Warming of a metal garage with their own hands. How to choose a garage insulation

February 11. Interior decoration, Useful advice, Repair and construction work, Walls and partitions Views 1411 Comments To write the insulation of the metal garage with their own hands. How to choose a garage insulation No

The design of metallic garages has become quite popular at the end of the last century. Her advantages in comparison with the capital structure quite a lot. When it is installed, it is not necessary to build a capital foundation, since the weight of the entire garage rarely exceeds 1-2 tons. Collable models are very easily mounted by the hands of two people in one day and, if necessary, can be moved to any place. The cost of metal garages is several times cheaper than structures of brick or concrete blocks.

However, along with the advantages, metal garages have their drawbacks, the main of which is a large thermal inertia. Even from the school year of physics, it is known that steel has an excellent thermal conductivity, which means heats up and cooled very quickly. Such sharp temperature drops do not affect the condition of the car very well, it can be seen in winter. With severe frost, the temperature in the garage is very reduced, which leads to difficulties with the start of the engine. Solve the problem of energy efficiency of the metal garage can be insulated. On how to warm the metal garage correctly - we will tell further.

What you need to know about the warming of a metal garage


Consider what you need to know about the warming of the garage primarily:

  • When conducting work on the warming insulation, you can not overdo it. Optimal car storage in winter + 5 ° C. A too big difference between the readings of the thermometer outside and indoors will result in condensate on the paintwork, which is very bad for the car. It is better to raise the temperature in the garage to a positive mark, but its difference with the street must be minimal.
  • Also, with the insulation of the garage, many close up all the holes and cracks, up to the ventilation channels. Usually make it mounting foam. This is a common error that can lead to the sad consequences for the body of the car. After the rain or snow, the body of the car when it sets it into the garage is quite wet. Excess moisture should evaporate and weathered through natural ventilation, so it is impossible to close it. In addition, the lack of normal ventilation in the garage can lead to poisoning of fuel and automotive chemistry.
  • With the insulation of the metal garage, the question often arises: insulate outside or inside. The last option will definitely lead to the loss of the useful area, which in the conditions of the standard design is quite critical. Yes, and some types of insulation should not be applied inside, as they support burning.

Next, consider how the metal garage can be insulated.

Types of insulation that are used to insulate a metal garage


Currently, a wide range of materials is used to insulate the garage, each of which has its own properties, a feature of laying and cost.

  • Glass wool. This insulation has been known for a long time and is mainly used for thermal insulation of pipelines and attics. In comparison with mineral wool Glass wool is somewhat cheaper. However, it does not tolerate moisture. If water gets to the surface of the insulation, it can be simply discarded. Therefore, when laying it should take care of a reliable waterproofing. Another problem is the glass laying. Working with her is only possible with the use of leggings and points, otherwise injuries can not be avoided.
  • Mineral wool. One of the most popular modern heaters. In addition to the insulation it provides "breathing" of the walls, which reduces the likelihood of condensation on the walls. When laying mineral wool inside a metal garage necessarily fit vapor barrier. This material is perfectly suitable for both external and internal insulation. In the first case it applies high density material (up to 220 kg / m 3), Can be used inside wool density 180 kg / m 3. The best among the heaters considered basalt wool.


  • Styrofoam. Perfect for external thermal insulation of buildings and parking garages. It has a low weight, easy to install and, most importantly, cheaper alternative insulation. Particularly appreciated moisture foam, as well as its easy handling. The most preferred among species is extruded polystyrene. He has a higher density, do not miss the steam, and can last up to 30 years. Deficiencies in several Styrofoam. He fears sunlight, so it is required to apply the surface layer of plaster. In addition, it will support combustion, so insulate them from inside the garage is not desirable. For interior decoration, you can use self-extinguishing expanded polystyrene PSB-S. In the absence of a flame source it is attenuated after 4-5 seconds.


  • Reflective insulation. Characterized by the fact that on their front side has a layer of foil, which reflects infrared light into the room. Due to the thickness of the insulation is much less than that of mineral wool, which is very important for steel garages. However, it has a relatively high cost, and does not prevent heat loss during convection.
  • Heat insulation paint. This is one of the most technological types of insulation. It is an acrylic paint with the addition of rubber fibers and heat-insulating polymers. For a metal garage, this is the best kind of insulation. With a layer of just 1 mm, it provides thermal insulation comparable with 50 mM mineral wool. This significantly reduces the loss of the area. However, it is worth noting that the cost of such insulation will be rather big.

Warming of the walls of the metal garage


Most often for the insulation of the garage, the outer cladding of the walls of the foam is performed. This option is the most optimal, given its operational characteristics and cost. However, if additional furnaces are used for heating the garage, or there are other equipment that can heat up to high temperatures, then in this case, the foam should be replaced with mineral wool.


The order of the outer insulation of the walls of the garage of the foam is as follows:

  1. First of all, ventilation should be equipped in the garage. This requires the installation of an additional fan capable of causing forced air circulation. Thanks to high-quality equipment, it is possible to prevent the formation of cracks in the sheets of material appearing due to the presence of a strong temperature difference in the room and behind its walls in winter.
  2. Next, the walls of the garage from the outside are cleaned from garbage, dust, old coating. If there are cracks or other surface defects, they should be eliminated using a plaster mix.
  3. Then the purified surface should be projected. Usually one layer of applying a primer mixture is enough, however, in some cases an additional layer of primer may be required. Thanks to the primer layer, the clutch of the working surface with the adhesive composition, which is attached to foam sheets.
  4. Next, select the material for wall cladding. It is necessary to take sheets of foam, which have high strength and surface thickness of at least 50 mm.
  5. A glue composition is applied to the surface of each sheet of foam with a spatula. The material is placed in a checker order. Stamp from the bottom row. It is necessary to install foams to perform so that between the sheets of the material of the clearances were minimal.
  6. When the glue dries, the sheets of foam should still be fixed with dowels. Next, the surface of the foam is covered with a spanking mixture. It should be used to use a putty reinforced with fiberglass mesh. The grid is "pressed" in a layer of putty.
  7. The last step is made of decorative spacion layer. For this, high-quality facade plasters are used. Then the working surface is painted with facade paint. The paint and varnish mixture should be applied in 2-3 layers.


According to the same method, the garage is insulation with mineral wool, siding, moisture-resistant gypsum fiber sheets, plastic. At the same time, siding, plastic and drywall are attached to a pre-made metallic frame.

Next, consider how to insulate the garage cheap from the inside:

  1. First of all, as in the case of insulation of walls outside, the forced ventilation in the garage should be equipped with a fan. Thus, fresh air will always be present indoors. Next, you should clean the working surface from dust, dirt, the remains of the old coating.
  2. Then the frame of plasterboard is made, which will further be mounted a facing insulating coating. Plasterboard sheets are attached to UD and CD profiles that are installed at a distance of 250 mm from each other. Instead of plasterboard, you can use asbestosolok.
  3. Mineral wool or other cotton heaters are used as the heat insulator. They should be tumped into the gap between the wall of the garage and sheets of plasterboard.
  4. Thermal insulating layer is laid on top of the thermal insulation layer. The membrane is suitable as a vaporizolator. It is mounted close to the Minvati layer.
  5. Next, the lined surface is placed and covered with paint-thermal insulator.
  6. If necessary, the slots formed in the process of laying sheets of plasterboard sheets should be bleed by mounting foam.

If you are interested in the question of how to choose a heater for the walls of the garage, which will be an alternative to plasterboard, then consider even the options for applying to the surface of the insulation paint, foamed polyurethane or the possibility of fastening on the walls of foam sheets.

Warming of garage doors


To the issue of the insulation of the garage gate should be approached with a special responsibility, because it is here that there are large gaps and gaps, through which the cold air can penetrate.

The order of insulation of the garage gate is as follows:

  1. Initially, it is worth cutting into one of the door sash an extra door. It will be required to have the opportunity to visit the garage room, without opening the main gate.
  2. For the warming of the gate, it is recommended to use a thin plastic or foam. And the opening in the garage gates is best closed with a thick plastic film. It will keep heat residues in the garage room. In addition, the film will not be able to interfere with the car departure.
  3. To protect the entry from cold air, the polyethylene film is cut by thin stripes, 25 cm wide. Fix strips from above using a construction stapler. There should be no gaps between the canvas. Better, on the contrary, so that the strips come to the penetration alone on another - about 1 cm.
  4. For fastening the foam on the panels of the garage gate, the frame is pre-equipped with a frame, as in the case of the outer insulation of the garage walls. Excellent material for the construction of the frame will be sheets of OSP. The slots formed between the sheets of foam plastic are close using a mounting foam or adhesive tape.
  5. Between the crate and sheets of foam can be laid a layer of waterproofing. This is recommended to use rubber seals.

How to insulate the roof of the garage


The roof of the garage roof insulation:

  1. Inspect the garage room for the designation of overlap designs. If floors are made of wooden beams, the panel fixing foam is best to use nails or dowels.
  2. If the floors are made of concrete, it is necessary to equip the crate, which is then fastened the foam sheets. metal corners used for construction of the carcass. They are mounted using screws and dowels.
  3. Another embodiment of a heater for a garage roof, except foam is fiber insulation. In this case, it is essential to pave the layer of steam and water proofing.
  4. Above the heat-insulating covering covered anisepticheskimi mixtures.
  5. The seams between the sheets of covering material are sealed by means of putty mixtures. Then, the entire surface is covered with decorative plaster and painted.

Thermal insulation of the floor in the garage

The heat insulation of the floor in the garage is necessary in rare cases, for example, when under the garage is not provided for the presence of a basement for storing vegetables. In this case, under the height of the garage, the heat-insulating layer of rubble and sand should be laid. The thickness of the thermal insulation layer should be at least 15 cm. From above, a crumb and sandy pillow is poured by a layer of concrete screed.

Warming Metal Garage: Video

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