How to make a braided fence do it yourself

March 4. Plot. Views 5767. Comments to record how to make a braided fence with your own hands No

Any country dacha owner dreams to make the territory unique and unique. One of the new design solutions is the creation of a garden fence. The presence of a wicker design will be the key to the original design of the entire site.

The main types of fences

Wicker fence for giving can be built from the boards or vines of various plants. Among the advantages of such a design should be allocated:

  • ease of construction;
  • low cost;
  • absolute environmental friendliness.


Depending on the size of the braided fence in the photo and in reality is conditionally divided into three groups:

  • low (up to 1 m);
  • medium (1-1.2 m);
  • high (over 1.2 m).

Low fences are used as an additional element in the design of the country territory. They can fencing flower beds and flower beds. They are designed to denote certain boundaries. Usually such fences are easily removed and rearranged to another area.

Material fences in most cases use when the site must be divided into several zones. The installation of high fences is carried out with the fence of the entire country area.

Board fence device

Braided fence from the boards is designed to improve the decorative properties of a country territory. Stoped products are used. For this reason, close attention should be paid attention to the preparation of boards. First, blanks are made. With the help of the kitchen, it is placed on the cutting line board. The process of cutting is better to carry out chainsaw.

The upper layer was treated wooden blanks electric plane. And the board "trimmed" from both sides. After removing the layers of wood boards are handled grinding machine. This process is carried out in two passes. First a rough abrasive tape, and then a fine finishing material.

After obtaining perfectly smooth boards can use the milling cutter with the respective nozzles. Creating patterns mill produced on the front side of the fence of the future.

Before embarking on such a process, how to make a woven fence, you must mark the site. Necessarily considered pitch width between the pillars. Usually it is within three meters. In the presence of thin supports the step size should be reduced to 2.5 m.


Due to the fact that the woven structure is characterized by a large sail, it is recommended to strengthen the supporting pillars concrete mix. There are two options for the device under the carrying concrete foundation pillars:

  • monolithic coating tape;
  • individual tables.

To make the braided fence maximum stability:

  • trench depth should be in the range of 60-70 cm;
  • supporting columns must have the appropriate length for holding crosspieces.

The best option for the pillars serve square tube section of 10 * 10 cm, for crossbeams - 2.5 * 1.5 cm.

The lower part of the braided fence must be arranged at a distance greater than 15 cm from the ground. At the bottom is screwed stopper:

  • corner (during the installation of metal poles);
  • rack (when mounted wooden supports).

Create your own hands woven fence made of boards provides a preset number of rather narrow boards in the spans. They will build all the fence. Boards are securely fixed with screws.

In carrying out weaving vertical, the first two boards are mounted in a strictly horizontal position. Weaving process starts from one of the support pillars. The shape of the fence is created due to the tension of flexible boards.


The final stage of the braided fence device boards is intake staining. The best solution - a decoration of the fence in natural shades. Brown created using conventional stains. If you want something colorful, you should use a color varnish.

It will look very impressive fence, lined with brick inlays of woven boards. In addition, you can oblitsevat and building elements that are made of natural wood. This design solution will give the whole area of \u200b\u200bthe house a unique style.

Original fencing from the vine

There is another way to make its original country area. This is the creation of a wicker fence from the vine of plants. Especially popular is the design of willow. All varieties of the plant are suitable for the construction of the fence. The exception is only rocked and vehicle.

The construction of wicker fences from Willow assumes the harvesting of rods and stakes to carry out early spring (before the release of the juice plant) or in autumn days. Rods must be characterized by a certain size. The best is the material in which the length is 1.5-1.6 m, and the thickness is 2-3 cm. The thickness of the rod directly depends on the size of the fence. The workpiece is made using a sharp knife. Him rods are cut off the formation and subsequently dried.


Before the direct installation of the rods, it is necessary to engage the stakes. They serve as carrier pillars. Usually for these purposes, wood coniferous trees are used. The length of the stakes should be up to 2 m, and the diameter is 6-7 cm. The cavity ends are made with sharp and exposed to bitumen or firing. It is thus prevented by their rotting in the ground.

The maximum operational period of fence from Willow is achieved by using iron stakes. They are attached to the wooden pillars. The clogging of stakes in the soil is carried out so that the height of the pillar above the ground is about 1.5 m. The step of installation of stakes is in the range of 40-50 cm. The distance between the support columns depends on the thickness of the pruhnas (than they are thicker, the greater step).

Before proceeding with weaving pre-harvested rods, they should be cleaned from the bark. For this purpose, the rods are put into water with thick ends. For cleaning, a special device is used, which is called a cheel and is two rods made of steel. Before stretching through the undershole, the guards are subjected to heat steam processing.

Weaving fence from Willow is made in one of two ways:

  • vertical;
  • or horizontal.

With a vertical method of weaving, it is necessary to fix between the stakes of the coarse from thick branches of the tree. It is usually enough 3-4 rows. Horizontal fencing weaving does not require the existence of across.

The principle of joining the rods with the necklaces is next. Thick ends of the rods are triggered behind stakes, and they are wrapped with flexible ends around the subsequent rods. In fact, it is necessary to create "eight".

The ends of the rod are connected using wire. In fact, each subsequent rod is a continuation of the already laid rod. Sealing rows of rods occurs with the help of a queen. All rods ends should be directed inside the fence.


A rather original design is fences made from the living Crenkov Willow. Cutting cuttings is carried out in front of the landing. Seating of shoots, tightly tightly tested, occurs:

  • at a distance of 0.2 m from each other;
  • to a depth of 0.3 m.

The creation of the most reliable structures is carried out by landing two rows of plantings, complemented by more cuttings. Two rows of shoots are placed in increments of 0.4-0.5 m. It is additionally planted with cuttings at a distance of 0.1 m.

There is such a sequence of seducing these shoots:

  • the first couple of cuttings is located at an angle of 55-65º;
  • single escape is situated;
  • the connection of single escape with the first pair, etc.

The binding of cheap plantations occurs to the fastening elements that are placed horizontally. Care for alive shoots will provide:

  • cutting cuttings;
  • replacement of extinct plants;
  • watering escapes.

Video to create a wicker fence:


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