We build a bath from the sleepers with your own hands. Internal trim of baths from sleepers

March 10. Repair and construction work, Construction Views 643. Comments To record, we build a bath from the sleepers with your own hands. Internal trim of baths from sleepers No

The owners of country houses often arise a huge desire to build on the Balcu site. After all, it will have to allocate a very small plot for the construction of the bath, while the bathhouse will always be relevant, even in the warm season. The only thing that many confuses is the complexity of the process and the cost of materials. If earlier the baths were built from the cut, then it is now easier, faster, and most importantly - economically, we build a bath from the sleeve. How to build a bath from the sleeper that you need to know and what to pay attention to?

To talk about what you need a bathhouse, we will not, but understand the choice of materials for construction - this is a priority question. Let's find out what the difference between the sleepers and the wooden log cabin, what are the advantages of these materials.

Benefits of a bath of sleepers

So better? Log or slept? The logs are an environmentally friendly material that is used for the construction of buildings, arbors, baths and other structures. For the construction of the bath with their own hands, experts recommend choosing a rounded log. The purchase of such a material will cost a decent amount, and independently diagnose the building material not for all. There is another option - easier, but not cheaper. For example, to purchase a rectangular bar, the construction of the structure does not take much time, the result will be excellent, only the cost of such a material is an order of magnitude higher than ordinary sleepers.

The most affordable building material is wooden sleepers. You're guess what kind of sleepers? They are used to build railways. So that the tree is not spoiled, the sleepers are treated with a special antiseptic solution, which is called "Creostera". The antiseptic has a strong smell and it is toxic, it is if you use new sleepers in construction. But no one will do so, because in such a bath it is impossible to steam, due to the emitted toxic vapors of the antiseptic solution, which are treated with sleepers. But if you take the same sleepers that are already written off, they served a dozen and more years, during this time all chemical and caustic substances were "given" to the air, therefore the creosote is no longer distinguished and it is not harmful.

Bath of sleepers. Photo:

Now you know which material you need to choose to build a bath. What are the advantages and disadvantages of such a building material?

About the pros and cons Read more:

  1. The relatively low cost of construction material used.
  2. Easy installation - literally in a few days if you have everything you need, you can build a bathhouse.

There are also disadvantages, it is one and very significant - if you take exhaust sleepers (the life of about 10 years and more), then most likely, when heated by the bathhouse and long-term stay in the room, the weak smell of creosote will be present. Many bath owners remember this and try not to bathe too long. Many have come and even got used to this "aroma". If the sleepers use very old (the life of about 20 years and more), then it is impossible to talk about the quality construction of the building.

What sleepers are suitable for building a bath?

If you look like this second-rate building material, then the cavity will seem that all sleepers are the same. So how to choose the sleeves to choose so that you can begin to build without feasible? Options 2: Or buy new sleepers that are not yet worked out, or buy old, age from 10 years and older. The first option is not very suitable, because the smell of the antiseptic will be brightly expressed, the second option is exactly what is needed, because the creosota will have time to milder.

Quantity. How many sleepers need to be on the bath? If it is a small room with a small sink and a parillery, then you need to order 100 pieces. But after all, at random is better not to buy building materials, but make calculations.

How to choose sleepers? It is advisable to personally catch up every sleeper with a hammer. When you hit, the sound should be deaf, it indicates that the material is strong and will endure not one ten years. Relying on the decency of the supplier is not worth it, because physically the storekeeper cannot catch up and check each sleeve. Therefore, so that there were no complaints that drunk sleepers were provided, it is better to approach this issue.

Bath from sleepers with his own hands

The decision is made, the materials are purchased, you can proceed to work. How do you need to start? Of course, choose a suitable place and lay the foundation. You can not argue about the place for a long time, it is important only to allocate the main aspects: the site should be even, dry, removed from the master's house and convenient in terms of construction.

What to choose the type of foundation? It all depends on the quality of the soil, the level of groundwater and material capabilities. It's easier and faster - build a column foundation, but if there is time and the opportunity, it is best to lay a ribbon foundation, it will last more.

As for the depth of the trench, it is enough to deepen on 50-60 cm and be sure to perform waterproofing (horizontal + vertical). Waterproofing must be laid only after grappling the foundation. It is necessary to follow this condition because there is always an increased humidity in the bath. Therefore, waterproofing should be high quality.

Tip from professionals: the concrete base of the foundation must be soaked with mastic (bituminous), and then additionally put the runner into several layers.

What else to take into account? When laying the foundation, do not forget to make a free window for draining drain. Before pouring the formwork with a solution, it is necessary to insert a pipe (the width of the pipe \u003d the width of the foundation). When the solution grabs and you will remove the formwork, it turns out a flat hole.

Stages of work:

  1. Laying the first crown is the most important thing in the construction of a bath. For this work, choose the highest quality and strength sleepers (section 20 by 20 cm). To bind a wooden bars among themselves, you need to think about how to do it right. To subsequently there were no delays in the construction of the building, at the end of the sleeper you need to pre-make cuttings, but it is only very important that the recesses are the same (for this you can make an independent special device or ask for help professionals).
  2. Getting started - from the styling of the crown. For this, the prepared rails are fed to the foundation in order to provide additional ventilation and prevent the foundation of the building with spots. Laying the crown of the first row is horizontal. To make this part of the job correctly, we recommend using the building level.
  3. The sleepers need to be combined with each other, and the resulting space between the foundation and building material must be treated with construction foam.
  4. The first row is not foundally fixed, since further it is necessary to lay a layer of thermal insulation material. Here you can choose what to purchase: moss, pass or other material that is treated (caulking). The insulation material is easy to fasten the brackets using the construction steppeller.
  5. All other rows or crowns are necessarily stacked horizontally, tightly fixing each "brick" to each other. Fasteners can be different: with metal pins or brazers. Note that the diameter of the fastener and holes in the spit (primary preparation of the building material) should be the same.
  6. Installation of each subsequent crown is similar to the previous row. It is very important to give the strength of the structure.
  7. But the last 2 crowns or rows can not be connected so reliably because they will be hidden under the roof.
  8. Windows and doors - this can be taken care of in advance during the work or after the construction of the "box." There will be a second way to be less labor, it will be necessary to cut down in certain places of the hole under the window and the doorway. Work is easier to perform with chainsaws.
  9. If you set the purpose of installing the door frame during construction, then you need to prepare a project of a bath from the sleeper. Note that the process is not easy and very laborious.
  10. The final stage of construction: the construction of the roof. For the roof you will need boards (thickness 55 cm), insulating material and slate. After building the bathhouse, the building must be left at least half a year on the shrinkage. After forced downtime, you can return to the work and immediately legish a bath. Works are performed necessarily, the seam must be smooth (use the quality insulation).
  11. In order to make the finished building completed the view, you can take a saidding bath. But on the advice of specialists it is advisable to protect against atmospheric precipitation, treat the sleepers by antiseptic material: Olifa or varnish.

Bath trim from sleeper

You can not argue about the outer finish for a long time, the choice of material is at the discretion of the owner, but about how to seize the bath from the inside, you can learn more. Traditional material for thermal insulation baths from sleepers is a wooden board. The fit must be accurate, so the length of each board is taken into account and is customized individually. Fasteners (self-tapping and nails) must be deepened so as not to be hurt. In addition, it should be borne in mind that all metal parts indoors can quickly spoil at high humidity. Based on this, we draw conclusions: to wash the bath faster, easier and safer - clapboard, by attaching the joint into the joint or grooves, so as not to use metal fasteners.

In order to make the skin, but at the same time, and insulate the walls of the bath, it is necessary to install a wooden crate (step 50 cm), to put the insulation in the resulting space, and then install the lining.

Bath of sleepers. Video

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