Clematis: landing, cultivation, care

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One of the modern trends of landscape design is a vertical gardening. This method is characterized by quite high efficiency and practicality when decorating its own area. It is worth noting that not all curly plants can be used in this direction.


Clematis, the cultivation of which does not cause difficulties even among amateur gardeners, are perfect for this purpose. Familiarize yourself with the recommendations of the cultivation of this plant below, in order to properly choose the appropriate look, to land and ensure full-fledged Lian care. In this case, you are guaranteed to place a beautiful landscape site.


What are the types of Clematis?


There are quite a lot of varieties of this plant. To facilitate the task of choice, familiarize yourself in advance with the distinctive features of some of the most popular options:

  1. Solidistic. This group make up a reprehension shrubs, the ground part of which dies rates for the winter. Due to this, care for Clematis of this species is quite simple. The form of the leaves of this Clematis is simple, the dimensions reach 8 cm in diameter. The profitability of its landing you will appreciate the second year of development due to the lush flowering of purple shade from the beginning of June until the end of July. 1273589670_Klematis-Celnolistnyj.
  2. Borshicolous. The shrubs of this species are characterized by three leaves up to 15 cm long. The shape of the inflorescences of the pale-blue spike is similar to the hyacinth, but the size of the flowers is quite large - up to 3 cm. The period of intensive flowering falls on August. 144903_41E4AA39
  3. Brown. In our latitude is grown relatively recently, unlike his homeland - the Far East. Such plants refer to the departure of semi-staple Liana, the height of which varies within 2 meters. The shape of a length of 7 cm long - troops. It is quite interesting and originally like such clematis, the colors of which have a form of drooping bells with a length of 2.5-3 cm with a white omission along the edges. The appearance of lush colors will have to wait 3-4 years. pOST-14100-1206325088.
  4. Virginia. The homeland of this Liana is North America. When growing in natural climatic conditions, up to 10 meters are lengthened during the development process. When planting Clematis in our latitude, the height indicator often does not exceed 1 m. Despite this, the Virginsky variety finds its admirers thanks to a particularly beautiful three-dimensional form of brilliant foliage with jar on the edges and a saturated herbal shade, as well as thick silver inflorescences of several small buds. In addition, it is worth noting a rather long period of flowering - from July to late September. Clematisvirginiana.
  5. Paniculate. This species belongs to the group of late-leewamental Lian, the standard large blurred binding inflorescences of the White Shade are blown in September - October. The shoots themselves quickly grow up and wrapped the supports, firmly fastening them thanks to the resulting stuffs. The length of such a liana often reaches 10-12 meters, which makes it possible to equip with its help sufficiently large landscape forms. The multilayer structure of the leaves is given a special originality of appearance. Flowering can be waited by the second year of growth in your site. Clematispaniculata.
  6. Purple. Natural environment for such Clematis - Mountain Caucasus and Small Asia. Nevertheless, in the middle lane, this species also quickly carries out and is not distinguished by special fortunefulness in care. Closeing of Clematis of this species is also executed according to the standard rules. The leaves of this liana are very elegant, filament, formed from 5-7 parts. Single wide flowers of a saturated blue-purple shade are completely disclosed and acquired a rounded form with a diameter of up to 5 cm in the period from June to September. Usually bloom occurs only 3-4 years after landing. clematis_Viticella
  7. Tangutsky. The shrub of this species is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful wilderous clematis. The natural environment for it is the stony slopes of China and Central Asia. Curish light green leaves in 5-8 cm and numerous golden flowers in the form of bells with a diameter of 3 cm, will not leave you indifferent. The appearance of inflorescences should be expected from 2 years of cultivation, in June and up to September. Olympus Digital Camera.

    Important! When choosing a particular type of clematis take into account the fact that most of the plants reach maximum appeal in the third year of development. During this period, the shoots reach a length sufficient to completely wrap support, and saturation and density provide a density of green cover. 1273458242_fargezioides

Another principle of classification clematis - the principle of formation of inflorescences. On this basis distinguish 3 groups:

  • the appearance of flower buds on the shoots of the current year;
  • the development of flowers on the branches last season;
  • combined species in which buds are formed, and in last year, and new shoots. clematis_dr_ruppel

What are the colors of clematis?


The color scheme of this liana inflorescence is quite diverse. This allows not only to choose the most suitable on color variety for cultivation in combination with other plants, but also very beautiful to issue a certain territory, combining only a few varieties of clematis.


Most often, there are plants with flowers of several variations of the following colors:

  • pink;
  • blue;
  • purple;
  • purple;
  • yellow;
  • red;
  • silver;
  • lilac. 11(3)

    Important! To pre-alone appreciate the extraordinary appeal of this type of bushes, clematis view all photos posted in the article.


Popular varieties of clematis


In order not to get lost among the huge variety available today varieties of clematis, view offers the following list of the most popular for planting in the conditions of southern and northern latitude of options:

  • Biryuzinka;
  • East;
  • Olympics-80;
  • Silver stream;
  • Anniversary; 977cac
  • Mme Eduard Andre;
  • victoria;
  • Gipsy Queen;
  • Pink Fantasy;
  • Piilu; 103
  • Hagley Hibrid;
  • Comtesse de Bouchaud;
  • hania;
  • Atragene macropetala;
  • Atragene alpine. Klematis-5

Clematis in landscape design


Given the variety of species and the general distinctive features of Clematis, the use of this shrub in landscape design covers quite a lot of different directions.

Olympus Digital Camera.

Check out the most popular solutions to determine your unique idea of \u200b\u200blanding Clematis:

  1. Sharply species are advisable to use for the design of the trellis and a steller.
  2. Plants with long escapes are perfect for decorating facades of buildings, framing posts, arbors and decorative stairs on the site.
  3. The species of varieties are original enough and at the same time will extremely attractive to look at the lawn.
  4. Curly lianas with thick foliage Apply to the decoration of the garden territory or protect seats of rest from blown winds, dust and scoring sunlight. Clematis-1.

    Important! Browse the video overview of how you can apply Clematis in landscape design, on the example of the finished project.

Where to plant Clematis?


So that shrubs fully developed and at the same time care for Clematis did not take a long time, be sure to follow the recommendations regarding the choice of landing site. SOUG5

Requirements in this regard are fairly simple, so you will not be difficult to choose the appropriate territory, even if the whole area zone does not differ in a large area:

  1. Prefer the south side.
  2. With respect to the number of incoming sun rays, focus on suitable conditions for the specific variety you chose, as some Clematis are accepting shady zones, others, on the contrary, feel better in scoring rays.
  3. Determine the plot protected from blowable winds.
  4. The soil for cultivation of Clematis is suitable for a sublinous, not very acidic, with good moisture permeability. Clematis Tangutica.

Important! Certically unacceptable landing of clematis on heavy, saline soils or wetlands.


  1. If the groundwater is located close to the surface on your site, select the area that is located on the hill, otherwise the root system of shrub will rotate soon.
  2. When solving, combine Clematis with other types of perennial plants, be sure to distinguish between the site with sufficient intervals between the landing places, otherwise the shrubs will interrupt the development of each other and constantly fight for the territory. clematis_Virginiana.

Important! It is impossible to plant this liano close to the wall or fence of practical purpose. Hold up a distance of up to 30 cm, otherwise, due to the unfavorable conditions of the soil near the building and the constant flow of water during precipitation, the plants will soon die.

What to choose seedlings?


To ensure good survival rate of Clematis, pay special attention to choosing suitable seedlings. Purchase those that match the following characteristics:

  1. Age - 1-2 years.
  2. The presence of a long thin stem up to 20 cm long for varieties that do not die on the winter.
  3. A full-fedly developed bundle of root processes with several sprouts and woken kidneys for those species that are completely cut in front of the cold. clematis

When to plant Clematis?

Suitable time to landing the shrub of this species, determine several criteria:

  • species of seedlings;
  • climatic conditions. 34467135-A_971_1507

Store the following recommendations:

  • if the climate is soft enough or the site is located in the southern strip, land the Clematis at any convenient time in autumn or spring;
  • when transplanting seedlings in the northern regions with harsh winters, spend all the work on the construction of the site by this plant exclusively in spring, in April-May;
  • saplings with an open root system are familiar to the spring or autumn;
  • the transplant of shrubs from containers is permissible to spend in any season, except for winter. 3199345.vivian_pennel

Methods of breeding

When solving, multiply Clematis, select the most convenient way for you from the following:

  • pinning shoots in spring;
  • division of bushes;
  • preparations. huge.

Preparing support


To help bushes, faster develop and create really attractive landscape forms, be sure to create a pre-support for Clematis, one of the ways that are acceptable for you:

  • installing a choler;
  • bumping pillars;
  • formation of a rare bleeding. oDERTALJE.

    Important! Be sure to consider the fact that shoots are tightly wrapped with supports, and the density of foliage provides a high density of cover. Therefore, when choosing a decorative suitivated form, certainly consider the technology of shooting on the winter of Lian in such a way as not to damage them or prefer the supports of the simpler geometry.


Rules landing

The landing procedure is short and not much different from landing perennial shrubs. However, in order to fulfill all the works competently before planning Clematis, read the rules below.



  1. Determine the seats at the calculation of the need to withstand the gaps between the individuals of 1.5-2 meters.

    Important! Perform the marking of the territory and the preparation of the pit in advance, if possible, a year before Clematis, to the open area, so that the fertilizers have managed to have a soil. Clematis-Jackmanii1-520x390.

  2. Drop the pits with a height of up to 0.7-1 meters, with a diameter of 0.6 m.
  3. Create drainage at the bottom of the recess, especially if the soil is heavy, as follows:
    • form the sand layer at 3-5 cm;
    • create a stony layer of broken brick and rubble with a thickness of 10-15 cm.
  4. Prepare their dug ground soil like this recipe:
    • soil - 2 parts;
    • sand - 1 part;
    • peat - 1 part;
    • humid or compost - 2 parts.
  5. In each landing pit, additionally contribute:
    • 150 grams of universal mineral fertilizer;
    • 200 grams of dolomite flour;
    • 2 glasses of wood ash.
  6. Fill in the deepening under the transplantation of the Clematis cooked ground mixture by 2/3.
  7. Install the supports. Ville_de_lyon1
  8. Immediately before landing, handle the roots of Clematis 2-3 hours in cold water.
  9. At the bottom of each pit, form a small hill.
  10. Install seedlings in the pit, carefully placing the root processes along the hill.
  11. Put the earth so that the root neck is blown by 5-10 cm.
  12. Abundantly spinning each bush.
  13. Tighten the propeller with a layer of 3-5 cm from peat or wood chips. clematis_Big

    Important! After the seedlings have taken root, plant the decorative low growth flowers around them to protect the fully fastened fully root system from scoring sunlight. LD-2010-08-Klematis-03


Review the video in which the example of the correct landing of Clematis is clearly shown to eliminate the appearance of questions directly when performing work.

Clematis care features


Create a beautiful and extraordinary landscape when growing Clematis, you will succeed only if you correctly organize care for this Lian. The full complex includes the usual procedures necessary for any plant, distinctive nuances lick only in the required frequency of their conduct.

Care rules:

  • Regular watering for at least 1 time per week, and with sultry heat - 2-3 procedures. The intensity is determined by the depth of impregnation of soil moisture - at least 50 cm.
  • During the absence of a layer of mulch, loose ground when drying it to prevent cracking and growing weeds. 0_1097D_D274AAA4_-1-L
  • Plant feeding 1 time in 2 weeks during the growing season.
  • Young seedlings in the spring are tapping to ease their germination in height.
  • Timely spend the trimming of Clematis, removing in the spring or late autumn all last year's gains almost to the level of soil. Each stem cut over a couple of strong kidneys. IMG_6209.
  • For the winter, be sure to create a shelter for shrubs using such materials for this purpose:
    • fallen dry leaves of Clematis;
    • napnik;
    • wooden shields;
    • polyethylene film. LD-2010-08-Klematis-02
      Important! Do not use wood sawdust as a shelter material - they contribute to the compatibility of plants due to the lack of opportunity to remove the simply disintegrating layer in a timely manner. clematis


View the video example, how to properly perform pruning and form a shelter for the winter for Clematis.


Regardless of how precisely, you preferred, you will certainly appreciate the correctness of your decision to decorate the plot of Clematis. The main condition is to carefully familiarize themselves with the main rules of competent cultivation and strictly follow them throughout the entire period of the development of shrubs.

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