Design of children's room for boy and girls

August 13. Interior decoration, Useful advice Views 877. Comments To write a children's room design for a boy and girls No

Children's design selection is always "headache" for parents. After all, along with a beautiful appearance, this room should differ in its functionality. It should be combined with a place to rest, zone for classes and a playground. Particularly acute problem is in case children two or more, and they are different.

How to create a children's room design for a girl and a boy is below.

What room to give to children


For a large apartment in which four or more rooms, problems with the choice of premises for all-choice children practically does not exist. Each of them stands out around the room, which is separated by a particular child. Problems arise if the area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment does not allow to provide each child a separate room. In this case, the largest room is highlighted for children. The fact is that for a boy and girls whose interests every year will go to different directions, it is necessary to arrange separate zones so that each of them has its own secluded corner. That is why the area must be appropriate. In addition to its separate zone, for children you need to organize a sports corner and a playground. The latter are a prerequisite for the normal physical development of children.

In the room where the girl and boy will be located together, there must be enough light. Since children will have to do their homework, they should have as much natural light as possible. Otherwise, the risk of reducing visual acuity will increase greatly. Therefore, it is desirable not to allocate the room to the room with the northern location of the window, there will be no light there.

Under the nursery is better to highlight the room closer to the bathroom. In this case, the children will be easier, and their parents will lower the constant running. However, it will be necessary to think about sound insulation so as not to interfere with the children to sleep. At an early age, they sleep quite sensitively. In the regions with cold winters, the children's room is chosen the most warm. If necessary, you can mount the "warm floor" system or add a few ribs of heating batteries. It is also necessary to pay attention to the windows. There should be no drafts in the room. If old frames do not meet the requirements of energy saving, they must be replaced with modern double-glazed windows.

Children's interior selection for a boy and girls


When the room is already chosen, you need to think about it.

Floor. Flooring should be strong enough. Children in the game of the game can turn the most expensive parquet in the soul of parents of the spectacle. Therefore, when repairing a children's room, it is necessary to guide not "beauty", but practicality. For example, so favorite some carpet, will not quite fit as pubisted. It needs constant care. Otherwise, the soft coating will become a "dust collector". Yes, and spots from food or markers from carpet is much harder to delete.

The most optimal coating for the children's room is linoleum. It is not expensive, it is perfectly stacked and has excellent performance. Even the strongest pollution from the linoleum is removed with a simple damp cloth. A large number of models has a warmed substrate, which will be excellent, if the apartment is concrete floor.

A more beautiful, but less practical option can be laminate. However, in this case, it is necessary to select special models with a gap gap. They allow laminate boards without problems to expand when moisture getting. In the absence of gap, the laminate can simply appear. And the kids getting moisture to the floor will be guaranteed.

Walls. Wallpaper is best fit for decoration walls. Firstly, the cost of them is not too high, and secondly, they will not throw them a lot of work. For all-choice children, it is better to choose a neutral color with the same universal pattern. If the area of \u200b\u200bthe room allows you to separate each individual zone in different styles. However, in this case, the style of design for the girl and for the boy should not conflict among themselves. Otherwise, everything will look pretty and naryapisto. So that this does not happen, it is better to resort to the help of a professional designer.

Ceiling. The ceiling is better to do suspended. A beautiful sky with embedded spotlights in the form of stars is guaranteed to enjoy both a boy and a girl. Recently, stretch ceilings received great popularity. They look really amazing, but a variety of colors and drawings can help add any interior. However, the only disadvantage of stretch ceilings is their fear of mechanical damage. Unsuccessful throwing ball or toys can deliver a large number of problems. Therefore, for children, especially if two children live in it, this option is not quite acceptable. Suspended ceiling can be made of plasterboard. Even small damage can be corrected using a simple putty.

Children's furniture in a room for a boy and a girl


For the children's room, the correct selection and placement of furniture items is very important. Not only the convenience for the small owners themselves, but also their well-being. For each "personal zone" of a boy or girl, the illumination ideally should be the same. Therefore, to place the details of the furniture better in places equidistant from the window.

Bed. Beds in children are one of the most important elements of furniture. Their quality and convenience depends on how well the child can relax after a busy day. Bunk beds can be the most optimal option for small apartments. They are more efficient and functional with a lack of useful space. For the girl and boy beds must be separate. Moreover, on the lower tier, you can equip the work area with a desk and a small locker, and on the upper bed. At the same time, on a relatively small area, you can accommodate a lot of useful things. If the beds are selected bunk, special attention should be paid to their strength and safety to avoid child injuries. The mattress for a children's bed must be pretty tough, so that the skeleton of the child develops correctly. It is better to give preference to modern orthopedic models. Though they are more expensive, but the child will subsequently will not have health problems.

When the beds are selected, it is necessary to determine the order of their installation. There are several bed layout schemes:

  • Mr.
  • Parallel walls.
  • Perpendicular to the walls.

With a narrow and long room, it is advisable to place the bed along the passage parallel to the walls. Also, in this case, you can arrange the bed "Tram", that is, each other, dividing them with a small bedside table. With a M-shaped placement of beds, you must ensure that the children sleep their heads to each other.


Desk. This is the second most important element in the children's room. For him, schoolchildren will spend a lot of time, performing homework. That is why it should be quite comfortable for the child not tired during class. The height of the table must be chosen taking into account the growth of children. The most optimal solution will be the purchase of a full-fledged table and the hardened chair. The installation of this object of furniture is made in the most illuminated place to reduce the frequency of use of artificial light. The latter does not have too favorably affect the vision of the child.

The boy and the girl should have a separate table. If the room is too small to install full-fledged tables, you can consider the possibility of mounting sliding. They are located along the wall and can be folded as needed, freeing the place for games. If the area allows, then the tables can be put opposite each other. So, psychologists argue that when classrooms are classified, children will in this case be much less distracted.

Cupboard. Children must need their own space for storing personal belongings. If the children's room is small, you can install a small closet, but it should be divided into two separate half. In this case, it can only be stored for the necessary things.

Swedish wall. Very important attribute for children. He acts as a sports projectile and as a battery of children's energy, while the latter has not moved to more valuable things. Modern sports walls are equipped with several shells: horizontal bar, bars, rings. So the kids will definitely be accumulated by positive without prejudice to parents.

If the area allows, in the children's bedroom for a boy and girls, you can put several items of upholstered furniture. Various baffies in the form of huge soft toys, a small sofa will make the design of the children's room with a variety of and cozy.

Finishing zones in a room for a boy and girls


If each of the children's zones is separated from each other, you can make it different finish. For a boy, it can be wallpapers in brighter tones with pictures, posters on the subject of favorite cartoons, sports stylistics. The girl is better suitable for calm tones. Her personal space should rather resemble the princess rest, be warm and cozy. To create interesting and attractive interiors, you can use 3 D appliqué in various styles. The gaming zone can be separated in a neutral style that would be well combined with the personal space of children.

Children's for a boy and girls: photo






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