Handstocks made of drywall do it yourself

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Plasterboard partitions are economical and easy to divide the room and change the interior. This construction will help to avoid a long, time-consuming and costly repair process. At the same time, the quality indicator of partitions from plasterboard is not inferior to capital walls.


Advantages of structures

Decorative partitions from drywall have a number of advantages. Consider them in more detail:

  1. The material has a small weight.
  2. Installation procedure does not require much time.
  3. The device of plasterboard partitions has a smooth surface that can be the basis for any finish.
  4. Material has sound insulation qualities and resistant to fire.
  5. In partitions, you can install the necessary communications.



  1. Conventional type drywall is not distinguished by special characteristics. Designed for use in rooms in which the humidity indicator does not exceed 70%. It may be a living room, an entrance hall or a bedroom.
  2. Moisture-resistant material is used in high humidity zones. This is a bathroom, a bath or sauna.
  3. Plasterboard with light resistant to fire. Such ability, the material is emphasized in its composition special substances, thanks to which partitions will be able to withstand a high temperature. The scope of such a frame of partitions from drywall is a room with an increased likelihood of fire.
  4. Plasterboard, which has at the same time moisture-resistant and fire-resistant qualities. This type of material has two properties, which increases its functional indicators.

Plasterboard partitions Photo:


Materials for installation

Installation is carried out with the help of six profiles varieties, three of which are guides and three rack. Products are different in width:

  1. This rack profile indicator CW-50 and the UW-50 guide type is 50 mm. Such products are used when installing partitions with a thickness of 75 mm with a single-layer trim, as well as 100 mm when wearing two layers. This type of profiles are not recommended for the premises whose height exceeds 2.2 m. Also these profiles can be used when mounting the shelves or decorative partitions.
  2. The width of the UW-75 guide type profiles and the CW-75 rack type is 75 mm. The use of products of this group is the most optimal choice for installation. Partitions, for the construction of which products were used, even having one layer of covering with plasterboard material, are characterized by good strength.
  3. Partitions with a maximum strength indicator are mounted using the CW-100 racking profile and the UW-100 guide, the width of which is 100 mm. In addition to the strength, partitions, made using these profiles, make it possible to place a large number of communications. The use of products of this group is advisable in cases where high requirements of strength are presented to the partition.


Perform markup and installation

Installation of plasterboard partitions begins with marking. The most convenient option is to pre-apply markup on the surface of the floor, and then its projection on the ceiling. The presence of the drawing will greatly facilitate the process. In this case, it should be transferred to the sizes to the floor and by means of a painting cord, repel. In the absence of drawing, the design direction should be determined by its own. Usually the location of the future partition is perpendicular or parallel to the wall.

With parallel placement of the partition, the necessary actions are concluded in the transfer of the identical distance from the wall and conducting the line. In the case of perpendicular placement, there are several ways to perform markup. Consider in detail each:

  1. The essence of the first method is to use the coal. This option is applicable if we are talking about the installation of a small partition. For large designs, this method is not suitable.
  2. According to the second method, it is necessary to put on the floor of the plasterboard sheet. Further, one of the sides of the sheet is resting into the wall, and on the second to designate the line, pre-attaching the level. This method will allow the partition markup in 3-4 m long.
  3. The third option makes it possible to measure an angle equal to 90 degrees. With the aspect ratio of the triangle 3, 4, 5, the angle between the positions 3 and 4 will be equal to this indicator.


Consider an example. Suppose it is necessary to make a marking of the partition, the length of which is 10 m, while the angle of adjoining the wall is direct. Then the actions will be performed in such a sequence:

  1. From the junction point along the walls should be measured 3 m.
  2. Next, from the initial position from the wall, you need to measure 4 m and carry out a part of the circle.
  3. After that, in the place where 3 m was measured and on the initial position, you need to put a roulette, measure 5 m and spend another part of the circle.
  4. A place where two circles will cross, will help determine the direction of the partition.
  5. Then, using a painting cord through the initial position and the intersection point, we determine the line.
  6. After completing the markup process on the floor, we transfer it to the ceiling. You can perform this by means of a plumb, but if it is not available, you can apply another method. The guide type profile to nail to the floor, after that cut the rack profile, respectively, the height of the room and paste it on one side of the guide element. Using the level, you need to set the rack profile vertically, taking a point on the ceiling.
  7. Then it is necessary to produce a similar procedure on the other side of the guide element. Thus, we get two points that need to connect the line. According to this line, you should navigate the upward UW profile.
  8. Next to the upper and lower guide element you need to insert side profiles, which should then be knit to the surface of the walls.
  9. In the next step, set the rack profiles. For this, after a preliminary measurement of the height, you need to cut and start the desired product in the guide element. Fixation We perform by screws in the upper and lower part.

During the installation of rack profiles, the direction of the shelves should be taken into account. Before starting the installation, it is necessary to determine which side the partition and the sequence of plasterboard sheets will be sevented. Since the first sheet when installing should be fixed to the profile of a rigid side of the edge, and the next is screwed to the remaining part.

Features of the doorway for the door

Working out the project, how to make a plasterboard partition to be thought out of the design of the doorway. It is important to appropriately mount the frame design and put the sheets there. With illiterate execution of these actions at the sheets of sheets, cracks may form. This can be prepeded by amplifying rack profiles:

  1. Inside the profile, it is necessary to insert a bar. Its presence in addition to the gain function will make the installation procedure much easier.
  2. In the absence of timber, the strengthening process can be carried out using additional rack profiles that should be installed on each side of the opening.

It is also worth paying attention to the layout of the sheets. It is impossible to place entire sheets on the sides of the opening, and on top to make an insert from a separate fragment of the material. This will lead to the appearance of vertical cracks above the door. So that this does not happen, the location of the seam between the sheets should have a distance of at least 200 mm from the side. In addition, in the process of carrying out the backside, the coincidence of the seams from both sides should be avoided.

Sequence of location of sheets

  1. First you need to measure the distance from the floor to the ceiling, then cut and prepare the sheets of the appropriate size.
  2. In the next, they must be fastened with each other along the whole side.
  3. The opposite direction is wearing the same way. But if the rack profiles are exhibited in 40 cm pages or 60 cm, the sheets must be shifted at the same distance.

Important! Sometimes there are cases when the partition is made of plasterboard with their hands for more than the sheets size. In this situation, you should first mount the whole pieces of material after them - missing. In this case, it is necessary to install a jumper on the transverse seams. For this purpose, suitable cutting profile, as well as CD-60 profile, the value of which is lower than the cost of partition elements. On the other side also need to shift sheets relative pitch racks.

Installation of jumpers should be carried out as follows:

  • profiles should be bolted one portion to a sheet, after which during the installation of the second fragment to attach jumper already secured thereto;
  • when mounting the two-layer plating, the second layer must be displaced relative to the first. Such an arrangement will eliminate the need for complete screwing sheets priority layer, they can grab screws slightly;
  • a second layer sheets also need to fasten with screws, with a frequency step of 20 cm;
  • transverse seams form the second layer should be connected. This can be done by gluing. Through the leaf seam must cause a small layer of adhesive and attached to the first layer;
  • and for this there is another way. Layer is screwed from inside priority profile in the intended location of the next sheet. If you plan to hang on the partition heavy equipment can be carried out measures aimed at strengthening the structure. Along the length of the rack to be inserted inside the profile beam.


Sound insulation measures

To give the wall good sound insulation properties, you must perform these steps:

  1. Type guide profiles should be separated from the base by means of tapes having sound insulating properties.
  2. Also, there is another option - packing of mineral wool, which has sufficient insulation characteristics.
  3. Laying must be carried out after plating the one hand between the body profiles. Thus it is necessary to choose the right thickness of wool. It should not be a shortage of material, but also shrink wool should not.



With the help of sheets of drywall partitions can be done by doing so, re-planning, which does not require significant financial investment and time. Quality Drywall is not inferior to the walls of a capital nature. Also, these partitions are suitable for any type of finish. And the installation process is different available technologies.
How to make a plasterboard partition on video shown below:

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