How to make a house on a tree with your own hands

June 24. Construction Views 6999. 5 comments to record how to make a house on a tree with your own hands

Build a house on a tree on its own plot - not only a wonderful way to diversify the landscape of the local area and make originality. This is certainly a great opportunity to please your child, having equipped him an unusual place for active and educational games.


In addition, you can also increase your mood, spending time in complete privacy in a picturesque corner of nature. The whole process of building a house on the tree is not difficult, and that is equally important, does not require significant cash investments. All nuances of incarnation of such an idea of \u200b\u200blife are set out below in a very affordable form. Familiarize yourself with them carefully before proceeding to the fulfillment of your project.


How to build a house on a tree?


To properly organize the construction process, follow the following sequence:

  1. Select tree.
  2. Creating a project.
  3. Choosing suitable materials and tools.
  4. Build house.


What tree is suitable for building a house?


When choosing a tree, follow the following criteria:

  1. Sufficient stem thickness.
  2. The diameter of the branches is not less than 2.5 cm.
  3. Adult plant, but not very young and not old.
  4. Prefer the following rocks:
    • oak;
    • maple;
    • fir;
    • ash.


Important! In no case do not build a house on a tree with your own hands on Iwah, lipa, topolate or chestnut. These breeds have a root system not as strong, and the features of flowering will bring a lot of unpleasant sensations and the lack of opportunity to fully enjoy the rest.


  1. Choose a tree that grows on dense soil, for example, clay, and in no case place the house on the plant in the sandy soil.
  2. Installation Plan only on healthy, durable branches, without signs of damage to pests, rot, or other diseases.
  3. Prefer, if possible, a tree with branched on 2-3 parts with a barrel.


    Important! This approach will ensure reliable construction support.

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How to make a competent project?

Before creating your own unique project, carefully look at the finished houses on trees, videos and photos of which in a variety of versions are presented on the Internet.


Important! Choose the most interesting ideas in your opinion, but be sure to consider the level of your professional construction skills. If they are not enough, do not try to immediately fulfill a very difficult project, initially experience your strength, creating a simple design, which in the future improves at your discretion. Check out the proposed video, in which the original construction ideas are collected on the tree.

When drawing up a scheme of its design, you will certainly consider the following recommendations:

  1. Consider the subsequent development of wood and its possible modifications.
  2. Before designing the design of the house on a tree, make a photo of the selected plant from different angles so that in the process of planning architecture, take into account the features of the structure of the trunk and its natural bends.
  3. Properly relate the sizes of a tree with an area of \u200b\u200bthe future at home, taking into account the weight of building materials.


Important! Compliance with this rule will help competently calculate the load on the plant in order to prevent its destruction under the weight of the design and man. Be sure to consider in this regard, how many children will be able to be inside the house at the same time.


  1. By drawing up the project, it is responsible to be responsible for such a nuance as the presence of windows, as far as they need in principle and how much.


    Important! Note that the presence of window openings will significantly complicate the process of not only the right design, but also the installation of the house.


  2. Planning a specific location of the house, focus on the optimal height of 1.5-2 meters.


    Important! This approach will ensure the possibility of an interesting lift into the thick of the crown of the tree, but it will not provoke the appearance of a feeling of fear due to too high accommodation.

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  3. Select the most secure and convenient type of lifting mechanism.


    Important! Most often for this purpose, such ways are used:

    • rope suspension;
    • ladder;
    • bounded to the barrel board.                a7.
  4. Determine in advance what exactly will become the main support for the design.


    Important! In this regard, there are several of the most popular solutions, for example, we build a house on the tree on:

    • struts;
    • branches;
    • piles.

    Depending on the selected option, the amount of necessary materials and their type will be excellent.


What materials need to build?

The modern building market provides many different options for materials. To build a house on a tree, buy any you like or use the remnants of a variety of materials after the construction of a residential building on your own site.


Important! The last option is more practical and at the same time allows you to create the most original project with the smallest cash flow.


Among all types of materials, most often for the design of a house in the thick of the crown of wood use the following:

  • wood boards;
  • plates of chipboard and plywood;
  • plastic canvas;
  • siding of different types. 1264894409_t5

    Important! Choose the most suitable, considering the weight of the material, the sizes of the tree and the estimated weight of people who will spend time in the house on the tree. Prefer the one that meets the most advantageous combination of strength and ease. tree house

What tools to prepare?

To fulfill all the works, you will certainly require the following tools:

  • level;
  • hammer;
  • plane;
  • sabelnaya saw or hacksaw;
  • drill;
  • mill or tracing saw (depending on the complexity of the project);
  • adjustable key;
  • roulette;
  • staircase or stepladder;
  • sandpaper;
  • plane;
  • fasteners - screws, nails, corners. 1351535642_Tree-HOUSES-FOR-ADULTS-4

    Important! The number of tools and their type varies depending on the type of material used, the scale of construction and the complexity of the project architecture.


How to assemble a house on a tree with your own hands?

The amount of time required to complete the entire amount of work is completely dependent on the level of your skills and scale of the project. Therefore, before proceeding with the assembly of the house on a tree, try to properly organize the sequence of your actions so that the whole process does not delay.


We build a house on the tree as follows:

In advance, all sick and dry branches in the place of the estimated installation of the house.

  1. Create a support in accordance with the selected type.
  2. If preference is preferred, insert two barrels in such a way that an indentation is formed on each side of the platform at home approximately 1/3 all the lengths of the floor.


    Important! Choose a log for this operation, a cross section of at least 10 * 10 cm.


  3. Reconfigure piles in the ground at a depth of 0.5-0.7 m.
  4. Wait for a complete rejection of artificial stone.
  5. When installing the strut, set them in such a way as to withstand the direction of 45 degrees from the barrel along the oblique line to the platform.


    Important! Be sure to firmly secure to the trunk and platform using brackets and bolts.

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  6. Collect the base frame on Earth.
  7. Secure it on the backups.


    Important! Carefully check the strength of all places of fasteners, especially in the joints by oblique lines.


  8. Lay several boards on the frame by creating lags.
  9. On top, fasten the selected type of floor covering - a sheet of plywood or the paved parts of their separate fragments.


    Important! When using any sawn timber, be sure to prepare them with antiseptic solution to eliminate rapid rotting, drying or destruction of wood during pest attacks. Such an approach will significantly increase the strength of the entire design, and accordingly the safety of the time in the house on the tree.


  10. Collect individual parts of the design - walls, roof, not on the tree, and under it.


    Important! Such a principle of performing all works will ensure the reliability of overlaps and will make it easy to make a solid connection of individual elements.


  11. Consistently rise on the tree part of the wall and roof, fixing them to the platform.
  12. Equip the lifting mechanism.


    Important! If you prefer to the rope method, be sure to check the permissible load on it and the integrity of the rope.


  13. Treat all gaps and cracks with a resin-based sealant to eliminate rain ingestion and ensure the irrepressibility of the room.


    Important! After completing such a simple procedure, you will not only increase the comfort of staying in a tree in a tree to any weather, but also the strength of the entire design, and accordingly, extend the life of its operation.



View the video instruction in which the complete construction process of the house on the tree is shown.


The whole process of building a house on the tree is not complicated in principle and completely for self-assembled design. Another important nuance is the final decoration and arrangement of the internal space.


Here will definite your imagination:

  1. To process external surfaces, give preference to those options that will not enable additional load:
    • color in bright colors;
    • watch vinyl siding.
  2. When furnishing the room, try to make the interior as practical and original, but using heavy items.

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5 replies on how to make a house on the tree do it yourself

  1. Lerochka.:

    It seems to me that it only looks good, but in fact I would be very worried every time my children would be climbed into such a house. They are still small ones, suddenly fall from such a height! What would be quieter to come up with

  2. Sorin.:

    No, well, it is clear that small children can not be sent to play on the tree. Albeit is not a big height, but still a little pleasant if someone falls from there. Let better sports in the fresh air - more benefits will be

  3. Henri.:

    At the expense of sports I agree. I want to do in the spring - to build something like a Swedish wall at the cottage for your twins, only outside the house. Let there play and having fun. Heather will be

  4. Helena:

    Also asked her husband to build something like this for our children, so he would interrogate him? That once he was tired, then something else. And so always

    • Rudolf:

      And you did not think that it was not excuses, and the truth is very tired at work very tired, and even at least you dream to relax peacefully, and you make it all forcing something to do something. So before the conflict in the family is not far away! In general, I do not understand why it is necessary to bring it when in our time at least a house on a tree, even a whole children's playground right ready to order: you can:

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