How to careen logs

January 24. Construction Views 2331. Comments to record how to careen logged No

The most effective way of insulation of log houses is to lay the heat-insulating material in the corners and interventic seams of the cut. This process got the name of the cauldium. About the better to pure a log house, and will be discussed in this article.



Materials for work

For maximum insulation, the cutting of the church is carried out twice:

  • immediately after assembling at home;
  • after about a year when a shrinkage of the structure occurs.

Moreover, thermal insulation works are carried out not only outside the house, but also inside. In the process of cauldation, the probability of a 6-7 cm lift should be taken into account. Therefore, it is always recommended to be carried out before mounting the finishing coating.

The main materials for cauldium are:

  • jute;
  • linovatin.

The first material is in great demand. Jute is a natural material. It is characterized by excellent strength, excellent spinning qualities and reduced hygroscopicity. If there is air humidity in 80%, the jute still remains dry. It absorbs only about 20% moisture.


Fleeting is a ribbon. It is created from waste generated during the production of flax. Fliminatine is a small linen dust connected to short fibrous components. Unlike jute, this thermal insulation material has greater rigidity and elasticity and a slightly smaller density.

Main technologies and requirements

There are two technology insulation cutters:

  • corps "Varcomk";
  • core "in the set".

The first method is used in the presence of small and narrow grooves between the logs, the second - when embeding wide gaps. Corps "Varcomk" provides for the creation of a strand, which is applied to the joint and stacked in it with a special blade (it is called "cacopat"). The caulking "in the set" is carried out by peeling in the tangle strands of the insulation. From the club are created loops, which are squeezed into the joints between the crowns.

Regardless of what way it can be caught a log house, first should be sealing and pressing the insulation in the gap. This work is carried out with the help of hammer and cavinc. The heat-insulating material is contemplating in the direction from top to bottom. This is how the roller is created from the insulation. It is moving into a slot between the logs.


In case of cauldron, the cuts should comply with such requirements:

  • start working from the lower row of all walls;
  • the insulation of the subsequent row begins after complete laying of the previous one.

The alternate caulking of the walls can lead to a deflection of the structure from the initial form. The pressure rendered on the walls often becomes the cause of raising logs.

Nuances of the implementation of two stages of corps

The first cauldium provides for the creation of a minimum seal of the gaps. Most of all it concerns those places where decent gaps exist. They may be a consequence of the fact that the logs did not fully fell into place. In this case, the thermal insulation material is simply converted without subsequent pressing into the junction between the logs. Only after complete shrinkage of the cut can be made of tight styling of the insulation.

When the walls of the wooden house are causing closer attention to insulation:

  • upper crowns;
  • corners;
  • ends.


The core of the upper crowns of the church involves the presence of a lumen of a certain size. It will disappear after a while when there is a shrinkage of logs. True, sometimes this process can delay for several years.

Often when laying the heat-insulating material, problems arise in the corners. The insulation does not come out of the bowls from the side of the logs, and stacked for their ends. In this case, before meat, it is necessary to put additional strip of material in the slot.

The weakest part of the church are ends. This is due to the presence of carved bowls. The end part is cautious very neatly, without applying excessive efforts.

In the process of the cutting of the cut, one important rule should be guided by one important rule. It consists in the following: gradually moving upwards, the degree of sealing the insulation decreases. In the last three grooves, the thermal insulation material is simply addicted.

The main task of the cutting of the cut in the second stage is the final pushing the insulation in the slot between the logs. Thus, the place is exempt for the finish coating. Work is carried out using the same heat-insulating material and on the same technology. Corps again begins with the lower logs. Passing around the perimeter of the house is also a mandatory attribute when working.


The reinstantry of the log is carried out depending on the type of insulation, which can be presented:

  • in the form of a strip;
  • in the form of a rope.

When the material is used in the form of a strip, it is stretched along the entire gap. The center of the strip must match the maximum size of the gap. She caulk is clogged into the gap. The strip must be in half. With the correct implementation of this work, the strip must act on the log surface. It turns around and is finally clogged into a groove groove.

When the thermal insulation material is stacked in the form of a rope, it simply places the slit and clogs inside with the help of a cacopa. In this case, you can lay the insulation in several layers. The main thing - the material is stacked in such a way that it cannot get a sparrows or other birds from the gap.

The process of cutting the cut can be seen on this video:

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