Brick foundation do it yourself

April 30. Foundation Views 1368. Comments to record brick foundation with your own hands No

Not so rarely brick is used as the basis for creating a foundation. With the help of this building material, reliable and durable structures are created. Despite this, there are a number of features of a brick foundation that you need to know before starting work. In order not to spend extra money at expert advice, it is enough to know about the features of the construction of a brick foundation directly in this article.

Features of the use of bricks for the construction of the foundation

It is most important to understand that the brick can be the basis of not all buildings. Indeed, this material has impressive rigidity, but it is not the highest strength, as well as low efficiency to combat moisture and low temperature indicators to negative sides of bricks. Thus, the brick foundation is best suited for the construction of a small country house, or a large garage or small arbors.

In addition, it is very important to analyze the soil on the basis of which the structure will be erected. In this case, the basis is best suited for solid dry soil, which has no tendency to begged. Otherwise, the problems with the integrity of the erected house can begin immediately after the construction.

If it is established that the soil on a particular site does not meet the requirements, then it is best to abandon the brick foundation, since the consequences may be too serious.


Brick varieties for foundation and preparatory work

Obviously, the foundation is most often used by a brick, which has previously been used in construction work. Often this is the material that is activated after the analysis of any building. It should be noted that in such conditions the brick can be damaged to one degree or another. Thus, when creating a foundation, you need to monitor the quality of the material, otherwise the foundation may not be high-quality enough.

Use to create a hole-based or decorative brick building is impossible. At the same time, the most ideal option is considered a red brick, which is not only resistant to moisture, but also differs in phenomenal durability.

Silicate brick, unfortunately, is not so universal. Despite the fact that it can withstand enormous loads, under the influence of moisture, silicate brick begins to rapidly collapse. In our area, the soil has sufficient humidity, so that it adversely affects the integrity of the foundation of the house.

After selecting materials, preparatory work begins. In our case, it will be necessary to break the trench around the perimeter of the future building.


Creating a ribbon foundation

Practice shows that the tape type of foundation is the most popular and practical.

After we broke the trench, it will be necessary to create a sand pillow based on it, as well as high qualityly to take it.

After that, we need waterproofing (film, rolled, liquid), based on a concrete sole. The sole itself is just a thin layer (up to 100 mm) of a material that will be the basis for a brick design.

Next, laying bricks. It is important to note that in this case there is no reinforcement. Moreover, experts advise to use as little cement as possible, otherwise the foundation will not be durable enough.

As a reinforcement of the foundation, it is best to use steel rods or a metal grid. It is important to note the fact that all components of reinforcements should be carefully hidden under cement mortar. Otherwise, the metal will start rust and gradually come into full disrepair.

The dimensions of the main part of the foundation depend on the overall scale of construction.


Construction of a column foundation

The process of creating a column foundation begins with digging holes under the poles. In our case, this deepening 1x1 m. Of course, it is impossible to say anything concrete, since its choice depends on the same scale of construction.

After that, the bottom of the deepening falls asleep with a small layer of sand (sand pillow).

After the end of the sand, the foundation cooker is created, which should be perfectly canopy. In order not to guess with this point, you need to use the construction level.

Ruberoid must be used as waterproofing this layer. With it, if everything is done with a qualitatively, nor a single drop will pass on the most insulation.

Next, the main brick layer of the foundation is created. It must have the greatest height in relation to other elements of the foundation. As in the case of a belt foundation, we need to reinforce the layers of brickwork. Similarly, the use of cement is needed to minimize.


10-20 cm is the optimal height of the brick column being created above the ground level. After the main construction works, the brick must be placed, as well as apply hot bitumen on it. Also for each pillar you need to lay a runneroid. After that, it is possible to continue construction work, which will be concerned not to the foundation, but specifically the basis of the design of the future building.

Many specialists note that a column foundation must immediately set a serious load, since without this he will start to lose its properties under the action of changes in the soil. We are talking about the changes that occur during the period of different seasons. For example, if the creation of the foundation occurred in the spring, the construction of the main part of the building is best to spend at the same time of the year. Already at the beginning of the summer period, deformations of the soil can begin, from which the foundation immediately and suffers.

If you know that the construction of the structure can delay in long months or even years, it is worth choosing some other kind of foundation, for example, the belt, which was said a little earlier.

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