How to glue a plug on the walls. Corkscrews

February 15. Walls and partitions Views 5056. Comments To record how to glue the plug on the walls. Corkscrews No

The use of cork wallpapers in the interior is a new fashionable direction during wall cladding. The popularity of this finishing material is a consequence of what it is produced from natural raw materials. The basis of its manufacture is a cork oak, which is unique in its properties of the material.

Types and advantages of finishing material

Absolute environmental friendliness is characteristic of homeless cork wallpaper. They consist of a fine pressed oak bark layer. In the manufacture of cork wallpaper without the base, glue is not used. Due to the presence of resinous substances, as a result of heating the plug, a natural connection of the chip particles occurs. Buy corkscrew wallpapers without the foundation is quite difficult, because they are rare.


The most accessible is the wallpaper of a tube on a paper basis. They are produced by sticking a cork veneer on paper. The advantages of using cork wallpaper include:

  • long operating period (over 20 years);
  • resistance to mechanical damage;
  • simplicity of care using any detergents;
  • excellent sound insulation properties;
  • wallpapers do not absorb odors and do not cause allergic reactions.

To extend the service life of the finishing material, the wallpaper is processed by a special means of protection before sticking. You can buy it and cork wallpapers for walls in any specialized store.

As for the cost of finishing material from the traffic jam, it varies depending on the brand and quality of products. The price of cork wallpaper ranks ranging from 200 to 300 rubles / 1 m².

Realized finishing material can be two types:

  • rolled;
  • tile.

By purchasing cork wallpaper in rolls, it should be noted that in size they differ significantly from ordinary products. Roll length is less: it is about 5.5 m. The purchase of such wallpapers is carried out with a 3-centimeter margin of each strip.

The need for cork tiles is easier to calculate. It is produced, based on the total area of \u200b\u200bthe treated surface.


Special attention is paid to the choice of adhesive composition. The usual PVA is not very suitable for such work. Yes, and liquid nails do not need to be used. Next repair will appear difficulties when removing the finishing material. The most optimal options for glueing cork coatings are Wakol and Decol Vern glue compositions.

Preparatory work

The plug refers to heavy coatings. Therefore, the process of sticking wallpaper from a traffic jam is largely similar to the finishing technology of the room by other wallpaper, which are characterized by a lot of weight.

The technology of finishing walls with cork walls consists of the following steps:

  • surface preparation;
  • marking work;
  • sticking facing material;
  • pruning unnecessary wallpaper.

The surface preparation begins with the removal of an old coating. Chips and cracks are closed. If you have paint or lagging behind the spacing surface, they must be cleaned and removed. Heavy corkscrew wallpapers can collapse along with lagging material.

The alignment of the walls is carried out by applying the plastering layer. After that, it is possible to process the surface of the primer of deep penetration. The primer must completely dry.


For several hours before sticking, it is necessary to take care that the wallpaper is cut and decomposed on a flat surface. Cork wallpapers for walls should not be glued by deformed.

While the wallpaper is aligned, the wall markup is marked and glue is prepared. With a vertical location of the finishing material, the first line is carried out using a plumb. The first lane of the wallpaper will serve as a guide for gluing the next strips.

If the option with the horizontal location of the wallpaper from the plug is selected, the line application to the surface is carried out using a level.

The preparation of the adhesive solution is made in accordance with the recommendations of its manufacturer. In most cases, it must be sufficiently thick. For this reason, it should be excluded by applying with a brush. For ethic purposes, the roller from the foam or comb is suitable.

Roll Wallpaper Sticking Technology

Now directly on how to glue cork wallpaper. Work begins from the door or window opening. Sticking cork wallpapers is recommended to be carried out together. One person will hold the strip near the ceiling, and the second is to align the cloth.


The quality of performance depends on many factors. One of the main is the correctness of the application of the adhesive solution. The glue can be applied on the wall, and on cork wallpaper. Although some prefer to handle it only facing material. In this case, it is better to resort to information that is contained in the instructions for glue and the cork coating itself.

If the wall glue is processed, then it is not necessary to smear the excess surface in advance. While the next strip will be labeled, the solution will have time to dry. The glue layer should not be too thin. Over time, cork wallpapers may turn out. For more reliable fixation, facing material with applied glue is tightly pressed against the wall.

There are still such requirements when working with traffic voyage:

  • their sticking occurs online;
  • the material is prohibited to bend on the break (veneer cracks);
  • the trim of the corners is made without induction of wallpaper in them;
  • material waste is used in the least visible places;
  • excess cloth is cut into only scissors.

The glued canvas is applied to the wall of the jack and with a margin of about 3 cm. The kennels are closed with a special roller for embedding seams. Unnecessary wallpapers are cut off. For 3-4 days, the finishing material dries. After that, the wallpaper can be covered with a "breathable" varnish.

Olympus Digital Camera.

Self-adhesive cork wallpaper - Innovative finishing product

The facing market is constantly updated by the latest products. Some of these are self-adhesive cork wallpapers. Standard size of their rolls:

  • length - 3 m;
  • width - 0.48 m.

To glue this material, you must have dry, clean and smooth walls. Measuring the wall, the sheets are cut. A 3-centimeter protective layer of wallpaper is separated across the entire width of the wallpaper. The open part of the material is glued to the wall. After that, the protective film from all over the canvases is removed and the sheet is finally glued.

To remove air bubbles under the wallpaper, you should use a soft cloth. If you failed to remove all the air immediately, you need to make a small puncture and re-smooth the material with a rag.

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