Installation of the bulk sex with your own hands: Step-by-step stages of the entire bulk technology technology

September 19. Repair and construction work Views 601. Comments To write the installation of a bulk sex with your own hands: step-by-step stages of the entire bulk technology technology No

The bulk floors appeared relatively recently, however, such a technology of laying outdoor coating has become one of the most popular. And it is quite well deserved. Easy styling, relatively low cost, excellent appearance, resistance to moisture and exposure to the aggressive environment - made this coating popular not only for residential, but also for industrial premises. About how to put the bulk sex with your own hands, let's tell later.

What is the bulk sex, its advantages and disadvantages

The liquid floor (it is also called liquid linoleum) is a special type of flooring, which is a liquid aqueous mixture based on polymeric materials. When frozen, it is polymerized and becomes smooth, dense and very strong coating. The resulting solid surface is characterized by excellent performance, as well as a long service life. The thickness of the bulk coating can vary from 1 to 8 mm depending on the features of the draft floor and the loads that are provided in a particular room.

The first bulk floors appeared in the 80s of the last century and were used only for industrial premises. They were mixtures based on cement with the addition of various polymers. Currently, there are several types of bulk floors based on different materials that differ not only by the composition, but also by their characteristics.

The advantages of bulk floors can be attributed:

  • Large service life.
  • Monolithic coating.
  • Resistance to abrasion.
  • Simplicity in the installation.
  • Antibacterial properties.
  • Resistance to high humidity and aggressive environments.
  • Beautiful appearance.

Modern bulk floors can be supplemented with a beautiful pattern, which will delight the eye not one decade. It is also worth noting that thanks to the bulk sex, you can align small flaws in the draft base.

The main disadvantage of such a gender can be considered its high cost.

Types of bulk floors

Basically, the types of bulk floors differ depending on the basis on which the mixture was prepared:

  • Cement-acrylic floor. This type of floor, as already understandable from its name, is made on the basis of cement. This is the easiest of species of bulk floors. Perfectly suitable for surface leveling. It is not too expensive. However, according to its aesthetic and operational characteristics, this mixture is considered the simplest, therefore it is quite rare as the finishing coating.
  • Polyurethane floors. One of the most popular types of bulk sex. Prepared on the basis of polyurethane with the addition of various dyes and decorative additives. As the latter, pieces of paint, shine, various flat figures can be applied. In addition to aesthetic beauty, the polyurethane coating is characterized by its unpretentiousness to mechanical loads, zero dust formation, and excellent strength.
  • Epoxy floors. Produced on the basis of epoxy resins. In comparison with the polyurethane, I have a greater resistance to mechanical loads, and also look more beautiful. True, there are such floors more expensive.
  • Methyl methacrylate bulk floors. One of the most expensive types of floors. It has excellent resistance, excellent operational and decorative qualities. Such a floor can be pouring even at a temperature below zero, while it froze it is much faster than others. The price of the MMA coat is quite high, so it is used for the floor of the floor with his own hands, since it requires professional skills.

Preparation of the surface for naive floors

The most appropriate base for the liquidate floor is a concrete screed. It has the necessary levels and rigidity. Other coatings are used very rarely in a pair with bulk floors. It can be pouring it on the old tile, however, it will look like it will be not very attractive. The only option will in this case will remain a cement-acrylic floor. The wooden base to the pouring of the bulk floors does not fit perfectly. Therefore, it must be lit, and pour the screed.

Basic requirements for the fill for filling the bulk gender:

  • Survey surface. If the surface has large irregularities (they can be checked by the level), then the intermediate screed should be pledged, and only then begin to the bulk sex. In the case of the presence of chosel on a relatively smooth base, they are close to the cement-sandy mixture.
  • The absence of spots of paint, oil, industrial and food fats. In the presence of the latter, they are cut, and the recess appear is climbing with mortar.
  • Protsed base. Before aligning the surface of the draft floor, as well as after, it is necessary to process to it. This is done with primer for deep penetration concrete.
  • Lack of dampness. Montage of the bulk sex with its own hands on a raw base without laying waterproofing is categorically prohibited. This is especially true of premises on the first floor. Check availability of moisture at the base can be very simple. It is necessary to take a piece of dense polyethylene with a size of 500 x 500 mm, to attach it to the surface and all edges around the perimeter should be skil. After a day, it should be separated from the surface. The presence on its surface condensate or moisture spots on the floor indicates the need to use waterproofing. A dense polyethylene is used as the latter, which is stacked by the brackets with mandatory sealing of joints.

Also before the fill, some additional events should be held:

  • Dismantling of plinths.
  • Doorway isolation.

The bulk technology and instructions for its laying involves a deformation seam device. It is necessary in order to level the expansion of walls and gender when heated or their narrowing during cooling. For a device of such a seam, a damper tape is used. It stacked around the perimeter of the room, and is removed after soaring the bulk. The resulting seam is filled with sealant.

After the end of the preparatory work, you can proceed to the fill of the bulk sex.

Step-by-step instruction on the fill of the bulk

This work does not require special skills. However, everything must be done very carefully and quickly. In order to fill the floor, it will take some tool:

  • Needle roller. It is necessary in order to remove air bubbles from poured on the base of the mixture.
  • Mixer or special mixing nozzle on a drill. Required to mix a homogeneous mixture on a water basis.
  • Rakl. This is a special tool that serves to align the filling floor layer. Something it looks like a spatula with a width of up to 40 cm with small teeth and a long handle.
  • Special needle soles. They are necessary to move along the flooded floor, without leaving traces.

Procedure for work:

  1. Almost all the bulk floors are sold in the form of dry mixes in bags from 15 to 30 kilograms. Calculate the need for materials for filling on the floor of the floor is quite simple. Basically, the consumption of the mixture for the floor with a thickness of 1 mm is 1.5 kg / m 2. Usually flooded the floor with a thickness of 5 to 10 mm.
  2. On the package from the mixture, an instruction on the installation of a bulk sex is usually written and how to make a solution for filling. We are checked only in another room. The fact is that the spray of the solution can get to the primed base floor and fall into it. Water poured into the bucket halfway and gradually add a mixture with a spatula or a small spatula, constantly stirring. The consistency of the solution must resemble Kisel. Too thick solution will quickly dry and roll badly. And too liquid will dry for a very long time, and it will not be very strong. It should not be lumps.
  3. After the solution is ready, it must be immediately used. It is impossible to keep it in the tank more than half an hour. If the solution starts to be captured, it must be thrown out.
  4. After the primer, the base of the floor should dry for at least a day before the main work.
  5. Apply the liquid floor to the base can only be placed at the plus temperature. The most optimal range of + 5 ° C ... + 25 ° C.
  6. The finished solution is desirable to apply immediately to the entire surface. However, often do it fails. In this case, the pouring is carried out by stripes. Docking bands can only be carried out after 40 minutes. After the previous party is filled. Air bubbles are removed after 10 minutes. After filling, but not later than 40 minutes. After finishing it. Then the mixture is already grabbed and the air will be difficult to remove. Move on the surface of the flooded floor during the operation of the needle roller can be only in special shoes.

Decorative decoration of the bulk

For decorative design of the bulk sex, various chips, shine, flocks are used. After chosen the main layer, decorative elements are scattered onto its surface. 10 minutes after that, the floor begins to roll over needle roller. During this procedure, decorative elements fall inside, forming a factory pattern.

After the frozen and polymerization of the floor is over, and usually takes up to 2 days (depending on the temperature and humidity in the room), several layers of varnish can be applied to the surface of the floor. Make it with brush, roller or with a spray gun.

Different drawings can be applied on bulk floors. For this use acrylic or polymer paints. A sticker of printed patterns is possible with the subsequent coating with their varnish.

Montage of bulk sex with your own hands: video

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