Laying tiles on a porch

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Decoration of any construction will serve as well designed decorated and lined porch tiles. Featuring a beautiful and practical finish, you can successfully add a general view of the facade, giving it solidity and respectability. As basic requirements for this tile coating, movement safety, as well as reliability and durability of the design. You will need to adhere to the technology of laying tiles, and then such a finish will last for a long time.

How to choose a porch tile

To finish the surface of the steps, you will need to choose the appropriate facing material. Choosing a suitable tile on the porch on the street, you should pay attention to its characteristics:

  • durability and wear resistance tiles during operation - it is necessary that it is sufficiently solid, shockproof and scratch-resistant. It should be noted that the glossy tile for the steps of the porch is less resistant to scratches than matte. In addition, pay attention to the abrasion resistance indicator, on which the wear resistance of the tile depends. Its value manufacturers indicate the package - this coefficient may vary from i to V;
  • the structure of the surface of this finishing material - for a safe walk on the porch, it is required that the horizontally laid tile for steps has anti-slip properties. To do this, ask the slip of the slip coefficient, which is marked with the letter R. The higher the value of the tile surface with the better clutch with the shoe soles. To protect yourself from injuries, it is recommended to choose not slippent tiles for the porch with the highest possible value of this indicator. On certain types of facing material, special ribs that prevent slipping can be provided;
  • in addition, to lay tiles on the porch it is necessary to choose a tile resistant to cold. If the designation in the form of a snowflake is present on the packaging of the finishing material, it means that such a tile is frost-resistant;
  • it is also necessary to draw attention to the stability of the tile to the effects of adverse weather conditions, atmospheric precipitation, mold and fungus, as well as aggressive chemicals. For facing the porch, the tile with the label "AA" is optimally suited.

Such properties have a number of facing materials. The most popular is the trim of the porch, laid out of paving slabs, porcelain stoneware or clinker tiles.

In addition, when choosing a finish, you need to focus on the aesthetic appearance of the porch. Experts recommend choosing a tiled material of a small size, as it is easier to replace it with damage. It will also be needed to understand the intricacies of using the other facing material, familiarizing yourself with ways, how to put tiles on the porch. With insufficiently careful observance of technology, individual tiles can crack and disconnect from the base. To lay the tile on the porch with your own hands, it is convenient to use elements with a rounded surface on which the load when walking is distributed most uniformly. In addition, such a cladding of the porch with tiles looks very harmonious.

outdoor tiles and steps

Featuring the tile of ordinary shape, with cladding it will be necessary thoroughly, without voids to fill the space with a solution under it. Retreats of the porch can be fed by any suitable tile or mosaic. When choosing a tile texture, it is worth considering that relief patterns look great on the stand, but in the conditions of the street the surface of such a tile can be clogged with dust and mud - and it will require frequent cleaning. The most attractive looks facing the porch with whole elements. If necessary, for the edge of the steps you can take out hanging no more than 2-3 cm from the edge of the tile.

Tile species for the porch


Available different types of tiles for outdoor work suitable for facing the porch:

  • paving;
  • tile on a concrete and ceramic basis;
  • porcelain;
  • clinker.

Ceramic tile

Due to the presence of suitable technical characteristics, this facing material is widely used for finishing the porch. Thanks to the use of a special firing technology, as a result of treatment with a mass consisting of clay, quartz sand, field spat and outlet water, it turns out extremely durable, moisture resistant, resistant to mechanical damage and abrasion tile. Porcelain stoneware is a material without a gloss, a homogeneous structure, evenly painted throughout the thickness. Such a tile for the porch is not afraid of temperature drops and is characterized by frost resistance. The surface of this material can be given any form. For facing, the steps is optimally suitable, not polished and not sliding surface, as well as corrugated and with a bulk pattern. The tile of porcelain stoneware is characterized by durability, resistant to abrasion and is ideal for external work, including for the paving roads and lining facing. The disadvantages of this cladding material include its sufficiently high cost.


Clinker tile

This facing material is produced by plying through a special form or pressing with a single firing tile with a compacted base. The clinker tile for the porch is distinguished by high indicators of moisture and wear resistance, as well as mechanical strength, resistant to temperature drops and the effects of aggressive chemicals. Thus, this facing material is perfect for facing outdoor steps. Thanks to the special production technology, you can make clinker tiles of any shapes and sizes. Such a tiled surface is comfortable to wash and clean.

Paving tile

By lickying the paving slabs, you can get a beautiful and practical coating for the porch. Often the owners of country houses are laying off the porch with the same tile, which was used for paving tracks and sites on the site. Concrete paving slabs can be painted in various tones - in this case, the color will have to refresh at least once every two years. It should be noted that such a tile can not be sprinkled with salt in winter to remove ice, otherwise it can damn facing.

How to bile a porch tiled

After examining in detail the information how to lay a porch tile, you can proceed directly to the execution of facing works. They must be carried out from top to bottom, ranging from the threshold, processing a stepted step in a step. To finish the porch, we will need to use glue designed for outdoor work (for example, Ceresit CM17 or CM117). For reliable gluing, you can also use a special waterproofing mixture (Ceresit CR65 or CR66) - this composition is characterized by water-repellent properties, therefore, the moisture will not be able to penetrate the glue structure.

Preparation of the base of the porch under the cladding

First, it will be necessary to align the surface of the porch with a layered screed. At the same time, it is necessary to provide a small slope (at least 1.5 °) on the threshold so that rainwater does not accumulate on the surface of the porch. Steps can be given a slope due to glue or solution. Thrust and cracks on the surface of the facing should be pre-embedded using cement-sandy solution.

Most convenient to prepare the surface of the porch under the finish during construction. Otherwise, such preparation will require considerable effort. The finished concrete base of the porch cannot be applied to a conventional cement-sand tie with a slope, as it can be detached from concrete along with the fastened tile. That this does not happen, on the concrete surface of the porch, it is necessary with the help of a dowel or mounting brackets to secure the metal plaster grid or the usual chain grid of a wire with a thickness of several millimeters. Such reinforcement connects the tile surface into a single array and will subsequently avoid peeling the tile. Next, it will be necessary to set lighthouses to track the slope - it is fairly convenient to make them out of a mixture of sand with tiled glue and then immerse in the screed.

After that, the prepared frame is necessary in series from the threshold until the beginning of the first step apply a layer of cement-sandy solution and a layer of tiled glue. This screed must be left for a complete burden during the day. The deceiving concrete base for lining must be checked for the subject of chosel and cracks, stabbing, and also eliminate the defects if necessary. After that, it is necessary to clean the surface from dust and rebound. To do this, it is recommended to use an aqueous solution of PVA glue - this liquid is conveniently applied using a wide brush mellover.

Laying tiles

Waving to get drying the primer, spread the tile on the porch. It is recommended to begin glue it from the threshold. In the best way it will look a porch, lined with solid tiles. If there is no such possibility, it will be necessary to trim the tile (no more than 20-30% of size) and put it on the edges. Small elements of the tile may worsen the appearance of the porch, besides, such cladding parts can be seized under the action of significant loads during the operation of the porch.

Planning how to put a tile on the porch, it is worth considering that in this case it will be necessary to fix it on the base surface without voids. Considering the specifics of the outer flowing surface, it is necessary to use a significant layer of the adhesive mixture - it is necessary to lay it in such a way that the excess glue completely filled the assembly lumets. If the tile fell unevenly or you fear that the fixation turned out to be fragile, remove this coating element and step it again. Excess glue, causing beyond the limits of the seams and falling on the front surface of the tile, it is necessary to remove immediately, since the adhesive mixture is frozen very quickly.

Next, you will need to perform the following sequence of actions:

  • prepare the risers - so that the steps and the side of the surface of the porch were strong enough, the space under the hanging tile must be strengthened by filling it with a solution. The ends of the steps can be aligned with the help of an angular stencil. Deep risers need to be reinforced, consolidating the remnants of the mesh or trimming of metal reinforcement. After that, the ends should be filled with a layer of glue mixture, and after drying it - cement mortar;
  • next, while the end surface of the porch dries, it is necessary to decompose the tile on the steps and make them cladding. After finishing the surface of each step, it is necessary to perform the procedure for filling its end;
  • after drying the treated surfaces, the ends can be decorated with laying mosaic, stone or tiles. Facing the ends should be started with corners - cropped tiles;
  • you can then carry out the grout of the seams - for this it is necessary to use frost-resistant compounds designed for external work. The corners of the porch is easy to strengthen with thin metal corners planted for special glue.

Thus, taking into account all the characteristics of the laying technology, the porch will look solid and respectable - and will serve you for many years.

Tile on the porch - Photo

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