Prevention of water heating systems in a private house do it yourself

November 8. Useful advice Views 655 Comments To record the prevention of water heating systems in a private house with their own hands No

Many owners have autonomous heating systems in their dwellings. As practice shows, all this equipment needs regular care, as literally in a couple of seasons the system can completely fail.

As for common heat networks, in the summer period, utilities conduct universal repair, which avoids troubles, connected with performance in cool seasons. Approximately this mode is also necessary for autonomous systems, which, unfortunately, are often less resistant to various breakdowns.

In this article, we will consider the main questions related to the prevention of water heating systems in a private house.


Prevention of water heating systems. List of necessary events

At first glance it may seem that for prevention does not need to make too much effort, however, we are talking about the following events:

  • testing of the efficiency of automatic systems;
  • inspection of gas equipment system;
  • cleaning chimneys, as well as periodic verification;
  • analysis of the pipeline for heating;
  • testing the alarm system of heating.

Now it becomes clear that everything is not just just, especially considering that a person may not have experience associated with such preventive work.

It is also known that about once every 3 years need to carry out the following work:

  • flushing of the system of chemicals;
  • replacement of the coolant;
  • system testing using high pressure;
  • migration automatic components of the system.

Practice shows that people begin to undertake something only after something is already in disrepair. Thus, the most optimal solution will be fixed all the above points on the paper sheet and plan, when events are being taken. This will allow you to be sure that the water heating system will work for many years.

At the same time, it is necessary to understand that all of the above recommendations are common, and it is impossible to use them for some particular system. Therefore, before planning prophylaxis, you need to pay attention to the documentation that comes with the equipment.


Prevention of water heating systems. Survey of pipes

It must be remembered that the metal is affected by corrosion, so steel pipes of heating systems are filled with water. There are no such problems with plastic pipes, since no corrosion threatens them.

  • To examine the pipes, you first need to drain the water. This kind of event is carried out in a circle, starting with direct feed pipes.
  • Pipe integrity is an important question. Cracks or other flares appear on the pipes, which often make themselves to know in the winter. Determine the presence of cracks is extremely simple: you need to pay attention to the divorces and rusty traces present on the surface of the pipes. If the situation is too running, then whole puddles will be formed on the floor. If ledge is present, it is necessary to carry out the ripples of the cooler or the radiator seal.
  • It is necessary to replace water only after all major events. However, this is carried out no later than 30-40 days before the heating season. After the heating season in the pipes, various sediments are guaranteed to be washed. The liquid merges until it becomes brighter.

Automatic component of equipment and boilers

If we talk about automation and boilers yourself, then the following items include preventive work:

  • inspection of the Tan;
  • hauling electrical connections;
  • inspection of starting equipment.

If you analyze in more detail, we are talking about the following issues:

  • It is possible to carry out self-cleaning activities related to the cleaning of various system elements only if the boiler has already been removed from warranty service. Otherwise, you can encounter a problem when the equipment has stopped functioning, and the manufacturer does not accept it. In boilers without a warranty, you can safely clean the sensor for the presence of a flame, as well as the air sensor and chimney channels. Gas tubes, or rather their compounds, should remain intact.
  • The housing is removed from the equipment and the easiest external inspection is carried out. With it, it is determined by a lot of problem moments, which then need to quickly resolve. The compounds of the gas pipeline are processed by a soap solution, which makes it possible to understand whether any flaws are present.
  • Piezorozhig is often faulty, but there are situations where this component of the system is at the limit, and after a short period of time will fully become unsuitable. Therefore, you need to spend a small test that will show whether it is possible to rely on this equipment, and if not, then Piezorozhig is simply replaced with a new one.
  • Also checked the thrust and supply of air. These are extremely simple events that do not spend a lot of time.
  • If universal reconfiguration is carried out and equipment testing, you do not need to forget about the adjustment of the fuel supply. It will not be superfluous and testing fully entire automation, since it is precisely it often and leads the owners.
  • Solid fuel boilers are a separate topic, since preventive work turns out to be more than voluminous. We are talking about cleaning the furnace, pyrolysis chamber, as well as chimney channels. For this case, a special metal brush is applied. With it, it is removed by all that it is ironed, and the equipment looks almost like new.

Prevention of water heating systems. Washing equipment with chemicals

It often happens that the quality of water used in the systems leaves much to be desired. It is also connected with the fact that many different components accumulate in pipes, which require regularly get rid of. However, the worst news is that all these contaminants that accumulate and are present in the pipes reduce the efficiency of the equipment. Therefore, regular flushing with chemicals is carried out.

  • To flush the system by chemicals, a pumping unit will be required, which, of course, is expensive. Often, such equipment is simply rented.
  • As for the very chemical substance necessary for washing pipes, then such products are available in plumbing stores. However, it is important to determine the type of pipes, and acquire the most suitable cleaning agent. This is important for the reason that a means that is suitable for cleaning one type of pipes may not give any effect for another.
  • In the process of washing, all cranes are closed, as well as the rest of the auxiliary equipment operating within the system. You can also block only one point of the pipeline, and on the two sides of the shutter can be used nozzles to attach flushing hoses.
  • Flushing is carried out not so long. The main stage of work is pumping a chemical agent for an hour. After that, you need to rinse the system with clean water several times until it becomes transparent.


Increased pressure in the system

In the previous section, we talked about the washing of the system, however there are situations when the system is simply needed. However, the processes occur in this situation when the pipes and their compounds are detected. To make sure that the system really needs repair activities, you need to test with the help of creating increased pressure in the system.

  • Increased pressure for water heating systems is approximately 0.4-0.6 MPa. For pumping, it is advisable to use a plunger pump.
  • Under the above pressure, the system should be held for 20 or more minutes. During this time, it is necessary to inspect all possible leaks and understand whether there is a need for repair. The system contains pipelines that are simply not visible. In this case, you just need to listen to these pipes, and if the leakage takes place, the characteristic sound will be present.
  • Specialists recommend pursing this kind of testing immediately after washing.


The situation with the coolant

Obviously, in the case of water heating, the coolant is the usual tap water. Unfortunately, its quality is not always positively reflected in the state of the equipment, so specialists are often recommended if possible to use rainwater.

  • The simplest tap water has huge volumes of salts and oxygen, so gradually a lot of scale is mined in the system, and the active corrosion process occurs.
  • Also, tap water can be boiled, and its state will be more suitable for use in the system.
  • Inhibitors are available on sale, when using which the effect of oxygen and salts is blocked. Unfortunately, this tool is very specific, as it is possible to use it only for specific types of pipes and radiators.
  • Surely the most optimal option is to use the filter installation. It can be located on a heating feed, and remove all those substances that negatively affect the condition of the equipment. However, the filters will have to be able to change, and monitor the state of the pipes and other components of the system will still have to.

To date, many companies that produce water heating systems provide a fairly long warranty. During this period, you can operate the system with almost no limitations. In other cases, operation should be careful, since the launched state is often disastrous for the system.

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