How to save on heating in the apartment

April 27. Useful advice, Repair and construction work Views 2857. Comments to record how to save on heating in the apartment No

Every year, housing and utilities tariffs grow, respectively, the prices for heating are increasing. With the arrival of winter, most people are increasingly devastated wallets. Therefore, the issue of saving on heating is relevant for each of us, regardless of how you are heating your home: centrally or autonomously. How to save on heating is a question that concerns each. Let's try to answer it in more detail.

Installing counters for heat

One of the main ways to solve such a problem today is the installation of thermal energy metering devices in the apartment or the whole house. Many of us have already managed to assess the advantages of using such a device that allows control over the temperature of heat supply. This is especially profitable when residents of an apartment building share equally between them all costs for installing such a meter in the basement.


Wall insulation

As you know, through the walls, the ceiling and the floor, any building loses an average of 30-50% heat. Therefore, the main way by solving the problem of saving on heating experts are primarily called, first of all, a decrease in heat loss by ensuring reliable thermal insulation of the house or apartment. Well, when on the stage of design work, you can foresee all the nuances in advance and how the walls, gender, ceilings should be insulated. But what to do if the house has long been built? In this case, it is also possible to increase its energy efficiency due to the creation of multilayer facade systems that are suitable for any structures from bricks, concrete, slagoblock, wooden bar, etc.

  • The most accessible option is the arrangement of a multilayer plaster system. This technology involves the use of mineral wool plates or expanded polystyrene as thermal insulation material. They are attached directly to the outer walls of the building, and the reinforcing mesh is superimposed on top, after which the base and decorative layer of plaster is alternately.


  • Another effective, but more complex and expensive method is to create a hinged ventilated facade. Its design consists of heat-insulating plates based on mineral wool, which are attached to the outer walls of the building, and the facing material (metal, stone, etc.), which is mounted on the metal frame, so that free space remains between thermal insulation and facing. Such an air gap acts as a so-called "heat pillow" and does not allow to wet heat insulation.


Replacing old windows

Translucent designs can also serve as a source of large heat loss on average up to 70%. This is especially true of old wooden windows.

  • If you are not going to replace them in the near future for any reason, then the most accessible can be considered an option for insulation of existing window structures by installing additional or replacing old seals to new ones.
  • However, it is best to replace old windows to new energy-saving double-glazed windows with a multi-chamber profile that will provide sufficient tightness and lack of drafts indoors. Do not also forget about the insulation and glazing of the loggia or balcony, doors, roofs, etc.



Installing thermostators for radiators

To improve the efficiency of the use of the resulting heat centralized, either autonomously, experts also recommend installing special thermostators on radiators.

  • Such useful devices will help each of us to control the temperature regime alone depending on weather conditions and other factor in order to achieve maximum comfort in the room.
  • Each of us faces one way or another, as during periods thawed in apartments with centralized heating becomes unbearably hot or vice versa, unexpectedly coming cold can cause surprise and reduce the room temperature to a critical minimum.


  • Thermostators allow you to keep the temperature in the range of 6-26 degrees Celsius, saving thermal energy, thus approximately 20%. At the same time, for centralized heating, it is necessary to replace radiators to new ones.

Replacing ventilation

In the process of ventilation of the room, as a rule, a lot of heat is lost, which is not effective.

  • The spent warm air is simply thrown into the street and the colder comes in its place. Therefore, to reduce energy consumption, a special device called heat recuperator was invented.
  • It is a conventional heat exchanger that uses the heat energy of the exhaust air to heat the supply. Simply put, thanks to the use of such a device, fresh air is entered into the room.
  • Heat recuperator is able to ensure heat savings almost twice.


  • In addition, it is recommended to establish special ventilation grilles in the room, which provide for the ability to adjust the magnitude of their holes.
  • In the warm season, these holes are kept as wide as possible, and in the cold - on the contrary, narrow to the limit.

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