Swamp plants for decorative reservoir in the country area

June 25. Plot. Views 2575 Comments To record marsh plants for decorative reservoir in the country area No

Decorative swamp today is a modern direction of landscape design. To organize it, it is absolutely optionally the entire country area to turn into a quagger. For registration, it is enough to use several square meters of land, placing special marsh plants on them.


How to make a decorative swamp


To decorate the landscape of the countryside with a small swamp is not at all difficult, while it can be organized anywhere. In plants of swamp soils that you will probably wish to reorganize with water, surface roots system, so the depth can be about 30 cm.

If your swamp is in close proximity to the natural reservoir, the adjacent coast should be made slightly below the water level and limit it from water alcohol using large stones.



1. Originally dig a hole, pour out 5 cm of river sand and check with a film.

2. In the latter, it is necessary to make a pair of drainage holes of 1 cm in diameter, and the thin gravel layer or pebbles should be placed on top.

3. It is desirable to pour the soil mixture on top of them, which should consist of peat and clay.

4. The edges of the film sprinkle the earth and disguise the stones.



  • if your swamp is located in close proximity to the reservoir, then its soil should not contain a large amount of nutrient elements;
  • if the Bolotze is located away from him, then the compost is recommended to add to the soil mixture.

Decorative Bolt Care


1. The decorative swamp should be normally lit by the sun, and the soil be sufficient enough.

2. Do not water it with rigid water, because plants can start root. It is better to make it rain or acidified with well water.

3. Try to maintain constant humidity in your reservoir.

4. Do not plan the rapid growing plants in the decorative swamp. If still without it can not do, then place them in the containers.

5. The swamp is recommended to decorate with bright plants of the local flora, namely forget-me-not, swimsuit, venery, etc.


6. In such a zone, not only marsh plants will feel great, but also those who like moisture: ferns, host, primula, irises, astilba, Badan, rhubarb, and the like.


7. On the edge of the swamp is best located moisthed culture, and more resistant to drying the soil between stones and on hilly shores.

8. Very nice, covered by the perimeter of a big single stones and old snags.


Plants for a decorative swamp



Having arranged in the Dacha Section of the Bolotze, it is necessary to take care that it is harmoniously leaning into space. Enter it in general style will help plants, well-carrying high humidity and perfectly combined with stony slide and mixboarders located next door.

When choosing perennial marsh plants, it is necessary to accurately know the soil parmeters, since high acidity and long-term stagnation can adversely affect the flora.

So, for example, the soils can grow various kylutors, but the tremetes are harder to tame the trees. The ideal option will be moving from the nearest forest bog of the following plants: Puffs, Puffy, Safagnum, Sitnik, Phackle, etc.

Swamp plants: names



In such soils, berry traditional plants, namely, blueberry, bridgeberry, blueberry, lingonberry and cranberry, lingonberry, and a plants of a swamp rod, and a plant of a swamp rod, are excellent. In addition, it is possible to plant and decorative from the Veresskov family - Andromeda, boiled, Gaulteria.

This suburban reservoir can be decorated with marsh medicinal plants, as well as bright local flora: forget-me-not, swimsuit, hoofed European, verbinic, etc. Even in this zone, those cultures that love high humidity will be perfectly feeling great: rhubarb, hostes, Badan, astilbi, primroses and others.

Quite often, the reservoirs are planted and such a plant as AIR Bolotnaya. It blooms in early June with yellow-green flowers, and the height varies from 0.6-1 m. Unusually refined here, the East Quast, reaching 60 cm in height, blooming almost all summer beautiful white inflorescences.

Among the small, namely, the lowest shapes, the simplest and attractive culture is a marsh bow, which pleases in the spring saturated yellow flowers. The spleen cooler sequential vegetates in the same period, but yellowish-green buds, a white-pink-pink flowers of white flowers blooms from July.

As for the Bolotnaya Bellennik, it is considered one of the brightest plants. His fragrance comes from May and June. You can also use such plants such as Veronica and Verbakery.





Many swolate plants are unpretentious enough, so they feel great both in the sun and in the pronted areas, however, they should be made of a good care:

  • in order not to give plants to grow strongly, they must be searched periodically;
  • it is also recommended to remove faded flowers in a timely manner;
  • since the quality and condition of the water of the swamp affects the development of the flora, then the reservoir itself should be cleaned regularly.

Swamp plants for decorative reservoir in the country area:

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