What ceramic tile better look at the major manufacturers, the advantages and disadvantages

January 11 Building materials Views 6830 1 comment What to write tiles better look at the major manufacturers, the advantages and disadvantages

Today, ceramic tile is the most practical and convenient method for registration of premises, from the bathroom, kitchen and finishing the front facing the wall. How not to get lost in this diversity? Here are some tips on how to choose the best ceramic tiles for the interior decoration of the building:

1. We prefer a natural building material


In this issue at the tile will show quite a bit of competition, because it combines all the natural elements - fire, water and clay. Moreover such material has a large list of advantages:

  • due to the high temperature treatment is safe for the environment;
  • It has a variety of texture, form and purpose;
  • It has a low electrical conductivity;
  • she is not afraid of bacteria and all kinds of dust;
  • compliance with environmental standards, and more.

2. Tile Tile discord


Do not rush with the choice of tiles. When it is necessary to consider purchase weight other characteristics:

  • correspondence prepared for the purpose;
  • durability;
  • resistance to mechanical impact;
  • frost resistance (when facing the facade of the building);
  • Specific place of facing (individual sections, walls or gears), etc.

Most often, the necessary information is placed on the packaging of building materials in the form of pictograms. Repeated repetition of a special icon indicates the highest level of a certain parameter.


For example, if you wish to apply the best ceramic tile for the bathroom, it is necessary to consider that it will be in contact with chemicals that leave visible stains. In this case, the material is required with high chemical indicators, low porosity, excellent resistance and acid resistance.

As for the kitchen, it does not require good wear resistance of the material, however, as in the bathroom, the tile should have excellent chemical characteristics.

3. "Tile" standards

Today there are the following systems of standards for tiles made of ceramics:

  • UNI EN standards (Italy);
  • UPEG (France);
  • BS (United Kingdom);
  • DIN (Germany).

Russian standards are also available:

  • № 13996-93 (tile for facades);
  • № 6141-91 (tile for internal wall cladding);
  • GOSTS No. 6887-90 (floor tile).

However, UNI EN standards created by EKS in Italy received the best distribution. Therefore, when choosing the best ceramic tile, it is necessary to prefer a material that has this quality mark.

What a ceramic tile is better


According to UNI EN 154, for a specific type of room, it is necessary to choose the tile of a special class of wear resistance. They exist 5:

  • PEI I (used in places with not very active movement);
  • Ii (applied in cottages and apartments);
  • Iii (it can be facing the floor in a residential room, with an average traffic intensity);
  • IV (for public structures);
  • V (for premises with a variety of traffic intensity).


Before making a final choice, it is necessary to investigate the products on the "touch and eye":

  • its edges and the surface must be perfectly smooth;
  • smooth;
  • without concave and convex;
  • no foreign inclusions;
  • no chips and cracks.

Tile classification parameters:

  • of the coating (unglazed, glazed);
  • base (porous, dense);
  • Production feature (double or single firing);
  • raw materials used (red or white clay).

Types of single-fired tiles:

  • low porosity (intended for facing a floor);
  • highly porous (used for walls indoors);
  • Weaklyorny (recommended for external work and floor facing inside).

Best Ceramic Tile Manufacturers

Today, the market presents a large range of tiles from leading local and foreign manufacturers. Consider some of them:

1. France

franz. Provence

The French tile is distinguished by the elegant decor, the brightness of colors, unconventional design, extraordinary French style and high quality. It perfectly complements any interior, giving him a luxurious and refined view. Among the famous companies that can be produced can be allocated: France Alfa, Cerabati and Novoceram.


2. Portugal


Here they produce bright original products intended for external and outer decoration. The standard of quality for local masters is a tile made in Italy and Spain, although artisans bring their flavor to it. Among the popular Portuguese companies can be allocated: Kerion Mosaics and Gresart.


3. Turkey


Ceramic Turkish tile has been manufactured since the times of the Ottoman Empire and was used in the decoration of houses, palaces and mosques. Traditionally, it is performed in white-blue tones and decorated with a variety of drawings. Its characteristic feature is the absence of natural and animal ornaments.


Today, the tile produced in Turkey has a high quality, original ornament, contrast lines and a very bright color. It is used for lining saunas, baths and baths. Famous Turkish firms are: Vitra Arkitekt, Seraganit Seramik Sanatiyi A, Kaleseramik.


4. China



The production of tiles in China keeps leadership throughout Asia. It is usually manufactured on special Italian equipment and complies with European standards.


Chinese products intended for internal and external decorations, much cheaper than Italian, Spanish and Turkish analogs, but is rather original. The Chinese use a unique oriental ornament and saturated colors. Chinese mosaic is very popular in Russia. Among the best manufacturers can be noted: Super Glass Mosaic, Natural Mosaic, Rose, Jnj Mosaic, Hongyu, Fiorano, New Zhong, Vivo, Cimic, etc.


5. Germany


The German tile is produced from the 17th century and is distinguished by pleasant eyes with pastel colors, concise design, wonderful quality, ultra-dimensional sizes. German products are always impressive with their unusualness. Special attention is paid to the creation of floor tiles, as well as tiles with a special photo printing.


Thanks to its strict and laconic decor, as well as filigree, the German tile is well suited for the decor of the premises, both in antique and in a classic, modern style. Her quality constantly competes with Spanish and Italian tiles, but at the same time it retains its uniqueness. Leading manufacturers: Korzilius, Steuler, Agrob Buchtal, Boizenburg, Barwolf, Jasba, etc.


6. Russia


In the development of ceramic Russian art in Russia, two periods are distinguished:

  • The first started with the emergence of Christianity in Russia. It was at this time that Russian masters gradually adopted the art of the production of tiles at Byzantine artisans. Such Byzantine tradition developed before the 17th century;
  • The second half of the 17th century was marked by the intake of foreign traditions and fresh ideas. Thus, thanks to Peter I, a tiled Dutch painting took place in Russia.

The first plan in the pottery began to go orientation on European masters and secularity. Today, Greek tradition is slowly reborn, because this particular people taught Kiev artisans to produce a unique, and elegant high-art tile, which is successfully used to decorate temples, churches and secular buildings.

Gradually, our masters have learned how to create a frost-resistant tile that retains their qualities. The best Russian ceramic tile is: "Eurocramik", Ceramo Marazzi (enters the Marazzi Group concern), Shakhtinskaya ceramic tile, Grasaro, Dmitrov ceramic tile, Italon, Ural Ceramic Plant, Estima, Sokol, Coliseum Gres, Kerabud, Atlas Concorde, Atem, Collezioni Della Casa.


7. Italy


When it comes to the Italian classic tile, then it is, first of all, a highly porous Maitolian tile. Its progenitor is Egyptian ceramics, and she got into Italy through Spain.


Maitolike was originally created for finishing urban areas, bells and catholic temples. Later, it began to be used to finish the rich places and noble houses. Italian artisans for the first time began to apply artificial dyes and sought to produce color tiles. It was in Italy a glazed faience began to be created. Radiance forms, softness and color saturation, graphic brightness - distinctive features of ceramic Italian tiles. Local masters carefully store production technology and transmit them from generation to generation.

Among modern companies can be noted: Gardenia Orhidea, Acif, Vallelunga Ceramica, Cer-Edil, Settecento, Baiker, Sintesi, Cerpa Ceramica, Rhs, Ceramica Magica, La Fabbrica, Ceramiche Piemme, Iris Ceramica, Ceramiche Riccheti, Exelle, Ceramica Serenissima, Fap Ceramiche, Dom Ceramiche, Edilgres Sirio, Edilcuoghi Ceramiche, etc.


8. Spain


Ceramic Spanish tile - the highest quality standard. Its modern best collections are a mandatory facing material in the design of structures for higher authorities, prestigious hotels and people who have an exquisite taste.

The traditions of the production of Spanish tiles are transmitted exclusively by inheritance. There are only two directions of its creation:

  • craft;
  • Aristocratic tile.

"Craftsman" tile is not a decorative finishing material. It is more often used when finishing churches, buildings, etc.

"Aristocratic" - suggests special manufacturing and drawing technologies. The Spaniards are insanely conservative, however, despite this, many recognize that their classic tile includes the future, present and past, and everything else is only a repetition.


Even the Italians take ideas from the Spaniards. Among the companies producing this product, allocate: Venus, Zirconio, Undefasa, Ape, Rocersa, Arcana Ceramica, Porcelanite, Azahar, Azulev, Rosa Gres, Azulindus & Marti, Navarti, Azuvi, Bestile, Cerasa, Pamesa, Ceramica Gomez, Ceramica Maior, Novogres , DecoCer, Marazzi, EXagres, Mainzu, Dune, Lord Ceramica, El Molino, Latina Ceramica, Ceramama, Inalco, Ceramica Cas, Expotile, etc.


What ceramic tile is better? Reviews and Videos:



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One answer to which ceramic tile is better: Consider large manufacturers, advantages and disadvantages.

  1. Alexander:

    And why is the manufacturer as Lasselsberger Ceramics not specified in the review? They have quite decent quality, choosing a chic, there are many original ideas. And since we have opened the factory in the country, then the price does not bite. I personally believe that in quality now we have one of the best manufacturers on the market.

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