Screed wooden floor with their own hands

September 24. Repair and construction work Views 2768. Comments to write wooden floor screed with your own hands No

Concrete is quite rarely used for alignment of floors made of wood. Many experts argue that it makes no sense to absorb such a heavy monolithic slab. Yes, and during operation, the tree and concrete are not characterized by the ideal "neighborhood".

But sometimes there are options (heating under the floor, laying the tile in the washing structure), when it is rational to use this technology. On how to make a wooden floor screed, we now have a conversation.



Preparation of the foundation

To achieve an excellent result, this technology assumes the presence of a maximum durable floor. If there are sections with a peeling old coating, they must be removed. Cleaning the surface from spots of fat and other contaminants is carried out.

When applying a concrete screed on a wooden floor? All boards must be reliably nailed to lags. If the boards have rotted or bend, they should be replaced with new ones. If there are highly swinging boards, with the help of screws, their additional fastening to lags is carried out. The floor should not be fed or creaked.

If there are cracks between the boards, they are close to parquet putty. You can and independently make a shuttle mixture. For this we will need:

  • oil paint (1 h.);
  • sawdust (4 hours)

Before carrying out a cement screed on the wooden floor, all plinths are removed. To close the slots between the floor and the wall, during the fill of the solution you need to install thin small powder. The gaps between them also put off. After filling and setting the solution, several rolls need to be removed. Without ventilation boards, the boards will be rotten.

Next are carried out:

  • grinding wooden floor;
  • cleaning with the help of a construction vacuum cleaner;
  • processing the surface of the primer.

Floor priming targets:

  • ensuring a better adhesion of the cement mortar with the basis;
  • preventing air bubbles;
  • avoiding water absorption in the floor;
  • improving the leveling of the leveling solution.

Treatment of dry floor primer is performed twice.

Next work is carried out. Zero level is located at any height: from 30 to 70 cm from the old coating. From the zero level at the same distance drawn the line down. Be sure to take into account the thickness of the screed on the wooden floor.


Usually, the standard capacity of the plates from the concrete is in the range of 5 cm. And the 1-centimeter layer of the screed will create a load on 1 m² of a wooden base in the amount of 100-120 kg. Sometimes the design of wood is not able to withstand such a load. In this case, you will have to additionally engage in the replacement of wooden beams on metal chawliers.

Pole waterproofing

There must be an insulating barrier between wooden floors and the future screed. It is a kind of "pallet" made of moisture-proof material. Two material are used for floor insulation of the floor:

  • foamed polystyrene;
  • polyethylene film.

With the help of foamed polystyrene, a ribbon fence is created around the perimeter of the walls. Scotch is used for fastening the material. In the height of the strip of the polystyrene, the screed thickness is 1-2 cm. After installing the finish flooring, the protruding polystyrene is cut, the hole is closed by a plinth.

In addition to the protection against moisture, foamed polystyrene:

  • exhaust soundproof waves;
  • leads to minimal elongation and screed expansion.


The polyethylene film flooring is carried out to 10 cm and with a wall at a wall to 20 cm. The waterproofing material is fixed very neatly. There should be no punctures and breaks. If the hole happened by chance, it is covered with piping from polyethylene with scotch. All joints are also skidded with scotch.

It is believed that the contact of the polyethylene film with wood leads to the formation of fungus and rot. Therefore, most experts claim that it is better to use rolled materials that have a bitumen impregnation as a waterproofing material.

But this is not true. This is explained by the fact that the concrete does not stick to the film from polyethylene. In the course of operation along the borders of waterproofing, together with a concrete tie will "move" and a wooden base. The only requirement when laying a polyethylene film is the pre-treatment of wood by antiseptic and water-repellent primer.

Preparation of solution and lighting installation

After the waterproofing of the wooden floor screed, you can start using metal profiles, which are used as lighthouses to align the surface.

For their installation, it is forbidden to use nails or self-draws. The best way is to lay a solid strip of a concrete solution, which will fit well with a polyethylene film to the floor. When working with lighthouses, the film will not climb and brew.

Preparation of concrete solution is carried out, based on the following amount of materials:

  • cement - 25 kg;
  • sand - 75 kg;
  • water - 6.5-7 l;
  • fibrovolokno - 800-900 gr. / m³.

Between the extreme stripe and the distance, the distance is 25-30 cm. Parallel stripes are located at a distance that makes it easier to spin the right concrete. If the length of the rule is 1.5 m, then the distance between the profiles should be 1.2-1.3 m.


Strengthen the strength of the thick tissue of the floor in a wooden house by using the reinforcing mesh of fiberglass. For its attachment to the floor, you can use metal brackets. But it is better to lay the reinforcing mesh in the process of filling the solution. Since its correct location is approximately in the middle thick of the concrete.

But a more appropriate solution will be the use of fibrovolock, which is added to the solution. It will not be necessary to lay the reinforcing mesh with a loan to the waterproofing material. And in order to correctly place the grid, you will have to fill a concrete solution in two receptions. What will significantly increase the timing of the work.

Pouring solution

Wood is a special material. In addition to many advantages, it has a pretty serious "minus." Wood is capable of decreasing or increased in volume due to fluctuations in temperature and humidity.

The material must "stand out". The finishing of the wooden surface is not carried out immediately after laying the boards. Align the new floor of the wood with a concrete screed can be 3-4 years of its operation.

The pouring of the concrete solution occurs between the mounted beacons. For one day, the screed is done all over the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. It is impossible to pour one part of the room today, and tomorrow - the second. A flooded solution is immediately pierced by a needle roller. All bubbles that reduce the strength of the screed must be removed.

Aligning the surface of the flooded concrete is carried out using the rule. It is desirable that the screed from the first time turned out to be smooth. Otherwise, to eliminate all irregularities when laying outdoor coatings, it will have to once again engage in laying the aligning mixture.


On the quality of the concrete screed also affects the correct process of its drying. To give a screed of maximum strength, for two to three weeks it is wetted with water 2 times a day.

After two days after laying the solution, metal profiles are removed. The places where the beacons were located are processed by primer. If there are emptiness, they are closed with concrete. Fresh screed:

  • wetted by water;
  • covered with plastic film;
  • leaves for two weeks.

Within 4-5 days, concrete floor should be covered with film. The concrete screed must evenly "part" with excess moisture throughout the surface of the surface. It is also necessary that the room is provided with the optimal temperature and humidity.

Video about creating a screed on the wooden floor:

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