Stuccoing of wooden walls with their own hands

August 12. Repair and construction work Views 5145. Comments to record wooden wall plaster with their own hands No

As you know, wood acquires its durability due to additional processing of chemical compositions. But as a result, the consumer receives material with dubious environmentally friendly, then the second version of the protection is used - the creation of the surface layer.

Therefore, after the construction of the house, plastering of wooden walls is carried out, the whole process will be considered further in the article.

The need for an additional layer


Plaster protects the wooden bar from the appearance of rot and mold, serves as an obstacle for rodents and termites. In addition, it does not allow wood to dismiss, respectively, there are many slots, through which dampness and cold passes into the house. Plastering the walls inside and outside, the first works are protective in nature, and the second serve as a stage of completion of the situation in the room.

The beginning of the work may fall at various times, depending on the type of construction of the house. In the case of shield or frame wooden walls, finishing works can be immediately started. But if the design consists of logs, the plaster of the walls of a wooden house is carried out only after its shrinkage, more precisely - after 1.5 years. An important condition is the functioning of ventilation and heating systems to ensure the necessary process parameters.

Material for work

Olympus Digital Camera.

4 types of solution can be used to work with wooden surfaces, depending on the base used, the mixtures are distinguished:

  • cement;
  • lime;
  • gypsum;
  • clay.

The optimal option is to finish with clay solution, due to natural components, it turns out an environmentally friendly coating with unique properties. The plaster of wooden clay walls does not require much costs, because all components can be assembled independently on the site. But in the work this material is whimsical, so it is necessary to clearly follow the recommendations of specialists.

When preparing a solution, except clay use the following components:

  • water;
  • sand;
  • sawdust or other fibers;
  • horse dung.

The last element increases the plastic properties of the solution and the thermal insulation characteristics of the finished layer. Therefore, the proportions of all components are selected depending on the posted requirements for plaster. For example, if the plaster of wooden clay walls is carried out outside the house, then only fibers are used - the result is warm and durable. With the introduction of sand into the solution, its plasticity decreases, and the thermal conductivity increases. When finishing, both outer and inland walls are used by the clay-sand mixture.

In everyday life, the plaster of wooden walls is performed with their own hands with a lime-gypsum solution, because the clay is quite good and the result is not always perfect. The outer walls in the action of the scorching sun can crack that lead to all efforts to zero. And the lime in combination with the plaster gives a practical and durable coating of a wooden structure. For its preparation, an ordinary lime solution is taken and plaster introduced, in proportions 4: 1, respectively. For the convenience of work to a small amount of mixture in a separate container, plaster are added due to the rate of setting the material.

For plastering of wooden walls inside the house, experts recommend using plaster as the basis. Modern methods of application and input of color pigments give a decorative effect of surfaces, and the gypsum base contributes to the receipt of good performance.

Process in stages


When working with wooden surfaces, the preparatory stage is important, the quality of the clutch of plaster with the base depends on it. The wall should have roughness, during their absence independently make cuts and notches. It is also important to clean the surfaces from fatty contaminants, for example, oils and bitumen.

Application technology and the number of layers of plaster depends on the type of room and the requirements for the finally. In nozpostroy, absolutely smooth walls are not required, so one layer of soil and spray is enough to design. In residential rooms, several layers of soil and spray are required, which subsequently cover the finishing formation of high-quality plaster.
The whole process of plastering wooden walls is carried out in 7 stages:

  • elimination of cracks;
  • basics;
  • installing beacons;
  • spray wall;
  • primer;
  • covering the finish layer;
  • grout.

When finishing the outer walls from the logs, it is worth eliminating large slots using a pacular or minvati. Sometimes large holes between the logs are closed with rails - it saves the solution and improves the insulating properties of the plaster layer.


Next, the walls are fixed on the walls from dranco, that is, thin wooden planks. The grid is the intersecting strips in two layers attached to the wall. Each strip is started to navigate from the floor at an angle of 45̊, the distance between the planks is 45 mm. For fastening, nails are used, it is important to fix the duch at the ends and crossed elements. An important point remains an additional distance of 3 mm between the straps, which is left due to the expansion coefficient during swelling. Using a dry duncar assumes its wetting in the locations of nails to prevent wood cracking.

When working in wet premises, the walls are waterproofing, for example, the rubberoid is stuffed in shower. If you need to apply plaster in the joints of the wooden wall with constructions from concrete or stone, the metal grid is pre-nailed.

After the construction of the base from the dunca, lighthouses are exposed to obtain a smooth surface in the end. For this, nails are stuffed along the edges of the wall and stretch the fishing line between them. The thickness of the plaster is calculated from the second layer of drank and, as a rule, is 15-20 mm. With the help of the construction level, check the stretched fishing line, only then the process starts.

Spray is the applying of the selected solution, only liquid consistency. To improve the properties of the solution in the spray, PVA is administered (10 liters are 200 g of glue). From the tool, they use culma or trowel, the solution is thrown into the walls with a thickness of about 10 mm. Such a layer of the applied solution is enough to hide all irregularities. Work begins with the top section of the wall - so the solution at the bottom of the wall is not overtaken by flowing water.

With the help of the next layer - the primer is a thorough alignment of the surface, it is applied to the dried spray. Application thickness should be no more than 7 mm.

The finishing coating gives the perfect smoothness, therefore wears a more decorative nature. For a qualitative result, the solution is filled with a mesh with cells 1.5x1.5 mm. Additionally, dyes can enter the solution that give a positive effect.


For the grout use elaborate grids, it is carried out after drying plaster. But the work should be done no earlier than in 4 days. During this time, the normal drying of the applied layers is achieved, the adoption of additional measures on the drying of the finish is unacceptable. When using a construction dryer, strong cracks may appear, which will deteriorate not only the appearance, but also the functional properties of plaster.

After the work, lighthouses can be pulled out from the wall. Spring or autumn is considered to be optimal for plaster works, as high, and low temperatures can negatively affect the result.

In addition to the article, you can view the video guide, which shows the process of applying plaster on wooden walls.

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