Ventilation in the basement do it yourself

November 30. Useful advice Views 1776. Comments to record ventilation in the basement do it yourself No

It is no secret that the comfort of living in a private house, as well as the durability of its design, is largely determined by the microclimate of the basement. If it does not have the necessary air exchange, the appearance of dampness, fungi and mold does not avoid. Adjust the moisture mode, adjusting the ventilation in the basement on its own, is not too difficult - for this you need an understanding, according to which principle it is carried out.

Features of ventilation improvement in the basement

The basement of a private house can perform various functions - first of all, the cellar for storing home supplies. If the area allows, under the building you can equip various rooms - for example, laundry, garage, boiler room, etc.

It is worth noting that in order to preserve vegetables, suitable conditions are required - the air temperature is optimal for this is about 5 ° C and relative air humidity up to 90%. In the closed place of the cellar, the air quickly becomes a sharp and wet, while the savings of the harvest quickly flies. If there is too intense air exchange, root root dries. Provide clean air in the basement, as well as the optimal moisture mode is quite realistic with the help of competently thought-out ventilation. The temperature and humidity of the air in the basement can be measured using a psychoometer.

After performing measurements, you can make appropriate conclusions, taking into account the following recommendations:

  • in the case where the air temperature in the basement in the cold season falls below the mark + 2 ° C, it will be necessary to perform work on its insulation;
  • if there is a temperature in the cellar above + 4 ° C, it is required to lower it, equipping the ventilation system and isolating the room from heat sources;
  • if there is a slightly elevated level of humidity, this problem is easy to adjust with ventilation, in the case of a raw basement with a condensate accumulation on surfaces, it will also be necessary to equip high-quality waterproofing;
  • the quality of the air exchange can be determined without the use of any devices - if the air is shaded, it means that the ventilation system does not cope or is absent, if there are drafts, the air exchange is also not perfect. In both cases, it will be necessary to equip a high-quality ventilation system in the basement.

In fact, the ventilation system is a complex system of holes, pipes or mines by which air circulation in the building is carried out. The most convenient and appropriate is the organization of ventilation in the basement of the private house in the construction process.

Natural ventilation

At the ground level, the construction, as a rule, usually provide special inventories, which provide unhindered air circulation inside the basement. In the warm season, they are open, for the winter they are tightly closed in order to avoid the admission of the basement. Such technological holes should be covered with a small metal mesh in order to avoid penetration into the basement of rodents and insects. This method of ventilation does not require special costs and is quite functional for a small basement.

If there is a basement of a significant area, with a height of ceilings 2 meters or more, it is necessary to equip the supply and exhaust ventilation system. For this, you will need to start two pipes there - through one of them, the exhaust air will be output from the basement outward, the second will provide the influx of fresh air from the street. The principle of action of such a ventilation system in the basement is based on the difference of temperatures indoors and on the street.


In general, natural ventilation functions under the influence of the complex of the following factors:

  • pressure drops - depending on the depth of the basement, as well as the height of the construction. One of the pipes of the supply and exhaust ventilation system is removed above the roof, and the other is lowered by the lower end almost at the floor level of the basement;
  • the presence of wind and movement of air masses;
  • the temperature differences outside the building and in the basement (the optimal difference is 15-16 ° C).

The advantages of the adjustment of the supply and exhaust ventilation should include its autonomy (energy resources will not need for the functioning of such a system), as well as simplicity and efficiency at low cost of arrangement. Having studied the information how to properly make ventilation in the basement, these works are quite realistic to do it yourself. Natural ventilation is compatible with any other ventilation systems of the building. If necessary, you can always add any systems of artificial air intake. As deficiencies of natural ventilation, it is worth mentioning that it is not always able to provide the necessary intensity of the air exchange, and in the same winter can cause significant heat losses in the room.

Forced ventilation

To ensure high-quality air exchange in the basement of significant dimensions, there may be not enough natural ventilation - especially in cases where it is divided by partitions and includes several rooms. If people stay in them for quite a long time, it will be necessary to ensure suitable conditions for them, including the presence of fresh, clean air. In case the basement occupies a significant area (more than 40-50 m 2) It is worth considering the capacity of a system of a more efficient air exchange in the form of a combined ventilation system.

To do this, it will be necessary to improve the supply and exhaust ventilation scheme, equipping it with a fan installed in the exhaust pipe. The combined scheme is successfully used, if necessary, fast ventilation and drying of the basement. In the period when natural ventilation is ineffective, with open dampers in the pipes, the electric fan will help to establish the optimal air exchange. In hot summer days, in this way it is easy to get rid of high humidity in the basement. In the premises of significant sizes, it makes sense to install fans in both air ducts - trim and exhaust. It is worth considering that the functioning of a similar system may require significant costs of electricity.


Automated ventilation system

In the presence of high-quality ventilation, you can most effectively apply the useful base of the basement, having equipped the workshop in it, gym, etc. For the arrangement, for example, the wine cellar will need to configure a specific microclimate in it with specified parameters of temperature and humidity. Save the stability of these indicators with the installation of special climatic equipment. To do this, it will be necessary to develop technical requirements - respectively, the area of \u200b\u200bthe basement is to calculate the power of the equipment, as well as the planned power load. To further complete the thoughtful and competent installation, it is necessary to comprehensively explore the question. The execution of these works is recommended to entrust highly qualified professionals.

How to equip ventilation in the basement with your own hands

If you are interested in the question of how to make ventilation in the basement, it is worth take into account the following information. Ideally, planning the ventilation device in the basement follows in the construction phase, taking into account the volume of the basement and the bandwidth of the ventilation channels.


First, you will need to draw a system of ventilation system in the basement. The exhaust and supply pipe should be placed in opposite corners of the room. Galvanized, asbestos or vinyl pipes, as well as stainless steel, can serve as air ducts. Steel pipes are characterized by a high enough price, galvanized ducts will be cheaper. For premises area up to 8 m 2 suitable pipe with a diameter of 120 mm. A two pipes are used as a budget option for ventilation in the basement - the supply and exhaust diameter of about 120-150 mm.


To improve ventilation in the basement, you must perform the following steps:

  • the exhaust pipe, through which the stagnant air is output, is set vertically along the angle of the room. Its bottom hole should be placed at the top - at the ceiling. This air channel passes up through the room located above the basement and excreted on the roof. It is required that the exhaust pipe takes over the skate - at a height of about 0.5 m;
  • at the bottom of the exhaust pipe, it is worth providing a kippler with a crane for condensate condensate, the top of it must be equipped with a cap-deflector;
  • the supply tube on which clean air will flow, it is necessary to install in the opposite corner relative to the placement of the exhaust air duct. The lower end of this pipe should be placed at a level of 0.3-0.5 m on the floor of the basement, the upper will be removed from the building to the outside (at a height of about 0.8-1.2 m above the ground level);
  • to secure the basement from the penetration of rodents and insects, it is necessary to cover the upper hole of the supply channel with a finely metal mesh or with a grid;
  • in order to regulate the flow of incoming and dischargeable air in both pipes, special dampers should be installed. If there is a significant temperature difference indoor and outside the building, in order to avoid the admission of the basement under the action of drafts they will need to be covered.

To minimize inside the exhaust air duct, the accumulation of condensate, as well as in the winter, apply the following reception - it is equipped according to the principle of sandwich from two pipes of various diameters embedded in one to another. At the same time, the gap between them will be required to fill the insulation layer (for example, mineral wool). Otherwise, it will be necessary to insulate the protruding part of the pipe. Check the effectiveness of the functioning of the ventilation system is easy - for this you should bring the paper sheet to the air duct. Under the action of the air flow, it will break slightly. Watch the movement of smoke in the basement can be placed on the floor of the room hot coals on the stand.

If there are damp, the appearance of condensate on the walls and the ceiling can be concluded that the existing ventilation system is not effective enough. In this case, you should try to establish the optimal air exchange, adjusting the gate, as well as adjusting the exhaust pipe to enhance the thrust. If these measures are not enough, it should be equipped with an exhaust air duct fan - you will need to choose a power device within 100 watts. With its help, the exhaust air is transported from the basement to the outside, and the air flow from the street arrives at its inlet pipe.

Ventilation in the basement - Photo





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