the depth.
  4. Prepare a bolt with heteroacexin.
  5. Dry the roots of each seedling into this solution.

    Important! Such a procedure stimulates the root system to accelerated development and increase the survival rate of plants.


  6. At the bottom of each pit, make a small hill.
  7. Install seedlings in the wells so that the root neck is to be flown with the surface of the Earth.
  8. Gently straighten the roots on the formed hill.
  9. Pull all the wells in the remaining mixture of soil and fertilizer.
  10. Form around the trunks of irrigated wells.
  11. Thoroughly paint seedlings.

    Important! Standard water consumption during watering just planted shrubs of Alychi - 1-2 buckets for each individual. 02-GLO.

  12. Make the soil mulch to protect the plants and provide them with comfortable conditions for development.

    Important! The appropriate size of the mulching layer for Alychi is 5 cm. There are no specific preferences for the material to perform this work, so select any available option. 2806-35


View the video in which the example of landing of the bone crops is clearly shown, to which Alych belongs.

How to care for the trees of Alychi?


Care rules include procedures such as in the cultivation of any other culture:

  • watering;
  • protection against disease and pests;
  • reproduction;
  • forming shrubs. 8836_Slider.

Please note below the proposed recommendations for each item to properly organize your time and get a rich harvest:

  1. 1 time in 2 years in the fall necessarily put organic fertilizers - compost or overwhelmed manure, for each tree in the next proportion - 10kg / m2 of the rolling circle.
  2. Each year, immediately before flowing, add an ammonia nitrate to the soil in a ratio of 50-100 g / m2 area around the Alyci shrub.
  3. Every year, if necessary, in June, fertilize the soil near the potassium tree and a superphosphate of 50 and 150 grams, respectively.
  4. In the first two years, it is very good to trim the branches, since with excessive removal of the length of the shoots, the subsequent yield will be significantly lower than you assumed.
  5. Regularly spend the trimming of Alyci in 3-4 years after the chipping of the seedlings, first of all, dry and sick branches. 2806-57
  6. Each annually spray trees to prevent pest reproduction and do not reduce the volume of harvest.
  7. Pay attention to the means from such insects:
    • brown fruit tick;
    • tLL Alychova;
    • rosal leaflet;
    • akacia Slaughter;
    • plime fruit.
  8. In the first few years, form the size of the crown by thinning and creating tiers. krona.
  9. If you prefer the alcohol in the form of a shrub, shortly shorten the long shoots in order to prevent them with a breakdown under the weight of the fruit.
  10. For reproduction, use seed inserts to eliminate the unsuitability of one variety with another.
  11. Watering do twice a year:
    • 2 weeks after the start of flowering;
    • immediately after harvest. 2806-01


As you have already been convinced, the rules of cultivation of Alychi do not differ in difficulty, so you will manage to land up quickly quickly, and the care of the alcohol does not take much time. The process of choosing a suitable variety deserves more attention, so that the sizes and the taste of fruits deliver joy, and the tree itself did not die with the arrival of winter cold.


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