Heat resistant plaster: Material features

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Surfaces that are very heated can not be separated by conventional plaster. For example, to add and enjoy the furnace, the special plaster is required - heat-resistant. About this material and what it differs from the rest will be discussed in this article.

What is a heat-resistant plaster

The heat-resistant is called plaster, which is capable of not collapse under the influence of flame. It has the following characteristics:

  • well keeps on many surfaces, including on perfectly smooth. True, plastics in this number is not included. But when applying it on a metal layer from 1 to 2 cm, it will not shock, except to stop serving the designs themselves;
  • no heat-conducting;
  • very reliable. Even if the surface under it is slightly deformed, it will be held;
  • provided that the heat-resistant plaster caused correctly, i.e. The surface was cleared, projected and not allowed to enter outsiders in the mixture, the coating will make even blows of a small force;
  • in case of fire, it is able to restrain the spread of fire.


Heat-resistant plaster of own manufacture for furnaces

So that the oven had aesthetic look, it needs to be stuck. Finished mixtures for plastering is sold enough, but there is nothing supernatural and in their own preparation. Especially since plaster for furnaces is prepared from quite affordable ingredients. All their own prepared compositions are in principle the same, but each liver has its own secret of increasing the strength of the solution.

Recipe number 1:

  • 1 part of clay is taken;
  • 2 pieces of sand are added;
  • 1/10 part of asbestos.

Recipe number 2:

  • clay 1 part;
  • 1 portion of limestone test;
  • sand 2 parts. Well, for the asbestos fortress - 0.1 shares.

Recipe number 3 consists of:

  • 1 h clay;
  • 1 hour cement;
  • 2 h. Sand;
  • 1 tenth of asbestos.

Recipe number 4:

  • 2 h limestone test;
  • gypsum 1 h;
  • 1 h. Sand;
  • 0.1 part of asbestos.

Recipe number 5:

  • 1 part of the gypsum;
  • 2 parts of lime;
  • 1 part of the sand;
  • 0.2 pieces of liquid glass.

The plaster for furnaces is prepared:

  • we find a sieve that particles of more than 0.5x0.5 cm are passed through it;
  • sift the components through it;
  • we put them all in the container;
  • mix, gradually pouring water. According to the consistency, it should remind the dough for the pancakes.

Can be useful:

    1. In the old days, the focus asbestos was not used, and the salt was added to the cooked plaster - gram 200 per bucket. They say that it became very strong.
    2. The solution in which the gypsum is not present is grabbed in 1 hour, but if you want it to make it faster, add a little PVA glue into it.
    3. When you need to slow down the frost, enter a slightly washing powder into the solution.


It will not hurt to know: The amount of sand in the solution is inversely proportional to the fat content of clay - the higher it is higher, the less sand is required.

Some nuances of making a clay solution for stoves will learn, looking at this video:

Features of finished plastering mixtures

Materials ready-made plaster are good because:

  • very plastic. Just applied to the surface and easily distributed;
  • when it is frozen, they can be covered with suitable paint;
  • not cracking, because their expansion coefficient is the same as the brick;
  • for a long time retain aesthetic species;
  • in the case of negative temperatures, the properties are not lost;
  • their price is significantly less than that of other building mixtures.

If you decide to use ready-made materials, you should familiarize yourself with some of their features.

Plaster Heat resistant "Terracot"


Releases this heat-resistant plaster mix of the Russian company TERRACOT. It consists of environmentally friendly components:

  • caline clay mined in the career "Peplinsky";
  • kaolin chamotte dust;
  • heat-resistant binding elements.

Suitable for furnaces made of:

  • chamotte brick;
  • ceramic brick.


  • plastic;
  • does not lose properties to a temperature of 200 degrees C;
  • it has good adhesion;
  • for 1 kV coating. m surface requires 5 kg of mixture, provided that the layer thickness is 0.5 cm;
  • completely safe both in terms of ecology and fire safety.

Possesses such characteristics:

  • it is used at a temperature not lower than 5 and not higher than 35 degrees C;
  • dries over 50 hours;
  • the solution must be used for 60 minutes;
  • it has a column ocher with a gray tint;
  • the mixture is packed in comfortable bags weighing up to 25 kg;
  • per 1 kg of the mixture requires a quarter liter of water;
  • there is a certificate for both compliance and fire safety;
  • it has a stamp for strength M75.

"Pechsk" - heat-resistant plaster

The stucco stucco is also popular with the stucco, the Zhirbow-resistant "Peak" from the Russian manufacturer. It has good characteristics due to its presence in its composition:

  • lime;
  • sand;
  • construction gypsum;
  • asbestos;
  • portland cement;
  • clay;
  • mineral additives.

Plastering the liver use when appliance and repair:

  • stoves;
  • fireplaces;
  • smoke channels.

Further is characterized by the fact that:

  • exceptionally durable;
  • heat-resistant;
  • elastic.

The disadvantage of this heat-resistant plaster is that it cannot be called environmentally friendly, due to the presence in the composition, even if there is a small amount, asbet.


  • application is possible with a minimum plus temperature of 5 degrees C;
  • consumption - 1.5 kg per 1 square meter. m layer 0.1 cm;
  • 1 kg of the mixture is divorced in 340 ml of water;
  • strength - M25;
  • properties are preserved up to a temperature of 600 degrees C.


Heat Rack Plaster Decorbish Fire

It is worth paying attention to another type of heat-resistant plaster - Decorbish.fire from the domestic producer - the production company "Decorietics". It is especially the fact that:

  • the basis of it is Bishofit, which speaks not only about the perfect safety of the material, but also about such a property, how to have a positive effect on the body;
  • it is an integral part of the DECORBISH.fire System system, which includes waterproof varnish, and soil, and paint;
  • taking advantage of these materials in the complex, you can get a wonderful finish of surfaces that are constantly heated.


The process of making a solution is demonstrated here:

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