Parter lawn. Features and care

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Parter's or as it is still called "English" lawn is the most exquisite
Landscape of garden plot. It is difficult to create it enough and difficult, however, such lawns are arranged by the British next to their home.


Today we will tell about the peculiarities of the parter lawn, as well as about its care and content.

Features of the English lawn


The main purpose of the partner lawn is a decor, which is always worthy of contemplation and admiration, which is why it is not used for friendly gatherings and children's games.

It has a perfectly smooth surface and a homogeneous velvety color, and the highlight is considered thick, dense and low grass.

Most often, the partner lawns are located in the most significant areas of the garden, namely along the main alley, in front of the facade, etc. Such a landscape always becomes a composite center of the courtyard, as well as a wonderful background for various sculptures, flower compositions, fountains and architectural forms. At the same time, the size of the flows and other decorative elements in no case should prevail over an area of \u200b\u200bherbal cover.

Care requirements for partner (English) lawn


The lawn lawn is a classic artwork. That is why he will never leave an indifferent man contemplating it. However, before eliminating your old landscape, you should think about the difficulties with which the content of the new green area is connected.

Parter lawn requires not just love, but full ministry, delight and worship. Of all types of herbal cover, he is considered to be quite capricious and most expensive. In the conditions of our climate, it is incredibly difficult to grow such a lawn, because in the summer he can burn down, and winter to freeze. In addition, in the converted terrain, as well as in the shady and non-warmed by the sun, it simply will not grow. The best for him is the sunny side, without the slightest island shadow.

The cereals used for the lawn lawn must have lower small leaflets in the root area, which can be easily recovered after low haircuts. Neatly trimmed herbal cover not only combines the components of the landscape, but also perfectly complements it becomes the background for some garden plants.

Secrets of English (Parter's) Lawn


  1. It requires constant and thorough care, namely frequent haircut.
  2. It should prevail up narrowish low cereals - oatmeal and wilderness.

Disadvantages of parter lawn


  • Before its creation, it is necessary to prepare the soil well, namely, bumps and pits should not be present in it.
  • On such a cover, there is a sufficiently slow development and growth of cereals.
  • Acquisition of the sowing material costs much more expensive, unlike other types of lawns.
  • It is pretty picky and demanding to care.
  • Herbal cover of such a lawn is not a pullout.

Labor lawn device


The partner type of lawn and its device is practically no different from the creation of other types of green landscape - it needs regular watering, rigging, racking and sowing. As for the soil, it should be perfectly prepared.

During the arrangement of such a cover, it is necessary to align, free from weeds and carefully plan the surface, increasing the vegetation layer of the Earth to 30-40 cm. In this case, in the process of registration of the parquet, it is necessary to focus on the main rule - the main background area should prevail over the size of the flower and other parts of the overall composition . Otherwise, the impression of fragmentation is formed, the integrity of perception is raised.

Herbs need to choose in uniformity of coloring and bush texture. If possible, they must have thin stems, good germs and be perennial. Ideally, it would be possible to use a whitewise white and ordinary, as well as narrow, meadow mint and red oatmeal.

Parter's lawn: composition

Olympus Digital Camera.

As noted above, the structure of English lawns should include low-spirited herbs, having thin and soft leaves, as well as shoots. They are able to form a thick herbal and evenly closed layer, which will delight you from March to November.

The cereals used in the design of the parter lawn (photo):

  • wildfish thin;

polevitsa thin

  • oatmeal of sheep;

sheep oatmeal

  • wildlife dog mountain;
  • white wilderness;

- White wilderness

  • oatman red;

ovsyna Krasnaya

  • wilderness selection;

polevitsa Sureon

  • meal of meadow;

mint meadow


matlik meadow

  • oatman modified red;
  • fescue meadow;

oatmeal meadow

  • wildlife dog;
  • legged long-oil.

long-oil oatmeal

English lawn technology


  1. Cutting the cover is held at least 1 time in 2 weeks.
  2. Ideally add such a lawn with a lively hedge.
  3. To create a softness of the cover, it is recommended to create a special pillow from the suspended plants under the new grass.
  4. On it is strictly prohibited to walk exclusively in the process of cutting and feeding.
  5. It is used for low shearing type (ideally 1-2 times per week).
  6. Aeration should be regularly pierce the turf.
  7. In the autumn should be sanding.
  8. The correct size of the lawn - up to 50 sq.m.
  9. Watering the lawn is necessary by "sprinkling".

Ground Video lawn:

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